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1675 Rating getting gold 2 players


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[https://imgur.com/a/fSqJO](https://imgur.com/a/fSqJO "https://imgur.com/a/fSqJO")

Game logic : Get double deadeye + a support core guardian, make 400 points alone and get -22 in ur face. Want to get rating ? Dont play at morning. Btw, what's the reason of having a rating system if theres not enough players to make it work? At least dont destroy with high rating players if we have a team that have less rating than us, why should we get penalized for not carring super low rating ppl in our side?

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"but you had three wins before that 1 game" is what Anet would say, It's working as attented zHasgard.


biggest issue is having unuseable classes/builds in a conquest game and still losing over 15 points for it when the match up 500-100, For example i'll rather have a deadeye then a "trap" condi thief who dies everywhere else in hoping to land his traps on someone.....


either way don't focus on rating and just stick to staying in plat in general your already a solid player half the community knows it sooooooooooo don't worry about it.

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Your position on the subject has been ridiculed the moment you claimed you made these 400 points alone. You're simply that typical kind of young player with an exaggerated perception of their own influence in a competitive game. It's this group that makes up most of the complaints about the ranking system which is why Arenanet probably ignores the vast majority of these comments, and for good reason.

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> @"cursE.1794" said:

> Your position on the subject has been ridiculed the moment you claimed you made these 400 points alone. You're simply that typical kind of young player with an exaggerated perception of their own influence in a competitive game. It's this group that makes up most of the complaints about the ranking system which is why Arenanet probably ignores the vast majority of these comments, and for good reason.


Yes and no. I see a lot of people claim to carry games like this, and I occasionally see people actually carry games like this. I've done it myself a handful of times. Everyone likely has at some point. There are definitely games where you are significantly better than your opponents and are able to decap/hold enough points to create massive swings while your team consistently loses group fights and gives those points back.


Generally I see games carried like this from the big solo classes like thief, warrior, and old engi in HoT. They can make significant impacts on games from keeping multiple people busy contesting points, winning duels, etc. Thieves can have the biggest impact on games depending on how well they +1, decap and otherwise cause havoc. They can easily swing games and be responsible for potentially hundreds of points.

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