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Living Story 2 pricing in gem store is different on multiple accounts


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It says that Living Story Season 2 is 40% off. However, it's listing the price for the complete pack at 1600 gems. That is NOT 40% off from what it's been priced, even as recently as last week.


On one of my accounts, it's listing at 1600 gems regular price and 20% off for a total of 1280 gems for the complete pack.


On another of my accounts, it says it is 40% off from the regular price of 1600 gems for a total of 980 gems for 6 of the 8 episodes.


On another account, it says it is 50% off the price of 1600 gems for a total of 800 gems for the complete pack.


What's going on, Anet? Reddit reports differing prices and discounts too.

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Account #1 - Says "40% off" by the exclamation icon in the gem store listing. Lists full price as 1600 gems and sale price as 960. This account has two episodes already unlocked.


Account #2 - Says "20% off" by the exclamation icon in the gem store listing. Lists full price as 1600 gems and sale price as 1280.


Account #3 - Says "50% off" by the exclamation icon in the gem store listing. Lists full price as 1600 gems and sale price as 800 gems.


Sorry. Trying to figure out how to post screenshots with the new forum format. I can't seem to get it to work. ---may have gotten it now


Account #1: ![](https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.enjin.com/users/952888/pics/full/3979613.jpg "")


Account #2: ![](https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.enjin.com/users/952888/pics/full/3979612.jpg "")


Account #3: ![](https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.enjin.com/users/952888/pics/full/3979614.jpg "")


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I came with a similar question but after seeing your post I think I figured it out. Theres a sale currently, but it takes into account the discount from unlocking a few episodes you already had on the full full price. I have 5/8 unlocked so for me its 480gems. 70% off from the full price of 1600, assuming you buy each episode individually for the 200gem cost. What It really means is I get 20% off from 600, which is what I would pay if I bought the 3 remaining episodes individually. Your price for buying each on that first account would be 1200, and getting 20% off drops it to 960. Honestly I think this is a little misleading and if I hadnt remembered my price being much lower beforehand I might have fallen for it and been like "70% off!!! Gotta get me some o dat". But hey, thats marketing. Also the wiki lists the full price as 1280 normally so not sure whats going on here, did the season 2 bundle lose its everyday discount or does the wiki just update automatically with sales?


TL:DR The discount is 20% off the price of buying each remaining episode individually._**

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It seems like that might be it, but then that also means that beyond the shady way that's being done, there's no price break on buying the complete package vs. each individual episode under most circumstances, and I'm pretty sure there used to be a price break on the package. For example, Season 3, which is not listed as "on sale" is 960 for the pack regularly vs. the 1200 gems it would cost to buy individual episodes (representing a 20% discount on the package), and each episode unlocked reduces the price more. Anyhow, it was just really weird and definitely different than the way they've previously listed things. I'm not even sure if it's actually a sale.



Edit to add: I found a piece of paper from a couple of weeks ago. On the paper, I wrote down the cost of LS Season 2 for Account #1. It was the same total gem cost then as it is today, and it wasn't "on sale" when I wrote it on the paper (I was trying to decide how to spend 4k gems from PoF Ultimate purchase). So, it seems that this current "sale" on Living Story Season 2 Complete Pack isn't really a sale, but just a different way they are listing the complete pack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am really confused about this too, I purchased 7 chapters for 1120 gems which is 30% off the total bundle price of 1600 gems. Is this discount correct or should the discount be on the amount each account needs to unlock? In my example of needing 7 out of the 8 chapters shouldn't it be a discount on 1400 gems instead of the full 1600?

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The pricing is correct. Buying LW Episodes individually is always 200 Gems. Buying in a bundle is always 20% off (except the rare times there is a sale on bundles; it has happened once so far). The Gem Store, though, always calculates discounts (it shows to individual accounts) based on buying however many items are in a bundle (whether they be Episodes, or Black Lion Keys, Packs/Packages, etc.) at the individual item price. Thus, when the prices are dynamically adjusted for items already unlocked, the discount percentage changes.


As noted above, it _should_ calculate the total price after dynamic adjustments, and then apply the 20% discount tag, but it doesn't; it's backwards. Regardless, the price is always right, but the discount tags are confusing.


Good luck.

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The pricing that's being advertised as a "discount" is not truly a discount. It's the same price the package was prior to the "sale" but being advertised with a discount, plus unlocked episodes are being advertised as increasing the percentage of the discount.


Long story made short: The "sale" price, be it 20%, 40% or 70% off is the exact same price as it was a six weeks ago when the package wasn't advertised as being on sale.

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