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GW 2 Story - The Game's Greatest Flaw

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Personal story is a standard fantasy story with an awkward conclusion.

ls1 was a little bit like a confusing waypoint system, but it was a fun ride.

I found ls2 to be extremely annoying and not heroic at all. It brought me to a point where I began to loathe NPCs for being close to my character.

HoT was just meh. Stronger sequences were quickly followed by BS like letting two real heroes die and still saddle you with a soso loyal acomplice.

Ls3 started strong but fell flat on the nose at the end with said end, trampling all over ls1 lore.

PoF is the same type of stuff like ls3.

Ls4 seems to be ok so far.

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I've never paid the slightest attention to the story, but that has never hindered me. Occasionally I might find it slightly annoying that I have to 'talk' to various npcs in sequence before I can move on, but I just see that as a break in the action. I don't even read what they are saying before moving on. So far, so good.

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