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Why things are not consistent in GW2?


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There are a lot of things in GW2 that are not consistent like the controls of the camera modes and the skills & traits.

I already commented about the camera somewhere else, now gonna comment a bit about the skills.


For instance:

- Some skills used in traits are called "lesser" but they have the exactly same attributes and stats that the full version has;

- Some traits affect one type of skill but does not affect the same type if they are used inside a trait; ([example](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29675/bug-spectral-mastery-does-not-grant-life-force-to-trait-last-grasps-lesser-spectral-armor "example"))

- Some skill only work on a target, for this kind of skills, some requires a target while others can be simple wasted;

- Some skills have a chain usage like [binding Blade](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Binding_Blade "Binding Blade") that throws their effect on a target or multiple targets but

if all targets dies the chain does not reset and stay active until the time runs out.

What makes no sense, one: that like the skills that can only be used on targets, wasted,

since there are no more targets to use the chain skills,

and two: that if there is no target the chain does not triggers in first place.


What you guys think about this kinds of skills and traits?

Should they all require target or simple be wasted?

Should they reset, lock skill usage, be more consistent?

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Lessers are called such because they are not on demand like the actual utility/ability you might have in your hot bar. They only proc under certain conditions and not always at the best of times. Thief's lesser Haste for instance in the trickery lineup. Thief can only get the haste from hitting someone from the side or behind, when in most cases it's probably better for the thief to have exact control over when he gets haste. Trust me... Haste is scary on thieves. And Lesser Caltrops. The caltrops are on demand as they drop when you dodge, but have a short duration and a much smaller radius.


It's also possible that Lessers are not actually affected by traits, as I don't believe any of the thief's lesser abilities are actually affected by the trait that restores all CDs for a random utility type. Or CDRs for tricks and traps.


So you're clearly making tradeoffs to get the full utility for free.


I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the last point. But it seems to me that it's working as intended?

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