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GW2 some newbie questions.

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I recently start playing GW2 and i like it but some thing's really need to be cleared up.



I like the elementalist skill called frost bow can i specialize in this? (so it don't go on cooldown)


I got a scroll from PvP that allow to become 80 but that's just a boost not level 80 why do this scroll exist?.


Their are 2 DLC for sell the Path of fire is all explained but the other DLC is rater in the dark what it is and what type of content it gives.


I found PvP really difficult this is likely do to my low level (20) but their is no explanation how I can get better gear with PvP


I not sure but I notice that the Necromancer is really overpowered when it comes to PvP (might be total wrong do to my inexperience)


the PvP map have a section with crafting stations (south) but no path to it?


Mount have to obtain one? I see lowbies with them but I need to do anything at foot!

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> @"Abisha.9028" said:

> Hi,

> I recently start playing GW2 and i like it but some thing's really need to be cleared up.


> 1.

> I like the elementalist skill called frost bow can i specialize in this? (so it don't go on cooldown)

> 2.

> I got a scroll from PvP that allow to become 80 but that's just a boost not level 80 why do this scroll exist?.

> 3.

> Their are 2 DLC for sell the Path of fire is all explained but the other DLC is rater in the dark what it is and what type of content it gives.

> 4.

> I found PvP really difficult this is likely do to my low level (20) but their is no explanation how I can get better gear with PvP

> 5.

> I not sure but I notice that the Necromancer is really overpowered when it comes to PvP (might be total wrong do to my inexperience)

> 6.

> the PvP map have a section with crafting stations (south) but no path to it?

> 7.

> Mount have to obtain one? I see lowbies with them but I need to do anything at foot!


1) Frost Bow always has a cooldown. You can later unlock certain traits that enhance certain conjured weapon skills, but it is a utility and the utility itself will always have a cooldown once its duration expires.

2) in PvP, you are level 80 and balanced to every other player. That is so that people entering pvp as newbies aren't at a disadvantage just because they have not levelled their character yet. If you are talking about the PvE level 80 boost, that boost is used once to boost you and allow you to experience the level 80, then used a SECOND time to finalize it and make it permanent. This way you aren't wasting the level 80 scroll on a class you ultimately end up not liking.

3) Heart of Thorns allows access to Gliding movement skills, and also elite specializations, Raids, a 9th class... if you want to learn more I suggest going to the Heart of Thorns specific splash page.

4) There is no PvP gear and there are no levels in sPvP. You select an amulet with a choice of stats, you select traitlines, and you select weapons for your class. Then you just play. Everyone is on a level playing field in PvP because everyone in PvP is automatically up-levelled to 80. I strongly suggest playing PvE to learn game mechanics before trying to get in to PvP, though... or find someone to teach you the core mechanics. The pvp in this game has a lot of very complicated strategy and has a lot of focus on team composition and personal role that takes time to learn.

5) Necromancer is... strong in PvP, yes. I wouldn't say it is overpowered, but like any class you need to learn counter play strategies to overcome them. They probably DO have the lowest skill barrier for entry, though, so you will find that a lot of newer PvPers and lower tier ones will use it to decent effect even if they have not mastered the play mode.

6) Those areas are reachable, ask someone in game to guide you.

7) Mounts are only obtainable after playing the first chapter of Path of Fire, which is level 80 content. Once you unlock the mount through that content, you can use it on any character on the account regardless of level.

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1. No, all skills have cooldown. Some traits may shorten the cooldown, but it will never get rid of it completely.

2. I'm not sure what scroll you're talking about. There is a level 80 boost, but that's not from PvP, it's from buying one of the expansions.

3. The other is the first expansion, Heart of Thorns. Story-wise, it comes before Path of Fire. However, it's more difficult content than anything in the base game or Path of Fire.

4. In PvP, everyone is level 80, and gear works differently. Gear in PvP doesn't actually have stats to it, you just need to have it. Stats are set on a separate screen in the PvP window. Make sure you select traits for PvP as well, as they all automatically unlock for PvP. Now, if you go into WvW, then your gear and stuff does matter and not being level 80 can hurt you.

5. Necromancer may seem powerful, but there are ways to deal with it. Same with every class. Plus, a few times a year, ANet will do a balance patch that will shift how well some classes do.

6. I don't recall any crafting stations in the PvP area. Are you sure you're not in WvW (World vs World)?

7. Mounts are obtained in Path of Fire, and are account wide. Path of Fire (and Heart of Thorns if you want to glide) are level 80 content. You'll want to get at least one character to level 80 the normal way before trying either expansion. You'll need to have a decent grasp of how the game works, because both expansions are tougher than the "core" game.


I hope that helps.

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Like i say many thing's do not makes sense.

1. I understand

2. Tome of knowledge (screenshot) https://www.mediafire.com/view/d0174nrjdmdd1hc/Tome.jpg

it do not state anything i need to use it twice or reason why it exist. after use i not level 80 but fake 80.

3.Webpage https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com/game/#mastery

it not really explain what you get. unless you likely play like months GW2

4. Gear not meaningful i do not understand why are those then? https://www.mediafire.com/view/cgrgyecebr9cpcr/gear.jpg

5. i understand

6. https://www.mediafire.com/view/tl81um5xvkcl8a2/unaccessable.jpg

7. I understand.


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> @"Abisha.9028" said:

> Like i say many thing's do not makes sense.

> 1. I understand



> 2. Tome of knowledge (screenshot) https://www.mediafire.com/view/d0174nrjdmdd1hc/Tome.jpg


Tome of knowledge gives your character +1 lvl ( lvl 80 is cap ).

> it do not state anything i need to use it twice or reason why it exist. after use i not level 80 but fake 80.


Also in SPvP you won't see any difference, because your character is capped with everything unlocked ( try to go in PvE and you will see your real character lvl ).


> 3.Webpage https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com/game/#mastery

> it not really explain what you get. unless you likely play like months GW2


Probably the darker ones are related to the previous expansion, which is Heart of Thorns ( both the uppgrade and the Living Story ).


> 4. Gear not meaningful i do not understand why are those then? https://www.mediafire.com/view/cgrgyecebr9cpcr/gear.jpg


While in SPvP, everybody has the same equip.

You won't be able to have better equipment or worse equipment than other players.

It's only a matter of skill ( even though the game is not properly balance ).

> 5. i understand



> 6. https://www.mediafire.com/view/tl81um5xvkcl8a2/unaccessable.jpg


You need to have a pass because it's an exclusive place which is only avaible for those who managed to win the monthly contest, through this pass



> 7. I understand.





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> @"Abisha.9028" said:

> Like i say many thing's do not makes sense.

> 1. I understand

> 2. Tome of knowledge (screenshot) https://www.mediafire.com/view/d0174nrjdmdd1hc/Tome.jpg

> it do not state anything i need to use it twice or reason why it exist. after use i not level 80 but fake 80.

> 3.Webpage https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com/game/#mastery

> it not really explain what you get. unless you likely play like months GW2

> 4. Gear not meaningful i do not understand why are those then? https://www.mediafire.com/view/cgrgyecebr9cpcr/gear.jpg

> 5. i understand

> 6. https://www.mediafire.com/view/tl81um5xvkcl8a2/unaccessable.jpg

> 7. I understand.



2) The Tome of Knowledge is NOT a level 80 boost. It gives you a single level. This is your level 80 boost, granted if you have purchased either Path of Fire or Heart of Thorns

![](https://i.imgur.com/xBrNyf5.png "")

3) If you want proper details click on the Game Menu on the top right of the screen on that page. It gives a table of contents that guides you through all of the features, each section featuring a "Journey Deeper" option that gives more details on what each category entails.

![](https://i.imgur.com/SGHXiFO.png "")

4) Gear is meaningless IN sPvP so that no one has any advantages because of stats/gear... HOWEVER playing sPvP can still earn rewards for PvE, which is considered to be the primary game mode of GW2. The vendor you are looking at distributes PvE rewards, not PvP ones. If you want to adjust your build, there is a helmet icon at the top of your screen in the pvp lobby. If you select that it allows you to select runes/amulet/build/sigils without having to worry about your actual physical equipment.

![](https://i.imgur.com/5D9yxQI.png "")

6) Someone else actually mentioned the inaccessible area, but yes that particular spot is only accessible to people who are winners of the monthly automated tournaments. When you first enter the PvP lobby there are some statues just behind you. Those are the folks with a pass.

![](https://i.imgur.com/EVWqBRW.png "")


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