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Is the rumour that ESL will comeback TO GW2 soon true?

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I don´t think so, the game is still a blurry mess in fights that are not 1vs1 so not really nice to look at in streams making it too hard for casters to really talk in detail about stuff that is happening besides rotations and who should be first target


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Officially ESL pro-league never ended and it's on.

When ESL dropped small tournaments on their site and big panic exploded everywhere - ESL clarified themselves on their twitter - nothing changed, pro - league still exists only ANET NEEDS TO CONTANCT THEM to organize tournaments and they will organize if Anet WILL WANT TO.

In case of Anet we don't know anything- didn't comment on anything regarding prize money tournaments since Grouch left, there where silent during ,,death of ESL madness" on forum and reddit.


So the real question is if Anet wants to make these tournaments again or not.

Anet Idea about gw 2 esports in OLD DAYS was like this - the most viewership gw 2 gets on twitch is thanks to pvp streamers - so let's use our money from marketing, get sponsors and use official tournaments as WAY TO ADVERTISE GW 2 in the media. Colin (who left) was big fan of this idea and Grouch (who also left) was dealing with sponsors and communication with pvp scene and also sometimes deciding balance changes (Grouch killed season 1 bunker meta). As I said Colin and Groouch left, there where some major changes in Anet as company and then silence...so actually don't really know what's going on Anet side.


What know is that Ben said that At tournaments are ,,future" of anything gw 2 tournament related. When they finally add whole swiss style matches (they officially work on it) probably it wouldn't be problem for them to replace rewards with something else - we already speculated it could be legendary weapons.


But definitely Anet won't give a crap about our opinions on forum and reddit. Anet will decide purple on money value of whole thing...because it's company. And if there will be money as prize money in tournament...no matter what you guys think...there will be always people to get it.


Although some comments here are really funny like ,,with this meta it's impossible". I said earlier and I will say this time: WE DON"T HAVE META SINCE LAST TORUNAMENT WITH REAL PRIZE MONEY. We don't really know if scourge is good or Mesmer, holo, druid ect. NOBODY TEST THIS STUFF ANYMORE. By testing I mean whole week doing in secrecy duel's and theorycrafitng to just be sure you HAVE THE BEST MOST BROKEN BUILD AND COMP POSSIBLE...because when you compete for money...your not doing it for fun...if you loose you get NOTHING AND JUST WASTED TIME and people during that time sacrificed a lot just to compete. Now nobody does this things because it doesn't have real money value and people make comps during torunaments or just based on what work for them in ranked. WHO COMPLAIN NONSTOP ABOUT SCORUGE BUT IF WE HAD PRO-LEAUGE IT MIGHT PROVEN THAT IS WAS GARBAGE FROM START.


But if there will be any official I want just one thing that will improve just everything for better...Helseth must cast it and somebody who was/is member of pro pvp scene. Jebro done a lot of good for scene...but conquest is god damm complicated mess to watch if you already not experienced player and it needs commentary of somebody that understands everthing from pro- players standpoint to attract plebs. That's why in reality tournament of Grouchru was THE BEST EVER PVP TORUNAMENT WE EVER HAD and even viewership on twitch back then...is proof of that. Why? Because you could understand what's going on.




I leave vods from tournament here because there are gold mines for anybody to understand spvp and thanks to casters...fun to watch.


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