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[NA][PvE] New to GW2 endgame, vet in most other MMO's. LF Social Raid guild (Fractals/Raids).


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I'm not 100% set on the class yet, but right now I have an Engi, Mesmer and Ranger at 80. Thinking power holo, but not 100% yet.


Looking for a guild that has some vets from other MMO's (like WoW, FFXIV, RIFT, etc). Looking to get my feet wet into fractals/raids in GW2 to see if I enjoy them. Preferably a casual group of people who might be patient while I learn the intricacies of GW2 combat ;)


Would like an easy going group that aren't uptight or too politically correct. I tend to be most active around PST-ish timezones.


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Hey Doxmia,

The Laughing Llamas is recruiting if you're interested. We are a Military owned and operated guild, with leos and civilians alike. Our officers have played the game since it's release so we could help you out in what builds to use and game mechanics in general. We schedule events weekly and they run the gambit of everything GW2 has to offer (PvP, WvW, Raids, guild missions, fractals, HP/bounty trains, etc.) If you want to know more let me know on here or in game.

-Podge, LOL Guild Officer

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Hello :) perhaps you would be interested in joining The Phantom Rose [TPR] we are trying to hit a sweet spot where the size of our guild is neither too big nor too small, if that's something your interested in, have a look at our post and website for more info. 1) https://thephantomrose.weebly.com/


2) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26345/na-the-phantom-rose-tpr#latest

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Bump, still looking.


Ideally you're not a large guild. I'd rather get to know people and make friends. Also, please don't just copy/paste a recruit message.. I'm not really into a guild that is just inviting whoever they can get to bolster their numbers.

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Hi Doxmia,


I have read your ad and I I would like to invite you to give us a chance to offer you a place in our guild. We are a newer guild and only have 53 members we like the idea of being a bit small as it gives us all a chance to make friends and play with everyone. We are not looking to recruit just anyone in fact looking at the classes you posted we definitely could see you participating in our raid nights we have a training raid night on Friday and an Intermediate raid on Saturday to develop a static group. We do fractals daily and of course our raid night and guild missions on Sunday. http://psr.shivtr.com.

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