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Fishing Event (Redeeming IG-6417) bugged [merged]

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> @"Sneakr.3679" said:

> yea tons of us waiting.... friend of mine said he got his so - confused..


Someone told me, they just got it on a fresh map, so this would mean that the problem is still there. I was waiting there for a solid 3 hours and there was no event spawning which really annoyed me. It is not like we tried everything and no event spawning. It is just frustrating.

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I finally got it. Not sure if the map I swapped into was fresh or not, but waited about 25 minutes for the meta to complete and the event immediately started. Some people got the recordings without trying to harpoon, some didn't get it despite multiple harpooning. Luckily I harpooned 1 fish (was trying to conserve the amount of fish for my 50-60 people grp) and got the chiev for it.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Thank you for your patience. This event *has* been re-enabled and you can fish your little hearts out now! Thanks for your patience and sorry for the confusion!


EDIT to add: Having said that, there does seem to be a further point of confusion about where and when the event starts, if I'm reading my e-mails correctly. More as I know it!

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Fishing event is working but now the Golem is bugged - I managed to hand in several recordings but now he doesn't understand the concept of defending people!

The fisher recording is still in my inventory (but showing as completed in the AP panel) along with lost supply - Extortion and Burgler but the Grave defense recording I made is gone and not showing as completed in the AP panel.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Thank you for your patience. This event *has* been re-enabled and you can fish your little hearts out now! Thanks for your patience and sorry for the confusion!


> EDIT to add: Having said that, there does seem to be a further point of confusion about where and when the event starts, if I'm reading my e-mails correctly. More as I know it!


Hey Gaile,


Could you at least let us know when is the event supposed to Trigger? Is it a timed cooldown or does another event have to happen before it? That would answer a lot of questions. Thank you!

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It's finally fixed, I would've said "Thanks" if you did this fix days ago, but it's been a way too long wait so you don't deserve any thanks -.-'


Edit: Nah...I'm too kind...thanks, but try to be faster next times for bugs as annoying as this one.

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> @"Daroon.1736" said:

> Fishing event is working but now the Golem is bugged - I managed to hand in several recordings but now he doesn't understand the concept of defending people!

> The fisher recording is still in my inventory (but showing as completed in the AP panel) along with lost supply - Extortion and Burgler but the Grave defense recording I made is gone and not showing as completed in the AP panel.


Same exact issue here :/


Even tried getting another recording device and redoing the event I am supposedly missing the recording of, but no drop.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

To follow up on the bug correction to the fishing (Redeeming IG-6417) event, there still is an issue where sometimes players won’t be able to interact with the charr cub to kick off the event, even when it seems as if it should work. We will be doing another build soon to make starting the event easier.


Again, we're very sorry for this inconvenience!

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The only inconvenience about it is that I have 9 items in my inventory / bank for days now that I cant turn in. I can understand the desire for having "real" recordings as well... recordings ;) and the icons, as always, are quite nice looking. But when something like this happens, its just annoying.


Maybe its time for a questlog, where you unlock questitems when killing a certain mob or gathering etc. instead of having them in your inventory?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Thank you for your patience. This event *has* been re-enabled and you can fish your little hearts out now! Thanks for your patience and sorry for the confusion!


> EDIT to add: Having said that, there does seem to be a further point of confusion about where and when the event starts, if I'm reading my e-mails correctly. More as I know it!


Yes the fishing event did launch after the Gathering Storms Meta completed on our map ~~-however- my stack of 18 Recording Devices were all consumed for one "Olmakhan Defense Recording" so I had no device to record the following fishing event ~~-and- when I went to purchase more from the heart npc, discovered that the Recording Devices no longer stack. Submitted a bug report and screenshots. Other people in squad mentioned that they also were affected by the 'stack bug".


Edit: Disregard part of the above post. The Recording Devices were not consumed from recording the event.. when the patch was launched March 27th, 2018 the stack of Recording Devices were reduced from whatever multiple already purchased to one single item. Still amounts to a loss of 90 diflourite crystals for this account and time needed to collect the required currency.

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So, the event is fixed... Which is great...


And I did it, which is even greater...


But when I did it, it consumed all eleven of my unused Recording Devices instead of just one. :confounded:


So for those of you doing it--make sure you only have one recording device in your inventory.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> But when I did it, it consumed all eleven of my unused Recording Devices instead of just one. :confounded:


So the bug with the gathering tools spread on to everything that stacks? I suppose I will wait to send in a ticket regarding my birthday level boost that does not stack with the rest of the same kind (i.e., level), which by the way is a recurring bug that I am facing every year (GG).

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I just updated the info in News and Announcements. Here's a paste:


To follow up on the bug correction to the fishing event (Redeeming IG-6417), there still is an issue where sometimes players won’t be able to interact with the charr cub to kick off the event, even when it seems as if it should work. We will be doing another build soon to make starting the event easier.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Deadly Moonshiner.1354" said:

> > I am very disappointed that Anet doesn't fix things faster.


> Well, maybe you should take a look at the latest release note. It will tell you that they obviously had other priorities (skill fixes/balancing etc.).


Obviously, my post was before any release notes, before fix deployment and after many other forum members inquired about the fix. Therefore I see no point in your post.


Of course, you can have and share your opinion on the topic, try to rationalize or justify this or that, I respect that. I can even understand that. However, being disappointed (or not) with Anet's handling of this particular issue is strictly and exclusively my prerogative as an Anet paying customer. I shared my disappointment publicly on the forum. If anyone should have taken any message from it then it is primarily Anet.

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It seems some players are having trouble getting credit for the event even when they successfully deliver multiple fish. Not sure if it's an issue with not having a spare recording in inventory or what, as I got credit the first time I successfully caught and returned a couple fish. For anyone having trouble with getting credit: make sure you have a recording device in your inventory when event starts. You don't actually need to harpoon any fish, just catch at least one fish and turn it into the collection basket. Simply stand in the white circles on the dock and wait to catch the fish while others do the harpooning. Note, multiple people can catch a fish from the same white circle so it isn't like you're stealing their fish! ;)

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