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Problems competitive SPvP related and modifies


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Hi guys,


as I happened to see during these years of GW2, the game itself has 1 major problem related to SPvP.

Which is related to the playerbase and the team size.


Given the fact that GW2 has not that much players, and the community who plays competitive SPvP is way lower, in order to maintain some balance, they tried different solutions:


* Split SPvP between Soloq/duoq and 5v5 premade


This was a fail, because 5v5 had non queue, and it was a wintrade feast due to the low playerbase.

Also, the soloq/duoq was not really a thing, because duoq was way better than soloq, and also because a single player or a duoq could managed to lose due to other random players.


* Remove 5v5 from ranked and move it to automated tournaments. Duoq till plat, then soloq.


This was better than before indeed, but still not worth in terms of competitive gameplay, because you were forced into a random team.


The major problem here is that SPvP is meant for 5v5.

And the players allowed to manage a 5v5 premade are few ( which means that mostly we could see random premades for tournament rewards and only few competitive 5v5, which can't train themselves because ranked does not allow 5v5 premades ).


I would like to see a smaller map with 3people team size, only avaible for premades.

I see different advantages from a system like that:


* Making a team would be definitely easier ( every player will have to find only 2 more people instead of 4 )

* Team aviability ( it is normal that sometimes not all players are online in order to play 5v5. with a 3v3 queue this will be way more easier to achieve ).

* Less stomp

* Competitive gameple will be the main part of this modality, because there will be only premades.

* More teams ( 5v5 needs 5 players, 3v3 needs 3. And if you think about how many players drop the idea to do a 5v5 premade, you will probably understand why there will be more 3v3 teams ).


I know that a 3v3 could seem strange, but if you try to focus on the problems because the 5v5 failed, I really think a 3v3 game mode could definitely help.

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