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Does Worldly Impact really hit this hard?


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[https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD](https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD "https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD")

I'm at a loss for words. I was on a reaper in unranked and got hit by this. It was a one shot from almost full hp. My amulet was for power, but even so I'm pretty confident this isn't supposed to hit this hard. There's a chance I'm overlooking something and I want to know if anyone here knows what caused this ability to hit so hard. Can someone confirm if this is a thing or if there is another factor at play here?

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Yes, this is a thing. It requires setup and the Soulbeast has to build pretty glass. But when the cooldowns align? <3

It was probably Marksmanship and possibly Beastmastery. The combat log would have helped to explain how exactly this hit happened.


The basic combo is Sick 'Em (+25% for Soulbeasts?) + some form of Attack of Opportunity (+50% or +25%). And there are a few more damage multipliers here and there depending on the build.

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I've seen a lot of Ranger with max might stacking lately no idea how they do it honestly though. But with sic em attack of opportunity combo this damage is not surprising. Another alternative for this is rapid fire sic em combo but that only does 18,000.

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> @"AEFA.9035" said:

> I've seen a lot of Ranger with max might stacking lately no idea how they do it honestly though. But with sic em attack of opportunity combo this damage is not surprising. Another alternative for this is rapid fire sic em combo but that only does 18,000.


Sword AA applies might if the Soulbeast is merged, so that helps. But I imagine a lot of that might is coming from Vulture Stance + a multihit move.

Theoretically, something like hitting Vulture Stance halfway through Barrage, then approach with Rapid Fire (10 might from stance), merged Smoke Assault (5 might from skill, 5 from vulture stance), merged Takedown (procs Attack of Oppurtunity and Twice as Vicious), Worldly Impact would get you close.

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> @"Chrury.4627" said:

> > @"AEFA.9035" said:

> > I've seen a lot of Ranger with max might stacking lately no idea how they do it honestly though. But with sic em attack of opportunity combo this damage is not surprising. Another alternative for this is rapid fire sic em combo but that only does 18,000.


> Sword AA applies might if the Soulbeast is merged, so that helps. But I imagine a lot of that might is coming from Vulture Stance + a multihit move.

> Theoretically, something like hitting Vulture Stance halfway through Barrage, then approach with Rapid Fire (10 might from stance), merged Smoke Assault (5 might from skill, 5 from vulture stance), merged Takedown (procs Attack of Oppurtunity and Twice as Vicious), Worldly Impact would get you close.


Most of the time it comes from SotP ->barage->merge(fresh reinforcement traited) and together with some vulture stance you easily have 25 stacks for burst.


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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Chrury.4627" said:

> > > @"AEFA.9035" said:

> > > I've seen a lot of Ranger with max might stacking lately no idea how they do it honestly though. But with sic em attack of opportunity combo this damage is not surprising. Another alternative for this is rapid fire sic em combo but that only does 18,000.

> >

> > Sword AA applies might if the Soulbeast is merged, so that helps. But I imagine a lot of that might is coming from Vulture Stance + a multihit move.

> > Theoretically, something like hitting Vulture Stance halfway through Barrage, then approach with Rapid Fire (10 might from stance), merged Smoke Assault (5 might from skill, 5 from vulture stance), merged Takedown (procs Attack of Oppurtunity and Twice as Vicious), Worldly Impact would get you close.


> Most of the time it comes from SotP ->barage->merge(fresh reinforcement traited) and together with some vulture stance you easily have 25 stacks for burst.



Oh yeeeaaaaahhhh. Man, it's been a long time since I slotted Strength of the Pack. I wonder why.

You're right, SotP _would_ make 25 might really easy.

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> @"Chrury.4627" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @"Chrury.4627" said:

> > > > @"AEFA.9035" said:

> > > > I've seen a lot of Ranger with max might stacking lately no idea how they do it honestly though. But with sic em attack of opportunity combo this damage is not surprising. Another alternative for this is rapid fire sic em combo but that only does 18,000.

> > >

> > > Sword AA applies might if the Soulbeast is merged, so that helps. But I imagine a lot of that might is coming from Vulture Stance + a multihit move.

> > > Theoretically, something like hitting Vulture Stance halfway through Barrage, then approach with Rapid Fire (10 might from stance), merged Smoke Assault (5 might from skill, 5 from vulture stance), merged Takedown (procs Attack of Oppurtunity and Twice as Vicious), Worldly Impact would get you close.

> >

> > Most of the time it comes from SotP ->barage->merge(fresh reinforcement traited) and together with some vulture stance you easily have 25 stacks for burst.

> >


> Oh yeeeaaaaahhhh. Man, it's been a long time since I slotted Strength of the Pack. I wonder why.

> You're right, SotP _would_ make 25 might really easy.


I just realized they changed the name of Rampage as One elite to Strength of the Pack. I have a feeling that they will be using that name on next expansion. **Strong feeling**

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> @"singinggecko.5736" said:

> [https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD](https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD "https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD")

> I'm at a loss for words. I was on a reaper in unranked and got hit by this. It was a one shot from almost full hp. My amulet was for power, but even so I'm pretty confident this isn't supposed to hit this hard. There's a chance I'm overlooking something and I want to know if anyone here knows what caused this ability to hit so hard. Can someone confirm if this is a thing or if there is another factor at play here?


Maybe a lord broken break bar? Photoshop?

Otherwise against an player is impossible.


Damage from WI is 500 + ( power * 2.25 ) / armor


Which means with base 2500 power even with 25 might and 200% damage against 2k armor in critical hit you’ll do


**7000 damage**


Wow 7k damage in a rooted 2 second skillz


The amount of random troll accounts logging in ranger subforum lately is reaching the absurd cuotas... could anet use the played hours in PvP / rank in wvw should be used to post on proffesion sub forums...



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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"singinggecko.5736" said:

> > [https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD](https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD "https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD")

> > I'm at a loss for words. I was on a reaper in unranked and got hit by this. It was a one shot from almost full hp. My amulet was for power, but even so I'm pretty confident this isn't supposed to hit this hard. There's a chance I'm overlooking something and I want to know if anyone here knows what caused this ability to hit so hard. Can someone confirm if this is a thing or if there is another factor at play here?


> Maybe a lord broken break bar? Photoshop?

> Otherwise against an player is impossible.


> Damage from WI is 500 + ( power * 2.25 ) / armor


> Which means with base 2500 power even with 25 might and 200% damage against 2k armor in critical hit you’ll do


> **7000 damage**


> Wow 7k damage in a rooted 2 second skillz


> The amount of random troll accounts logging in ranger subforum lately is reaching the absurd cuotas... could anet use the played hours in PvP / rank in wvw should be used to post on proffesion sub forums...




Uh, wut. Why are you ignoring all of the damage bonuses that Ranger can take? A WI isn't used in a vacuum.

Here: [Example Full Glass Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAoYRnE8CtqgtCCWsActgl/AbpIkBCA5j3zb89JN8DGenMr0xC-jZRHQB/Y/BFeEAYSZAAcCAY2hAAA "Example Full Glass Build")

You would never run it like this but just in the interest of getting the numbers high.

If frost spirit procs:

588 (2.21 * 3405) * 1.1 (scholar) * 1.1 (frost) * 1.25 (25 vuln) * 1.4 (sic em) * 1.05 (Sigil of Oppurtunity) * 1.05 (TaV) * 1.1 (Oppressive Superiority) * 1.07 (Furious Strength) * 1.5 (MoC from trait) * 1.25 (Remorseless) * 2.4533 (crit) /2000 = 27963 damage


Live Fast and Beastly Warden apparently give their effects at the end of the cast but before the damage. So if you get the cast off, Beastly Warden procs Moment of Clarity (assuming interrupt) and Live Fast proc Remorseless for an instant Opening Strike.


You could change up Beastmastery for Skirmishing and take Vicious Quarry or take Nature Magic and take Bountiful Hunter. Doing that makes landing all the multipliers a bit more tricky as you don't have Beastly Warden. Even if both of those didn't work; the WI would still hit for around 15k.


And that's without additional party buffs. Seeing how these bonuses are multiplicative; getting some support can only make it hit more.

So back up man. Yes, the average WI is going to be between 7k and 14k. That doesn't make these higher numbers impossible.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"singinggecko.5736" said:

> > [https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD](https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD "https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD")

> > I'm at a loss for words. I was on a reaper in unranked and got hit by this. It was a one shot from almost full hp. My amulet was for power, but even so I'm pretty confident this isn't supposed to hit this hard. There's a chance I'm overlooking something and I want to know if anyone here knows what caused this ability to hit so hard. Can someone confirm if this is a thing or if there is another factor at play here?


> Maybe a lord broken break bar? Photoshop?

> Otherwise against an player is impossible.


> Damage from WI is 500 + ( power * 2.25 ) / armor


> Which means with base 2500 power even with 25 might and 200% damage against 2k armor in critical hit you’ll do


> **7000 damage**


> Wow 7k damage in a rooted 2 second skillz


> The amount of random troll accounts logging in ranger subforum lately is reaching the absurd cuotas... could anet use the played hours in PvP / rank in wvw should be used to post on proffesion sub forums...




It's literally a screenshot man. Sigh.

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> @"Rap Tiger.1257" said:

> This attack is very predictable, I see no difficulty in straying from it.


Correct! Every time I fought against a good player, he evade in time, or block. Ofc only when they were CC-ed they couldn't evade, but this is rare, because usual they have stability or just brake the CC etc. The animation is just too long. At least if the damage start with the beginning of animation, and for first sec the enemy get 25% of damage and if you succeed the whole skill/animation then he get 100% of damage ... something like that could be ok.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > Ive seen people hitting up to 40k on wvw lords so.. yeah :^)

> > My personal best is around 32k


> I hit lords in WvW for 89 k with Whirling Defense, so 40k is not too big.


Whirling defence has a much longer cast time, aka a longer time to be dealing dmg. It's also several hits. WI is only one hit. Take this into perspective

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"singinggecko.5736" said:

> > [https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD](https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD "https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD")

> > I'm at a loss for words. I was on a reaper in unranked and got hit by this. It was a one shot from almost full hp. My amulet was for power, but even so I'm pretty confident this isn't supposed to hit this hard. There's a chance I'm overlooking something and I want to know if anyone here knows what caused this ability to hit so hard. Can someone confirm if this is a thing or if there is another factor at play here?


> Maybe a lord broken break bar? Photoshop?

> Otherwise against an player is impossible.


> Damage from WI is 500 + ( power * 2.25 ) / armor


> Which means with base 2500 power even with 25 might and 200% damage against 2k armor in critical hit you’ll do


> **7000 damage**


> Wow 7k damage in a rooted 2 second skillz


> The amount of random troll accounts logging in ranger subforum lately is reaching the absurd cuotas... could anet use the played hours in PvP / rank in wvw should be used to post on proffesion sub forums...




Maybe you don't know what you're talking about?


Maybe cause you don't play anymore?

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"singinggecko.5736" said:

> > [https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD](https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD "https://imgur.com/a/XKDaD")

> > I'm at a loss for words. I was on a reaper in unranked and got hit by this. It was a one shot from almost full hp. My amulet was for power, but even so I'm pretty confident this isn't supposed to hit this hard. There's a chance I'm overlooking something and I want to know if anyone here knows what caused this ability to hit so hard. Can someone confirm if this is a thing or if there is another factor at play here?


> Maybe a lord broken break bar? Photoshop?

> Otherwise against an player is impossible.


> Damage from WI is 500 + ( power * 2.25 ) / armor


> Which means with base 2500 power even with 25 might and 200% damage against 2k armor in critical hit you’ll do


> **7000 damage**


> Wow 7k damage in a rooted 2 second skillz


> The amount of random troll accounts logging in ranger subforum lately is reaching the absurd cuotas... could anet use the played hours in PvP / rank in wvw should be used to post on proffesion sub forums...




Your reaction was totally uncalled for. He/she asked a honest question without any bit of trolling or "nerf plz" in the post, yet you thought that your tone and and attitude would be appropriate for it? Either someone ruined your parade earlier and you vented frustration where it didn't belong, or the one trolling is YOU.

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> @"michelada.2947" said:

> > @"Rap Tiger.1257" said:

> > This attack is very predictable, I see no difficulty in straying from it.


> they can hit you this attack from stealth... and yes, i had die to this skill before, usually the numers are around 17-22k


A Soulbeast can go invisible by skill 3 from LB (Hunter's Shot) who gives you only 3 sec of invisibility (if didn't miss!!!) and from Smokescale (Smoke Assault + your blast) for 3 sec too (if I am not wrong). So you can run away every time you see a ranger will go invisible. In the same time, usual (most of the time) a ranger/soulbeast will use invisibility for disengage, for reset the fight and not for a close combat.

Anyway, Worldly Impact do more than 7k damage when Soulbeast is full zerk, and in full zerk Soulbeast is verrrrrryyyyy squishy, more than Thief zerker or Mesmer zerker.

You will see all the time a zerk ranger who is coming to you and you have time to make him change his mind, but you can't see a perma invisible thief or mesmer.


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As expected the typical balance patch troll\whining posts and the four usuals from this subforum which applaud any request for nerfs incoming which make me question a lot of things.



You know what i think would be a lot of fun?

To make WI to bite the hammer nerf for good so maybe this time you learn.









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