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something wrong with the story, the charge...

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It's probably not fully downloaded. Try adding -image to your shortcut loading screen to make sure you download everything that could be missing. If that doesn't work, try to add -repair to the startup, run once, then remove the -repair line and try again.

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I'm having issues with it on the mac client (the 32-bit one, as 64-bit is pretty much nonfunctional for me at the moment) as well. Not sure what part of it I'm on, exactly, since I was playing it yesterday. I stopped because I kept getting a load screen for one of the "???" instances that went nowhere, and/or black screen (though, oddly, music still comes through at times), and hoped a patch might have fixed it by now, but it seems no such luck, as I've just tried again and the same thing has happened.

Anything I've seen about this has been from people using the mac client, so I assume it's an issue isolated to that.



Update: It would seem that not only will the instance not load, but I'm also unable to switch maps. I've tried waypointing to other parts of the world, since I've given up on doing story right now, but the same issue occurs (initial load screen without the loading circle, which becomes just a black screen if I alt-tab out and back in). So, bit more limiting of an issue than I'd initially thought. Not sure if it's that extensive for anyone else. :/

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I am a Mac user and have same issues after patch last night! I would get blank screen with just name of map and a frozen loading circular symbol every time I WP to a map for the first time. After restarting gw2, I tried again with same WP and it loaded fine. Then I went to a different WP and it happened again! Repeat for every next maps. Annoying. I noticed that after I WP successful then travel to the new story spot to enter, it froze with blank screen described above. After restarting, it took me back to the WP I was at last. It took a few crashes at story for it to finally pinpoint my last location next to the story spot. :anguished: Still, I cannot play the new story.

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