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When will RANGER get some LOVE in PVP???

Mash Out.9731

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I think people are taking SB out of context a bit to be honest.


It's clearly got a very different identity than Druid. As awful as it might sound, not every spec is going to be super good in every environment. SB just isn't really something that will be as strong as druid in sPvP capture-and-hold or raids. Druid actually lucked out compared to most others especially when it comes to competitive viability.


SB is a fantastic skirmishing spec and probably one of the best 1v1 options in the game right now. Not really a sustain bot for capture and hold on limited space like druid can do, but an amazing class nonetheless with a lot of unique strengths. After years of not playing ranger I'm almost as effective on it as I am my thief with literally ten times the play hours.


I think people are seriously underestimating some of the lesser-used pets is part of the problem as well. Raven for example is absolutely crazy good now that they fixed the leap on birds. Fantastic mobility and can bring some serious CC chaining with GS. It's a spec that requires investment and playing to its strengths to get what you want out of it, which is a good thing in general.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> Holding a 1v3 as a soulbeast... that definitely sounds like gold-level play to me. I'm a low plat player myself, usually hover around the 1530-1560 range. I really didn't care a whit about placement matches this season, so I started in low gold and have clawed my way up to 1487, will be plat again after 2 more matches.


> Soulbeast seems to be an awful spvp spec. This is not to say that every soulbeast player is by default horrible, but rather that if you're succeeding with soulbeast, you can probably succeed even more with core or druid in the current meta. Yes, I've run soulbeast and found its burst occasionally impressive, but I've never taken an enemy from 100 to 0 on soulbeast that I couldn't already do on core (or even longbow druid). For the sturdier enemies that still remain standing after eating a burst, they might eventually die marginally faster, but again that margin hardly seems worth it given the tradeoffs. As for survival, no form of ranger seems to tank/troll side nodes like the bunker druid, and soulbeasts are no exception.


> I hardly ever see a soulbeast in mid or low plat, and for good reason. It just doesn't seem to perform well enough to justify the tradeoffs from other flavors of ranger.


While I agree with most of what your saying, I think it's 'interesting' to note a top 5 player runs a soulbeast build.

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Why is this thread a thing? Power ranger across all specs is super competitive. Plats easy to get to with soulbeast, either a you play a boonheavy 1v1 or or b play a burst +1er.


The only match ups you really need to worry about are good retribution rev, tanky holosmith, or Mesmer (tbf is broke as all fudge ATM)



Now considering ranger on the other hand is trash. Especially soulbeast dagger



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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Raven for example is absolutely crazy good now


> Really?




It's preferential, but into a lot of matchups yes.


I think its only weakness from a kit perspective is playing it into another ranger because the kiting and lockdown potential gained from it is lost.


It can otherwise really aggressively counter thief, necro, warrior, and guardian in a strict fight.


I'd like to mention this is more or less skirmish-specific, though. Not a pet that will help hold a point 1v3 but help a lot in decaps and +1's.


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