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Did something change to Arcane Thievery?


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Did ANet do something?


Last night, I did some Unranked messing around with Mirage and seeing if the old "lockdown" playstyle might be viable. After a couple of matches it appears that AT seemed much more reliable?


You still needed to be in "line of sight". I noticed a couple times if the target would go behind a column during the cast, it would miss. But if there was "line of sight", I didn't necessarily have to be "**directly facing**" the target like usual for it to land.


To test, I would target any of the "profession" NPC's in the Mists and would run away with my back to them. Cast AT and I'd received quickness and the NPC would get slow. A couple of times I would wait until I received a condition and then run away and cast. It seemed to transfer the condition, even with my back to the target. I'd like to test this in a more "controlled" situation, but my hopes are high!


I didn't want to jinx this by mentioning it in the forums? (I'm worried if its true, that it will suddenly go back to previous behaviors come Tuesday.)


Has anyone else noticed this? Or am I off my rocker!

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On a side note, I've been having incredible fun and good success with a mirage [lockdown build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsaRnELD1ohFMD2qBMMjlTDzfBGBvgkBgFQQpsE0cCHA-jJxHAB7s/g/PCAAODAXXGAA) . I haven't noticed the lack of superiority complex except against the tankiest builds, and even then I'm not sure I could have killed them with it. I really like the extra clone production with deceptive evasion.

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