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Can't get into ANY PoF map

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Was playing about an hour ago and decided to leave the crystal oasis and go to the desert highlands... Big mistake. It sat there and loaded for about 5 minutes until I got the lost connection to the server message and that's all that happens now if I try to load that character.

I decided to play another character and get it to the crystal oasis, Guess what, It's stuck now too. It seems I can't go to any PoF map with any character at all.

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Same issue.

Dc'd last night so went off, now i cant get on the character that dc'd anymore.

Character select says its in Elon Riverlands, then i try to load, it loads for a couple of seconds, then decides to start loading the desolation(which is where i dc'd) then keeps loading for like 5 minutes till i dc and try again, been doing this for like an hour now.

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Anything PoF related, even the Loin's Arch story instance, makes my characters completely stuck and unplayable. All I get is a never ending loading screen till it gives me 'game client has lost connection to server' 10 mins later. I can load everything else fine and was able to play PoF last night, so why can't I play it now?

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