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FB Post launch feedback thread


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Except for the bugs, my main issue now are the mantras. They are too small, is impossible to hit anyone.


It should be 450 cone range and 180 radius. In thay way its concept/design is kept and the mantras are viable to use on allies.


The other problem are the traits Weighty Terms that is really weak and Stoic Demeanor is useless, there is no reason to use this trait at all, how is it a GM trait?

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My one suggestion would be that the cooldown on the Tomes scales with the number of pages actually used. As it stands, if I open one tome and then decide I don't need to use any pages, or maybe just use one page, the cooldown on the tome is the same as if I had used all the pages up. It makes it hard to swap between the tomes with the long cooldowns so you have to camp in one tome until you use up all the pages, which makes you either a total heal-bot (no damage on any of those chapters), a total boon-bot (one chapter actually does damage), or total dps/fire-bot, then you use your normal weapons while you wait 30-90 seconds for the tomes to refresh.

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Make it so that when justice is renewed we get the pages back while in tome of justice, beats stowing before anything dies. It wont help much in boss fights just in open world and maybe pvp and wvw.

Also while using Valiant Bulwark in Mai Trin Fractal I teleport to Mai when shes trying to teleport to us, kinda annoying dunno if its intended.

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Played some ranked as FB on this account (diamond and platinum) testing stuff out and after i got comfy i swapped to my pvp account and played platinum.


It has worked out alright but not playing melee, i kite as a crazy person using scepter and it even gotten so far that i play only one scepter and use two offhands.


My conclusion so far is:

We need in combat mobility and disengage if FB is supposed to be played as a melee profession. I suggested making one of the mantras a 600 blink*3 and i genuinly think this is a good idea and that it woul solve a lot of the issues FB has in platinum.


We need instant tomes and its very obvious in platinum.


We need even lower cooldowns on resolve and courage.


We need longer range on our mantras for them to work as support, increase the cone to 600. one of the reasons for this is also that the auto on tomes has 600 which means you have a huge variety of ranges in the support tools and tbh i find it to be a mess. I would even say that it is better to reduce range on tome auto so they at least can have synergies with the mantras. Preferably i want mantras to match the tomes.


We need a working support weapon and they need to fix staff if they want axe to be the melee option for burst/dps. The other supportweapons are melee and slow and playing those effectively in FB just isnt working with the available amulets.

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> @Ezrael.6859 said:

> Symbol of Vengeance seems to only do full Power damage on the first initial hit, then does tiny damage on all future pulses.


> It also only affects 3 targets, yet all other symbols affect 5.


This, so much. PLEASE fix this anet. Also, the final charge of the elite mantra says it "weakens" foes but it doesn't do that at all.


Some of the traits are just straight up bad, like the top line grandmaster.


Another gripe I have is the long cast times on mantras. You honestly can't expect players to equip all 5 mantras and try to prep them before every encounter. Cut the cast time in half or something please

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