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Black Lion Weapon Ticket (Scraps) droprate too low

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Said it before and will again. Really don't like the current trend of putting the full weapon skins in the chests. Leave the chests as scraps/tickets. Re-release older skins at higher ticket prices and leave that item as an item of some value. Right now don't see any reason to acquire keys since the skins keep getting trashed due to the constant re-releases. And yes do trade in skins but its also how I like to support ANet's development. The chests were always a gamble but they are becoming even less appealing.

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Let's be real: keys have never been great value and never will.


That said I buy a *lot* of keys, and I'll likely keep buying a lot of them. I'm wary of each new set, and do a test run of 25, because sometimes they tweak things and the overall drop rates suck. It's not really about RNG if the chances themselves are reduced and I have to agree with the OP; lately it seems worse so I've been buying fewer keys.


I think Anet could do some simple things to improve the drops, and they probably should -- so we buy more keys. But there's a fine line between keeping us happy, and giving us too much. They'll do the math.

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Reducing the clutter in the common drop section with more high value items like guarantee wardrobe unlock or black lion scraps will improve the value of each key.


Take out the Season 1 memory boxes, the metabolic primers, tier 5 crafting bags, black lion coins, and self style hair kits.


Move the Total Makeover kit drop from rare drop category and make it a common drop or uncommon drop.


It feels horrible when you get a total makeover kit when you're expecting a rare item. Believe me, it sucks.

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