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Recent PvP Match Manipulation

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

After a careful investigation of matches and account data, we’ve confirmed that certain players were involved in PvP match manipulation during the current season. The players involved have been removed from the leaderboards and given Dishonor for a period of three months. We will continue to monitor the game for incidents of this sort, and will take action on other accounts as the situation warrants it.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> After a careful investigation of matches and account data, we’ve confirmed that certain players were involved in PvP match manipulation during the current season. The players involved have been removed from the leaderboards and given Dishonor for a period of three months. We will continue to monitor the game for incidents of this sort, and will take action on other accounts as the situation warrants it.



Gaile thank you for the update. My concern is that three months won’t be enough, unless y’all have s fix coming in to help elimate the speed and flying hack along with a system to discourage win trading.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> You should consider permanent dishonor instead so these players never get to set foot in pvp


you should really permadishonor those people. seriously. those people ruin the pvp experience for the entire community. do u think they will stop after this season? i doubt it.

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throwing this out RIGHT now, 4 out 6 games matched up with the same 4 PEOPLE.... and a certain someone has been gaining a "9 game win streak" on the leaderboard.


@"Gaile Gray.6029" I honestly DONT understand why you guys can't make this a Daily or Weekly thing .... why does it need to always be a Last hour of the season? Ya'll killing the players that WANT to take this pvp serious but if the DEVS don't care to prevent or do daily check up then how the heck are players suppose to even take this game serious?

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > Finally! Too late is better than never right? Never give up hope. Ty anet


> Idk I find it hilarious that Anet let them put in all the effort to win trade to the top and then ban them essentially wasting their time.


i was more talking about they started in season 10, but the problem exist since .. dunno season 6 maybe already? also i hope for permaban so they need to buy a new account to suport the game to get a new chance to wintrade again. 3 months dishonor is a joke

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > Finally! Too late is better than never right? Never give up hope. Ty anet


> Idk I find it hilarious that Anet let them put in all the effort to win trade to the top and then ban them essentially wasting their time.


tbh i really like that approach too, lol

problem is people that was playing honestly got their time wasted too

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