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Helping new recruits to the game.

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Hi everyone, I missed you all for 5 month since Hurricane Irma and Maria hit Puerto Rico and thanks everyone on my guild (KoR) who kept in touch trough social media while I did not have electricity.


Now, I came back full force to play PoF and I invited over 20 people in the island to play when we got electricity back (you don't imagine how many friends I made in all this months in the dark).


And after 2 weeks we have reached a consensus. All of them are new to Gw2 so imagine ho much content they have to do, and they loooove that because with the Story system they feel organized. Buuut, there is one thing that eeeevery single one has told me: They hate the auto lv80 because they don't know how any ability and/ or trait works.


They don't have a tutorial, and they are having to go to any page with meta build and just memorize rotations. But they truly want to know their class deeply and what traits do (even the ones that are considered useless).


What I did is that I just made a group for each prof with all of them and shared my screen and I explained how every prof worked (traits and abilities except the PoF ones since that's is still new for me).



I don't know ANET's metrics on how many new people they get year by year, but a tutorial is needed in game. It could just be a message for each attack, ability, utility or trait that they unlock saying how it could be used offensively and defensively. Or recommended combinations, thing that you already have (no need for complicated research).


For oldies like me, we have no problem on going online and spend hours reading on strategies, but new people like experimenting and discovering in game.



Anyhow, ty for your time, I rlly missed the game and the story so far in PoF is AMAZING!

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Hey Jhoul, good to hear you're alright and now back and running. I understand what it feels like to come in to the game at this state with a lot of things to do and learn.

I've been playing this game since launch and I'm still in love with it. But I'm always trying to get into the skin of a new player and try to feel that "new player" experience at current state of the game. If you watch it from that side it is pretty difficult to jump in and do all those stuff that game offers you but on the other hand it might not be such big of a problem. 90% of a time I'm a solo player and everything I know today in the game is self experience and learning with a help of community if needed, of course. The best advice I can give to a new player is to follow the path that I followed too. Play the game and enjoy in it, everything else will follow. After almost 5 years of playtime ( non constant ) I'm still just enjoying the game and playing it my way ( that is the main reason I'm still enjoying the game ). I don't see the purpose in following other peoples builds, farming rotations, game play style, etc... game is already rewarding you no matter what you do in it and how do you play it, so just enjoy !

And good job to your friends on leveling up the traditional way, as they will learn the class ( how it works and what you can do with it ).

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