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Recent PvP Match Manipulation

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > Does this mean they cant play in automated tournaments?

> >

> > A dishonored account cannot participate in Automated Tournaments.


> can you please explain why they just can't get perm ban/ip ban?


I dont understand why cheaters/wintraders/speedhackers arent permabanned as well. :)

Would be interesting to hear why

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> @"LUST.7241" said:

> _Looks at leaderboard.

> Looks back at thread.

> Looks at leaderboard.

> Looks back at thread._


> I hope win trading wasn't found by Win Percentage alone.


> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > You should consider permanent dishonor instead so these players never get to set foot in pvp


> Exactly. Lot of the culprits have done this for many consecutive seasons and still have their alts on the leaderboard.


A lot of people aren't understanding that this IS a solution.


Yes people like vaans have alt accounts, but now that anet has set a precedence those accounts are also in danger of bans.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> After a careful investigation of matches and account data, we’ve confirmed that certain players were involved in PvP match manipulation during the current season. The players involved have been removed from the leaderboards and given Dishonor for a period of **three months**. We will continue to monitor the game for incidents of this sort, and will take action on other accounts as the situation warrants it.



Good initiative, however three months looks a very kind punishment for people that hacking/manipuling combat along 2.5 months of league.. this people deserve permanban because that kind of players make game experience a terrible experience. Care true players.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Bearbrunt.4196" said:

> > 3 months is nothing compared to the cumulative amount of time these players have wasted for others (and themselves). They're getting off lucky, and the same people will just be back in 3 months to start the routine over. In the meantime, they'll probably be replaced by different offenders that don't shout what they're doing from the rooftops.

> >

> > A ban like this doesn't solve the issue at its core. Win-trading is still going to be prevalent, people are just going to be more discrete about it. Tossing out a ban to a few key-offenders every few months is a great way to make things _seem_ okay.


> One wave of permanent bans would solve all wintrade problems , noone would risk valuable account for just title , do you understand that ?


I am not sure that will solve definitely the problem, but even so it would be good for the community itself.

Be able to see that ANET staff care about the situation created by those who deliberately choose to ruin the game could only turned into a positive meaning.


I am also sure that the point of exploiting the ranked season is 99.9% related to a main account, and once the account is gone those players won't try anything back ( there's no sense in having a title on a new account, because having a veteran account will require infinitely more time that exploiting a ranked season ).

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> @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> vaans only got dishonor for 11 days, seems like Anet playing favourites with content creators. Which means he can still play next season :)


Source? How do you know this? If so then the OP is an out and out liar. What content did this clown ever create? What did Vaans and people like Naru and his clown friends ever create except for problems? They streamed on Twitch? Anything else? lol what a joke.


Oh wait I forgot, bad YouTube videos with garbo music.

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He is most likely full of S or ANet is lying to us to take care of their favored sons. Either way pathetic slap on the wrist in attempt to placate the community. Just like when Naru and his clowns did the same garbage and they got a little slap for it except they got even less.

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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> He is most likely full of S or ANet is lying to us to take care of their favored sons. Either way pathetic slap on the wrist in attempt to placate the community. Just like when Naru and his clowns did the same garbage and they got a little slap for it except they got even less.


Yeah a screen shot would definitely put the nail in the coffin either way. If Vaans posts s screen shot with anything less than s three months dishonor all hell would break lose. But if he posts if showing 3 months then he’s lying(or someone is) and there goes his credibility even further down the drain and no one would want him in their team(they shouldn’t anyway)

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > He is most likely full of S or ANet is lying to us to take care of their favored sons. Either way pathetic slap on the wrist in attempt to placate the community. Just like when Naru and his clowns did the same garbage and they got a little slap for it except they got even less.


> Yeah a screen shot would definitely put the nail in the coffin either way. If Vaans posts s screen shot with anything less than s three months dishonor all hell would break lose. But if he posts if showing 3 months then he’s lying(or someone is) and there goes his credibility even further down the drain and no one would want him in their team(they shouldn’t anyway)


Why he would do that in first place? He isnt interested in that

Frostball seems like left team with wintraders ,if its true he got all my respect for that

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > He is most likely full of S or ANet is lying to us to take care of their favored sons. Either way pathetic slap on the wrist in attempt to placate the community. Just like when Naru and his clowns did the same garbage and they got a little slap for it except they got even less.


> Yeah a screen shot would definitely put the nail in the coffin either way. If Vaans posts s screen shot with anything less than s three months dishonor all hell would break lose. But if he posts if showing 3 months then he’s lying(or someone is) and there goes his credibility even further down the drain and no one would want him in their team(they shouldn’t anyway)


Well I believe that was an invitation. By all means post us a screen shot Vaans since you are known to frequent this forum.

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So he gets "blocked" from pvp for three months for cheating by trading wins.


But he got to keep all the rewards he got from cheating?


Then it's not really a punishment, he got what he wanted after all. It's like if i would rob a bank and get 20 millions, I'll go to jail and when i come out I got my 20 millions there waiting for me, it's not a punishment, all i do is to wait a bit then i can enjoy my wrong gotten items. Then why are we all not doing it? It's the easiest thing ever to consider the "punishment" and imagine all that loot we can get?


Maybe you @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" or @"Gaile Gray.6029" can answer this? Is this the way Arena Net want PvP to be? Is this the Arena Net that perm banned people who bought chilipeppers and sold them for money back in 2012? Since I for one, does not think it's the same. Because back then, it was clearly no tolerance, like it should always be.


I'll link a picture of how proud one certain player is with his "punishment" and his items.


![](https://i.imgur.com/8eZZnOT.jpg "")


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not going to comment on anyone's specific amount of dishonor. But a general thing to know is that we have a UI bug that happens when someone has an exceptionally large amount of dishonor. In short, any screenshot for someone with large amounts of dishonor is not reliable.


Now, this is just me but the way the first sentence reads is that some people didn’t get the three month dishonor. If they did simply saying everyone found in the intial investigation received three months as will any else found to be involved.

But we’ll know if someone post a screenshot of any of those supposedly dishonored for 3 months on the leaderboards in a couple weeks.


But please do not let this be the only time you do this. With the amount of people that are coming out as having done this or using speed hacks there’s really no reason that semi large bans/lengthy dishonors won’t happen weekly to bi weekly.

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Just get rid of ranked and all these idiots go away. Figure out some way for rewards to be gained through unranked and everything will be better. It's not like ranked actually is a true measure of skill anymore anyway. When you are in gold/plat and you have players who think spawn camping beast is a solid strat, something is wrong with the system to begin with. It only encourages more cheating since skill doesn't get you anywhere anymore.

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Getting banned is a difficult thing to do unless it has a direct affect to Arenanet's bottom line or _continued_ harassment. BLTC (The Trading Post) economic manipulation gets more attention than any game mode or competition and even then (IMO) it seems people only get a temp ban. Banning accounts means less opportunity for revenue and balancing the payer population with those who don't spend means some bad apples will remain regardless. Players can leave if they don't like it but no one is getting banned as long as the investors are happy.

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Untill the items are taken from them that are un earned and the accounts are perma banned from pvp. this means nothing at all. All they will do is proudly enoy what they cheated to get and then after the ban they will continue to cheat.


Cheaters don't quit till you pull them from their mama's basement and make them. You must perma ban the win trade losers or this is just another joke wrist tap against them.

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> @"Arahzor.1832" said:

> So he gets "blocked" from pvp for three months for cheating by trading wins.


> But he got to keep all the rewards he got from cheating?


> Then it's not really a punishment, he got what he wanted after all. It's like if i would rob a bank and get 20 millions, I'll go to jail and when i come out I got my 20 millions there waiting for me, it's not a punishment, all i do is to wait a bit then i can enjoy my wrong gotten items. Then why are we all not doing it? It's the easiest thing ever to consider the "punishment" and imagine all that loot we can get?


> Maybe you @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" or @"Gaile Gray.6029" can answer this? Is this the way Arena Net want PvP to be? Is this the Arena Net that perm banned people who bought chilipeppers and sold them for money back in 2012? Since I for one, does not think it's the same. Because back then, it was clearly no tolerance, like it should always be.


> I'll link a picture of how proud one certain player is with his "punishment" and his items.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/8eZZnOT.jpg "")



That's a reward for winning a monthly AT, which has nothing to do with wintrading in ranked.

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Guess Anet must re read their own rules again lol


"The following Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct (the “Rules of Conduct”) govern basic interaction within the Guild Wars 2 game and websites. Please be aware that failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result in the termination of your Guild Wars 2....


22-While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching."


So Anet, what is hapenning? Why not take the right action against this players? You guys aint sending the right message here you know...

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People who wintrade ruin the game for other players, which makes them not like the game and move on. I would know as I've left this game for months at a time only to come back after to try it out again to see if things changed. I did this several times and it's because of bad games with people on my team not trying. These wintraders and cheaters completely ruin the experience of others and the PvP population goes down because of it. They should have permanent dishonour so more people don't try and copy what they did.


Also, make a proper PvP tutorial so people know what they're doing.

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