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Countering Deadeye's Mark?

Illconceived Was Na.9781

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > Just run away from a SA stealth abusing DE. It's that simple.

> > > >

> > > > Rule of thumb vs any thief who is abusing stealth excessively:

> > > >

> > > > They are bad players and you just walk away.

> > >

> > > that so? here i got another one for you

> > > rule of thumb every one running around not solo is a bad player so just walk away.

> > >

> > > stealth is strong for fighting large groups of noobs, but building stealth heavy is a handicap against a good player in a 1 vs 1. so if i build to fight noobs because thats what you will face in WvW all the time i am bad ? if you build to fight 1 vs 1 while they are pretty rare in WvW then i guess you failed with your build. unless you run around in a group. in a group SA is indeed stupid, but for 1vs many it is rather stupid to not go for SA as you have to assume they are noobs and then SA is better.

> > >

> > > but hey your way of thinking gets me alot of bags and you are not alone.

> > >

> >

> > I never group unless it's with the players on opposing servers as I find it more enjoyable conversation most times.

> >

> > So you are admitting you can only fight noobs by noobing it up with a stealth abusing build? I'm confused honestly to what you are trying to say here. You should have zero problem staying alive in WvW on a non SA thief build. It's not hard and once you learn to drop the SA line you ascend to higher skill levels of thief.

> >

> > Please respond and clarify if I'm off on your point b/c it's quite confusing tbh.

> >

> > Thanks


> noobs can be killed with any build, but you can control a large number of noobs alot better with stealth then with any other defensive tool. you may cripple yourself for highly outnumbered fights, i cripple myself for 1 vs 1. you have to run from a blob , i have to run from no one i can just stealth and kill. oh and i hate running away. SA also gives you the option to remain in towers and keeps and flip them back, that would be alot harder without SA.

> just because you play different, doesnt make the others bad players. they could know as much as you about this games mechanics and use them against you. i just do think you shouldnt think of any opponent that he is bad just because of build choice, that can quickly lead to underestimate him. but i guess thats an easy excuse if you die to someone using a 'noob' build. i know many people for the first years and some till today call anyone using a condi build a noob and then think they are better players even if they died to it. that thinking wont make them winning the fights tho.


Again I never stated to use "noob build" as an excuse. You aren't fighting blobs solo mate. Please post a video of it.


Reading all that stuff about condi builds and people's opinion etc I know what type of player you are. Thanks


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i dont fight them, but i dont leave the area for them and if they give me an opportunity i kill one.

see now we getting there i am a type of player. every type has good and bad players , not everyone from another type are bad.

tho maybe your definition of good and bad might differ from mine. i see we dont get to a common point, thanks for you input tho it doesnt help the OP at all.



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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> i dont fight them, but i dont leave the area for them and if they give me an opportunity i kill one.

> see now we getting there i am a type of player. every type has good and bad players , not everyone from another type are bad.

> tho maybe your definition of good and bad might differ from mine. i see we dont get to a common point, thanks for you input tho it doesnt help the OP at all.




Try doing what you do without camping stealth then get back to me.


I also gave him the best advice here. Walk away.

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Good notes. I went generally pretty high-level as every nuance is hard to touch.


Swiftness running is hard to say if enough, especially if Shadowstep gets used offensively. I will concede it's generally wise to burn mobility if possible to escape the threat range as to maintain stealth, the thief will definitely struggle to keep up.


The lack of laser for DJ is a bug or should be. I haven't encountered anyone cancelling the laser but I must be missing something. Strictly depending on an audio tell is pretty sucky for anyone who's deaf which is pretty lame to be honest :\


I find Cursed Bullet use pretty rare and the dodge rules still apply of course so it's kinda situational, and is also why I suggest waiting for the laser on everything (DJ) it also depends heavily on the matchup, too. Something like auto-proc invulns like lesser SoS or DP can make CB end up being totally not worthwhile, but this was a good thing to mention as pre-casting a reflect could hurt more than help.




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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> @"MUDse.7623"


> Good notes. I went generally pretty high-level as every nuance is hard to touch.


> Swiftness running is hard to say if enough, especially if Shadowstep gets used offensively. I will concede it's generally wise to burn mobility if possible to escape the threat range as to maintain stealth, the thief will definitely struggle to keep up.


> The lack of laser for DJ is a bug or should be. I haven't encountered anyone cancelling the laser but I must be missing something. Strictly depending on an audio tell is pretty sucky for anyone who's deaf which is pretty lame to be honest :\


> I find Cursed Bullet use pretty rare and the dodge rules still apply of course so it's kinda situational, and is also why I suggest waiting for the laser on everything (DJ) it also depends heavily on the matchup, too. Something like auto-proc invulns like lesser SoS or DP can make CB end up being totally not worthwhile, but this was a good thing to mention as pre-casting a reflect could hurt more than help.





no laser is if you shoot with action cam without targetting anyone, then you have technically no target so the laser cant appear but the bullet will still hit your target if you aim correctly. for this i have a keybind for toggle action cam - worth it especially if you see one waiting to dodge the shot. move to somewhere you assume to be out of the field of view, hope he got no sound or too loud music or what ever, you can snipe many with that. but ofc its way harder then in an FPS game as the way the bullet is going to travel is determined before the end of the channel and then the bullet is slow , so be careful trying this on a moving target.


here an example of that, i think i posted it somewhere earlier..



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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > i dont fight them, but i dont leave the area for them and if they give me an opportunity i kill one.

> > see now we getting there i am a type of player. every type has good and bad players , not everyone from another type are bad.

> > tho maybe your definition of good and bad might differ from mine. i see we dont get to a common point, thanks for you input tho it doesnt help the OP at all.

> >

> >



> I also gave him the best advice here. Walk away.


No you didn't. _Run away & Ignore_ doesn't answer the OP's question at all, nor is it helpful in any way.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623"

> >

> > Good notes. I went generally pretty high-level as every nuance is hard to touch.

> >

> > Swiftness running is hard to say if enough, especially if Shadowstep gets used offensively. I will concede it's generally wise to burn mobility if possible to escape the threat range as to maintain stealth, the thief will definitely struggle to keep up.

> >

> > The lack of laser for DJ is a bug or should be. I haven't encountered anyone cancelling the laser but I must be missing something. Strictly depending on an audio tell is pretty sucky for anyone who's deaf which is pretty lame to be honest :\

> >

> > I find Cursed Bullet use pretty rare and the dodge rules still apply of course so it's kinda situational, and is also why I suggest waiting for the laser on everything (DJ) it also depends heavily on the matchup, too. Something like auto-proc invulns like lesser SoS or DP can make CB end up being totally not worthwhile, but this was a good thing to mention as pre-casting a reflect could hurt more than help.

> >

> >

> >


> no laser is if you shoot with action cam without targetting anyone, then you have technically no target so the laser cant appear but the bullet will still hit your target if you aim correctly. for this i have a keybind for toggle action cam - worth it especially if you see one waiting to dodge the shot. move to somewhere you assume to be out of the field of view, hope he got no sound or too loud music or what ever, you can snipe many with that. but ofc its way harder then in an FPS game as the way the bullet is going to travel is determined before the end of the channel and then the bullet is slow , so be careful trying this on a moving target.


> here an example of that, i think i posted it somewhere earlier..

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1UJIyp4Qk&feature=youtu.be



That's really interesting, and ultimately something that while it may negatively affect your gameplay, I hope gets fixed on behalf of the deaf gw2 community.

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > i dont fight them, but i dont leave the area for them and if they give me an opportunity i kill one.

> > > see now we getting there i am a type of player. every type has good and bad players , not everyone from another type are bad.

> > > tho maybe your definition of good and bad might differ from mine. i see we dont get to a common point, thanks for you input tho it doesnt help the OP at all.

> > >

> > >

> >


> > I also gave him the best advice here. Walk away.


> No you didn't. _Run away & Ignore_ doesn't answer the OP's question at all, nor is it helpful in any way.


Yes it does and is the only answer.


You can't counter a Mark that is placed from stealth.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > i dont fight them, but i dont leave the area for them and if they give me an opportunity i kill one.

> > > > see now we getting there i am a type of player. every type has good and bad players , not everyone from another type are bad.

> > > > tho maybe your definition of good and bad might differ from mine. i see we dont get to a common point, thanks for you input tho it doesnt help the OP at all.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> > > I also gave him the best advice here. Walk away.

> >

> > No you didn't. _Run away & Ignore_ doesn't answer the OP's question at all, nor is it helpful in any way.


> Yes it does and is the only answer.


> You can't counter a Mark that is placed from stealth.

Yeah but that's not what he's asking is it? He's asking if there's anything he can do after being marked. A situation which several people (except yourself and yours truly) have offered quite a lot of advice, and didn't simply say "Run away you scrub" while parading around like a lucid monkey pretending it's the only truth. You can pretend otherwise if you want, but it'll only show how high on delirium you are.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623"

> >

> > Good notes. I went generally pretty high-level as every nuance is hard to touch.

> >

> > Swiftness running is hard to say if enough, especially if Shadowstep gets used offensively. I will concede it's generally wise to burn mobility if possible to escape the threat range as to maintain stealth, the thief will definitely struggle to keep up.

> >

> > The lack of laser for DJ is a bug or should be. I haven't encountered anyone cancelling the laser but I must be missing something. Strictly depending on an audio tell is pretty sucky for anyone who's deaf which is pretty lame to be honest :\

> >

> > I find Cursed Bullet use pretty rare and the dodge rules still apply of course so it's kinda situational, and is also why I suggest waiting for the laser on everything (DJ) it also depends heavily on the matchup, too. Something like auto-proc invulns like lesser SoS or DP can make CB end up being totally not worthwhile, but this was a good thing to mention as pre-casting a reflect could hurt more than help.

> >

> >

> >


> no laser is if you shoot with action cam without targetting anyone, then you have technically no target so the laser cant appear but the bullet will still hit your target if you aim correctly. for this i have a keybind for toggle action cam - worth it especially if you see one waiting to dodge the shot. move to somewhere you assume to be out of the field of view, hope he got no sound or too loud music or what ever, you can snipe many with that. but ofc its way harder then in an FPS game as the way the bullet is going to travel is determined before the end of the channel and then the bullet is slow , so be careful trying this on a moving target.


> here an example of that, i think i posted it somewhere earlier..

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1UJIyp4Qk&feature=youtu.be



I didn't know that. It's fascinating. Do you just have to aim close to your target for the bullet to hit? Near the ground or something near them?

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > i dont fight them, but i dont leave the area for them and if they give me an opportunity i kill one.

> > > > > see now we getting there i am a type of player. every type has good and bad players , not everyone from another type are bad.

> > > > > tho maybe your definition of good and bad might differ from mine. i see we dont get to a common point, thanks for you input tho it doesnt help the OP at all.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > I also gave him the best advice here. Walk away.

> > >

> > > No you didn't. _Run away & Ignore_ doesn't answer the OP's question at all, nor is it helpful in any way.

> >

> > Yes it does and is the only answer.

> >

> > You can't counter a Mark that is placed from stealth.

> Yeah but that's not what he's asking is it? He's asking if there's anything he can do after being marked. A situation which several people (except yourself and yours truly) have offered quite a lot of advice, and didn't simply say "Run away you scrub" while parading around like a lucid monkey pretending it's the only truth. You can pretend otherwise if you want, but it'll only show how high on delirium you are.


I never said "Run away you scrub". The part where you fail to insult me calling me a "lucid" monkey then saying "show how high on delirium you are" pretty much confirms how much you understand the situation.


So i will spell it out for you on your level.


If I decided to run a SA rifle spec'd thief I would mark you from stealth and never appear until it was time to hit Death's Judgement. I would also run Haste so you have pretty no shot of dodging my Death's Judgement b/c i'm going to shoot you from the blindside. If I miss I will reset and try again. I will do this until you make a mistake. You will make that mistake or run out of dodges b/c I can shoot multiple DJ's in a row or in such quick succession you run out of dodges/defenses.


To counter this method of playing you simply


"Run Away"


So did this incorrectly use of the world Delirium but somehow Lucid Monkey spell it out for you enough?



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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623"

> > >

> > > Good notes. I went generally pretty high-level as every nuance is hard to touch.

> > >

> > > Swiftness running is hard to say if enough, especially if Shadowstep gets used offensively. I will concede it's generally wise to burn mobility if possible to escape the threat range as to maintain stealth, the thief will definitely struggle to keep up.

> > >

> > > The lack of laser for DJ is a bug or should be. I haven't encountered anyone cancelling the laser but I must be missing something. Strictly depending on an audio tell is pretty sucky for anyone who's deaf which is pretty lame to be honest :\

> > >

> > > I find Cursed Bullet use pretty rare and the dodge rules still apply of course so it's kinda situational, and is also why I suggest waiting for the laser on everything (DJ) it also depends heavily on the matchup, too. Something like auto-proc invulns like lesser SoS or DP can make CB end up being totally not worthwhile, but this was a good thing to mention as pre-casting a reflect could hurt more than help.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > no laser is if you shoot with action cam without targetting anyone, then you have technically no target so the laser cant appear but the bullet will still hit your target if you aim correctly. for this i have a keybind for toggle action cam - worth it especially if you see one waiting to dodge the shot. move to somewhere you assume to be out of the field of view, hope he got no sound or too loud music or what ever, you can snipe many with that. but ofc its way harder then in an FPS game as the way the bullet is going to travel is determined before the end of the channel and then the bullet is slow , so be careful trying this on a moving target.

> >

> > here an example of that, i think i posted it somewhere earlier..

> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1UJIyp4Qk&feature=youtu.be

> >


> I didn't know that. It's fascinating. Do you just have to aim close to your target for the bullet to hit? Near the ground or something near them?


you have to set ofc correct direction to the hitbox of your target and dependin on range relative to maxrange you need to shoot on them or above them. rather close shots with action cam if you aim right at the target might go into the ground in between.


the problem is that you look 3rd person, the dot of the action cam will show you the location where the bullet will go on maxrange from your camera ankle. so if you bring the camera down to behind your toon its easier to aim.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > Just run away from a SA stealth abusing DE. It's that simple.

> > >

> > > Rule of thumb vs any thief who is abusing stealth excessively:

> > >

> > > They are bad players and you just walk away.

> >

> > They are not bad players. They just have a different play-style you are not fond of. There is nothing wrong with using stealth a lot then ambushing people. It is a valid style just like rushing head long into the enemy. Both styles work for different people.


> Answer this:


> What happens if you take stealth away from that thief player?


> There's your answer


Answer this:

What happens if you take oneshot combo on an unaware player away from you?

There's your answer.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Otherwise there's really not much else to it. A good DE is virtually impossible to kill unless you really set yourself up to be able to kill them. OTOH, it's very limited in how well it can pursue kills, so you're often more than capable of just resetting the fight yourself and running away.


If I get marked and no enemy is visible, I just stand still and wait for them to act. It's incredibly easy to react to anything a stealth-DE wants to do. (Especially as non-stealth DE. A counter-mark (BQoBK + Stun) and 2 Double-Taps are enough to take them down after you successfully react to their DJ attempt.)


> As a side note, we use the phrase "in your/their shoes" in the US. Can't tell if that was a joke or not though :P


He was trying to use Sneakers instead of Shoes because Thieves are sneaky, but then he over-thought his own joke and decided to explain that sneakers are a type of shoe category in case there were any readers who were unfamiliar with the term.

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > Just run away from a SA stealth abusing DE. It's that simple.

> > > >

> > > > Rule of thumb vs any thief who is abusing stealth excessively:

> > > >

> > > > They are bad players and you just walk away.

> > >

> > > They are not bad players. They just have a different play-style you are not fond of. There is nothing wrong with using stealth a lot then ambushing people. It is a valid style just like rushing head long into the enemy. Both styles work for different people.

> >

> > Answer this:

> >

> > What happens if you take stealth away from that thief player?

> >

> > There's your answer


> Answer this:

> What happens if you take oneshot combo on an unaware player away from you?

> There's your answer.


I'll use something else to win

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Otherwise there's really not much else to it. A good DE is virtually impossible to kill unless you really set yourself up to be able to kill them. OTOH, it's very limited in how well it can pursue kills, so you're often more than capable of just resetting the fight yourself and running away.


> If I get marked and no enemy is visible, I just stand still and wait for them to act. It's incredibly easy to react to anything a stealth-DE wants to do. (Especially as non-stealth DE. A counter-mark (BQoBK + Stun) and 2 Double-Taps are enough to take them down after you successfully react to their DJ attempt.)


if you expect a DJ as non stealth DE , it will be easy for the stealther to onehit you with a backstab tho? at least thats what i do and works in most cases, if it doesnt the opposing thief is too defensive to burst me down in the short window they have.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > Otherwise there's really not much else to it. A good DE is virtually impossible to kill unless you really set yourself up to be able to kill them. OTOH, it's very limited in how well it can pursue kills, so you're often more than capable of just resetting the fight yourself and running away.

> >

> > If I get marked and no enemy is visible, I just stand still and wait for them to act. It's incredibly easy to react to anything a stealth-DE wants to do. (Especially as non-stealth DE. A counter-mark (BQoBK + Stun) and 2 Double-Taps are enough to take them down after you successfully react to their DJ attempt.)


> if you expect a DJ as non stealth DE , it will be easy for the stealther to onehit you with a backstab tho? at least thats what i do and works in most cases, if it doesnt the opposing thief is too defensive to burst me down in the short window they have.


I've yet to be one shot by any DE, from neither DJ nor a Backstab. And *all* I do is roam, across a few tiers. I've been hit pretty hard by backstabs, but the opposing stealth-traited DE's have never had enough to follow-up. I've got 16.5k hp.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > > Otherwise there's really not much else to it. A good DE is virtually impossible to kill unless you really set yourself up to be able to kill them. OTOH, it's very limited in how well it can pursue kills, so you're often more than capable of just resetting the fight yourself and running away.

> > >

> > > If I get marked and no enemy is visible, I just stand still and wait for them to act. It's incredibly easy to react to anything a stealth-DE wants to do. (Especially as non-stealth DE. A counter-mark (BQoBK + Stun) and 2 Double-Taps are enough to take them down after you successfully react to their DJ attempt.)

> >

> > if you expect a DJ as non stealth DE , it will be easy for the stealther to onehit you with a backstab tho? at least thats what i do and works in most cases, if it doesnt the opposing thief is too defensive to burst me down in the short window they have.


> I've yet to be one shot by any DE, from neither DJ nor a Backstab. And *all* I do is roam, across a few tiers. I've been hit pretty hard by backstabs, but the opposing stealth-traited DE's have never had enough to follow-up. I've got 16.5k hp.


how much armor do you run ? cause most opposing thieves recieve 20-22k backstabs from me..

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > > > Otherwise there's really not much else to it. A good DE is virtually impossible to kill unless you really set yourself up to be able to kill them. OTOH, it's very limited in how well it can pursue kills, so you're often more than capable of just resetting the fight yourself and running away.

> > > >

> > > > If I get marked and no enemy is visible, I just stand still and wait for them to act. It's incredibly easy to react to anything a stealth-DE wants to do. (Especially as non-stealth DE. A counter-mark (BQoBK + Stun) and 2 Double-Taps are enough to take them down after you successfully react to their DJ attempt.)

> > >

> > > if you expect a DJ as non stealth DE , it will be easy for the stealther to onehit you with a backstab tho? at least thats what i do and works in most cases, if it doesnt the opposing thief is too defensive to burst me down in the short window they have.

> >

> > I've yet to be one shot by any DE, from neither DJ nor a Backstab. And *all* I do is roam, across a few tiers. I've been hit pretty hard by backstabs, but the opposing stealth-traited DE's have never had enough to follow-up. I've got 16.5k hp.


> how much armor do you run ? cause most opposing thieves recieve 20-22k backstabs from me..


I don't have any toughness stats on my gear. The only passive mitigation I have is -10% Damage from food.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > i dont fight them, but i dont leave the area for them and if they give me an opportunity i kill one.

> > > > > > see now we getting there i am a type of player. every type has good and bad players , not everyone from another type are bad.

> > > > > > tho maybe your definition of good and bad might differ from mine. i see we dont get to a common point, thanks for you input tho it doesnt help the OP at all.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > I also gave him the best advice here. Walk away.

> > > >

> > > > No you didn't. _Run away & Ignore_ doesn't answer the OP's question at all, nor is it helpful in any way.

> > >

> > > Yes it does and is the only answer.

> > >

> > > You can't counter a Mark that is placed from stealth.

> > Yeah but that's not what he's asking is it? He's asking if there's anything he can do after being marked. A situation which several people (except yourself and yours truly) have offered quite a lot of advice, and didn't simply say "Run away you scrub" while parading around like a lucid monkey pretending it's the only truth. You can pretend otherwise if you want, but it'll only show how high on delirium you are.


> I never said "Run away you scrub". The part where you fail to insult me calling me a "lucid" monkey then saying "show how high on delirium you are" pretty much confirms how much you understand the situation.


> So i will spell it out for you on your level.


> If I decided to run a SA rifle spec'd thief I would mark you from stealth and never appear until it was time to hit Death's Judgement. I would also run Haste so you have pretty no shot of dodging my Death's Judgement b/c i'm going to shoot you from the blindside. If I miss I will reset and try again. I will do this until you make a mistake. You will make that mistake or run out of dodges b/c I can shoot multiple DJ's in a row or in such quick succession you run out of dodges/defenses.


> To counter this method of playing you simply


> "Run Away"


> So did this incorrectly use of the world Delirium but somehow Lucid Monkey spell it out for you enough?


> Thanks


Wait for DJ sound, dodge. It's fast with quickness but not impossible to avoid. Turn camera asap as they will try to follow up with another DJ or triple shot. Quickly target and use BP to blind or headshot to interrupt. Use steal/mark to interrupt again and jump on them. Easy.


You dont need to be in stealth to surive, but there is no crime in using stealth to the fullest and it doesn't make them a bad player because you can't find a way around it.

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> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> does quickness increase the velocity of the bullet or only the cast time of the skill?

> instant reflects are your friend, traited warrior shield works fine again DJ :)


only the cast, dont rely on reflect unless you got the time to check the buffbar for basi venom in the short time the thief is visible if you even know wich direction he is.

best is just to play with sound and use an evade, optimally a skillbased one as they are not prevented by immob.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> What's the best way to deal with being marked by a Deadeye in WvW? Or, if you're a Deadeye, what sorts of things do you worry about your opponent doing?


> I don't play much thief, so I'm not very good at putting myself into their "sneakers" (that's "American" for running shoes or "trainers"). I know that one option is breaking LoS, but that's rarely practical, especially in a 2:2 where the thief's roaming partner is in a bunker build (can't leave off attention from the 2nd opponent, can't easily hide, and yet there's this Mark of Damocles hanging over my neck).


> Are there profession-specific tricks? Can I assume the thief will wait for max Malice and dodge then? I'm assuming there are some viable tactics and I'm not simply doomed against any competently stealthy renegade.


> Thanks in advance.


> _edit: my apologies for mangling the name of the elite specialization; I meant Deadeye, the thief elite._


Avid Deadeye user in WvW and PvP. The mark it's self is not designed to be easily countered and flip the script on the Deadeye. Doing trhat would make the spec completely useless. However, there are some things you can actually do to prevent a Deadeye from murdering you.


When a Deadeye marks you. You have two options. Run or engage hard. If you Run, you take away the deadeye's ability to mark another target. If you have a group with you, they can deal with the deadeye for you. The second option is better if you can see the deadeye and you can get to them quickly.


If the deadeye is a non-permastealth getting on top of them immediately when you see that mark is going to be your salvation. Some may try to kite you and generate their malice. Some will actually fight you. I'm going to tell you right now to not underestimate a deadeye in melee. While they are intended to make heavy use of the rifle, they can be absolute monsters in Melee combat thanks to that damage buff and iron sights giving them a 15% damage reduction to their marked target.


Your biggest worry from a deadeye will be backstabs and Death Judgement. Death Judgement is pretty straight forward to avoid. But you need to pay attention. I've seen a lot of players bring some Reflect because they knew I was a deadeye. And they've been baited into waisting their reflects, Or they thought nothing of me swapping to rifle and kneeling immediately while they were in melee.


Count the Deadeye's utilities. One of the things a deadeye heavily lacks is mobility. So we often bring a shadow step on our hotbar to either evade or chase. You can bait a deadeye into close range by running through a bottle necked doorway and hiding by the side. Prepare your CC. Other specs of thieves will normally be able to just run around the corner and still kill you. But a Deadeye has a rough time with that without a shadowstep.


If the deadeye has terrain advantage over you. Do not engage. I can't tell you enough how much I get people screaming at me for playing a 'broken class' because I had the high ground and they couldn't spend two seconds to remember what a thief can do. As long as there's a walkable path, a thief can shadowstep to it. If a Deadeye shadowsteps to high ground, or low ground from high ground... DO NOT CHASE. You'll spend forever trying to get to him, and you'll get murdered for it.


If you do not have a dodge or a block available, theres a few things you can still do to save yourself from a DJ.

1. Is to hide behind an object. It doesn't matter how tall it is, if it blocks your walking movement, it obstructs the bullet. It's bullshit, but it pisses us thieves off massively.

2. Is to jump on top of the thief, and get behind them. I don't remember if they fixed this, but the DJ doesn't actually lock onto you for some stupid reason. If you go behind a thief it misses completely.

3. Interrupt.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> 2. Is to jump on top of the thief, and get behind them. I don't remember if they fixed this, but the DJ doesn't actually lock onto you for some stupid reason. If you go behind a thief it misses completely.


DJ still tracks target at the beginning of the channel and after the shot but not shortly before the shot, so if you move enough that the DE would have to turn more then ~60° during channeling , no bullet will be fired. this makes DJ very unreliable at close range against moving targets in groupfights, in 1 vs X alot of the movement is towards the DE or away from it so the bullet mostly still is fired.


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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> Just run away from a SA stealth abusing DE. It's that simple.


> Rule of thumb vs any thief who is abusing stealth excessively:


> They are bad players and you just walk away.


While I don't fully disagree with you, there are people that prefer the stalking their prey play style and are still great thieves otherwise. By not acknowledging it your tone is losing its punch.

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