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Bottica <-> Boudica


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I only played the first few missions of the new living story chapter but i noticed something and i'm curious what other people think (probably @"Scott McGough.6897" could shed some light if i'm way off or not?)


The name "Bottica" could be based on [boudica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudica "Boudica") - she was the queen of an celtic tribe and led an uprising against the roman empire.


OK, now some spoiler-y stuff:


>! Like I said, I basically only played the first few story steps and don't know what happens later in the story. I only just helped the Charr to defend their village and Aurene showed me the asura-cube... but so far the Boticca/Boudica idea doesn't seem too far off as she plays a role in convincing the other charrs to join the fight vs. the inquest. Lets just hope that she doesn't end the same way as Boudica did :wink:

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