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New Revenant player


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well, there's 3 ways to play rev effectively.


There's condi renegade (you can find the build on the snowcrows site). As with most condition builds, it's not optimal for quick 5 man content (because of the ramp up time for condis and the lack of burst), it's still not terrible for fractals though, as you can give your party some extra ferocity. This renegade build is "meta" for some raids and generally for longer fights though. You will be put in a subgroup with weavers/holos so they can get the ferocity buff.


It's possible to play healing rev in fractals and raids, it provides a lot of healing and alacrity, but it's rarely wanted over druid as druid brings better offensive support.


Power herald (or renegade) can be good for completely disorganized pug fractal runs, as you have access to many tools that can help inexperienced groups, but the damage is subpar compared to some of the other power builds out there. You do bring good cc, some boons, "versatility" (the possibility to e.g. swap to ventari for projectile blocks, mallyx for condi cleanses and so on with only one click) and the rotation is extremely easy so there's that at least.


For open world pve, rev is great (mostly as power herald) because you can stack 25 might and perma fury on yourself without even really trying, which means your "solo dps" will be very good.


In general, for competitive/experienced groups, power rev/herald/renegade is a no-go, as the highest dps power rev build (which still has relatively low dps) has virtually no burst and you're forced to use upkeep skills, meaning that using any other skill that requires energy (like ccs and such) can "screw up" your rotation.


EDIT: For pvp, the only build that's truly viable atm is power herald (which should be on metabattle I think). For wvw, rev is amazingly strong, mostly you will be playing various types of hammer rev, the builds are also on metabattle I believe.

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