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[FENX][NA]- fun guild seeking new ADULT members, newbies and veterans

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Hi I am a new player and have been looking for a guild/players to play with and get some tips about the game. I would love to join your guild if you are still accepting members! Also if you had any questions or need to know anything else feel free to add me on Discord Centril#4109

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Hello there! I'm a returning player looking to join a guild that is okay with a new player joining their ranks. I played back at launch for about 8 months, but haven't played since then. Generally an easy going player, tend to stick with PvE but am also interested in trying WvW at some point. EST timezone. Do you think I might be a good fit to try FENX out? :)

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Hi there! I'm a returning player. Still a noob in many matters, not so much a noob in a selected few. XD I'm looking for a more casual/social to semi-casual environment, a "harbor" so to speak. :) I think I've ran into you guys a few times just out in the open/dungeons and you were nice people, so I'd like to join please. :D Also, I have a buddy who is just starting out and I'm trying to get him a guild too.


My ID is:


(In case it's not already showing)

My buddy's ID is:

Rob Of Ages.9368


Thanks! XD

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Hi! i would like to join. I just return to gw2 and just bought HoT. I'm a casual player, usually i play at random time, but usually is at afternoon to night (SEA). My friend also want to join with me, but he is a new player and free user, and he has random hectic work schedules (SEA too). If you don't mind and you need member:

My ID: Luraissu 9681

My friend ID: handjoko.1735

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Many ages ago I played World of Warcraft with my pink-haired gnome warlock, and had some pretty epic good times. I was my guild's warlock class officer, and even got into some heroic 25-man raid progression, but alas, after the 2nd expansion, WotLK, the good times eventually came to an end. I played GW, LOTRO, Rift and then SW:TOR when they were all shiny and new, but none of them really had the magic I was looking for. I tried SW:TOR again recently but sadly that community has diminished significantly over the years - I did enjoy the class stories though.


So I saw a YouTube video last week titled "For the first time I'm actually enjoying Guild Wars 2":



So I decided to give GW2 a go over the weekend. I liked what I saw: new players constantly popping up in the newbie zones; an active game forum; a respectful, helpful tone in general chat (mostly); and some solid game play with what appears to be a near infinite range of customization options. So I went ahead and bought the expansions, and am looking forward to get into this game more seriously. I currently have a level 13 Norn Guardian that I intend to make my main toon.


A solid, reliable, welcoming guild run by friendly folks is what I am looking for. What I can offer is a self-motivated, mature (mostly) adult that's seen some action in the MMO wars, and would like to settle into a good one again.


So please if you have a chance to send me an invite and hopefully we can have a nice little chat =)

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Hey guys,

Returning player here. Played from release up to HoT and then just fell away from the mmo scene for awhile. I am returning now and really enjoying the game, but so much has been added! Would love a friendly guild to help me navigate my way back into this. I enjoy all aspects of this game but am really interested in the post 80 pve content. If you guys are still accepting I would love to join =)

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I'm interested in joining as well. Played GW1 for more years/hours than I can remember, GW2 for the first few months of launch but didn't stick with it. Got back into it with the Bless hype, been enjoying it so far and felt like it was time to look for a home (been solo the entire time). Short term looking for more PvE/PvX while I experience the game and learn what I'm doing. Long term looking at WvW as my main time sink tho, willing to switch servers if the guild feels like a good fit

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Hello, i'm a returning player who have transfer to SoS today and not create a character yet, looking for a fun and casual guild to enjoy Gw2 together, I'm don't speake english so good but I can read and write well (i think so), so, in a couple of hours i'm will create my character and will start to play, if the guild still inviting I'll be grateful to be part of this community.


Thanks and have a good day.

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Hey I would like to join up!

I have a group of friends with me also. I have played the game when it first came out.

It's been 4 years since I last played so I am a bit lost.

I have a level 80 with both expansions, but I plan on playing through the game with a new character.


Got discord, on Sea of Sorrow, eastern time zone, and 21+.

I feel like im a good fit.

Add me Ricky.4596


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Heya! Not a returning or new player but been active since HoT came out. Got about six ascended-out characters with two ready for t4s and most of them used in raids. Been going solo for a bit so been wanting to find others to help with. :) I love just about every type of gameplay with a interest in getting into WvW soon.

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Hello i would like to join your guild, (Total Noob) im new to the game, recently bought POF and im enjoying it, i ask would you guys mind showing me around, and get me started on my many years to play this game. im a total noob sorry, im an adult and im also online everyday

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