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Botting Necro's/Engineers lowering my enjoyment of the game.

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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > I think some people need a crash course in 'normal gameplay' and it ain't me :)


> It really is you.

I really think it isn't.


I enjoy farming mats from time to time as much as the next person... but not with an army of drones while making an area unplayable for others. I've played enough RPG's over the years to know what is normal and what isn't.


This type of brute forcing isn't something ive encountered in this game yet either... certainly not in that area and not with a clump of Necro's. And i come there often with different characters especially because of the nice way that area works.


Anet not beeing able to deal with it isn't news either. It's the same for other MMO's out there. And they all slowly change mechanics without 'rocking the boat' too hard.


Doesn't mean they are happy with it and also doesn't mean we all need to shut up. The more negative attention it gets the higher it comes on the priority list.... just like everything else in the world. And doing nothing is never an option.


> @"Neutra.6857" said:

>it is just that people are not playing the way you want them to play.

Sure...you go right ahead and believe that.


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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > > I think some people need a crash course in 'normal gameplay' and it ain't me :)

> >

> > It really is you.

> I really think it isn't.


> I enjoy farming mats from time to time as much as the next person... but not with an army of drones while making an area unplayable for others. I've played enough RPG's over the years to know what is normal and what isn't.


> This type of brute forcing isn't something ive encountered in this game yet either... certainly not in that area and not with a clump of Necro's. And i come there often with different characters especially because of the nice way that area works.


> Anet not beeing able to deal with it isn't news either. It's the same for other MMO's out there. And they all slowly change mechanics without 'rocking the boat' too hard.


> Doesn't mean they are happy with it and also doesn't mean we all need to shut up. The more negative attention it gets the higher it comes on the priority list.... just like everything else in the world. And doing nothing is never an option.


> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> >it is just that people are not playing the way you want them to play.

> Sure...you go right ahead and believe that.



spawn killing has happend since the dawn of time.


and what you consider ''normal'' is abnormal by others


there is no ''normal'' way to play there is only playing

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:


> I really think it isn't.


> I enjoy farming mats from time to time as much as the next person... but not with an army of drones while making an area unplayable for others. I've played enough RPG's over the years to know what is normal and what isn't.


> This type of brute forcing isn't something ive encountered in this game yet either... certainly not in that area and not with a clump of Necro's. And i come there often with different characters especially because of the nice way that area works.



I guess the OP has never been in a map when it's the daily event completer. Try getting a hit on one of the mobs when there is an "army of drones" (ie other players) making tagging a mob nearly impossible as they all die before you can get a hit in., or someone coming in on their mount to a low level map, killing all the mobs with his 1 dismount skill. Maybe you should report that to anet too.



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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > That is a really odd thing to get upset about. They're not doing you any harm. If you run around the world killing everything on sight.. idk, might be the wrong game. A large majority of players ignores most enemies because they don't do anything anyway so why bother.

> > > >

> > > > I occasionally afk farm as well to get lower tier mats, but at least I'm sitting next to it while I work or read.

> > > >

> > > > Besides, you can never really know if they are there or not. If I don't want to be bothered I switch my chat to an empty tab and press # to remove it entirely. Never underestimate someone's ability to ignore everything while still being around somewhat. If they legitimately afk until they get kicked it's no harm done either

> > >

> > > Excelsior.

> > > That's like blocking a parking space in a full/crowded parking lot while sitting in the car, doing nothing but reading or listening to music and then wondering why people honk at you and getting angry. "I dindu nuffing wrong"?

> > >

> > > Sorry, that's not quite nice to say the least.

> >

> > Except that my being somewhere in a game does not block anybody from standing in the exact same spot and taking kill credit or just straight up killing mobs before they even aggro on me. You can't compare this to the real world, because in the example you brought up there would actually be something to complain about - the physical presence of my car that makes it impossible for others to be in the very same spot. Me being afk in a spot doesn't harm anybody - besides the mobs that will spawn every 20 or whatever seconds that might not even aggro for another 10.


> Nonono. Have you ever tried to hit low level mobs when theres 3-4 engies, full turrets and everything around? You can't. You just cant.


A single person can instantly kill low level mobs, do we now permanently ban random people for "blocking" the op's enjoyment because they're 1 shotting mobs in a corner of the map? If someone got there first and you can't get credit for anything, go somewhere else. Complaining someone else is 1 shotting low level mobs before you can is extremely silly.

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> Complaining someone else is 1 shotting low level mobs before you can is extremely silly.

Oww... luckily i didn't make a thread about that... pheww ;)


> @"Vash.2386" said:

> I guess the OP has never been in a map when it's the daily event completer.

He has... and no it has nothing to do with the Daily zerg.... not even remotely.



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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> One or more Necro's/Engineers botting some area with fast spawning mobs are really starting to get on my nerves. They block off area's where mobs spawn and where it used to be fun to defend against- or fight small waves of mobs.


> Can't there be some mechanic added to minions that despawns them after a period of time of inactivity by the player character? Or at least something like that? Or just log off the character from the game after some inactivity like in any other game.


> You see them everywhere these days, it's running rampant.


> EDIT: [ for those that think this is about AFK farming: ]


> **Some of my favorite fighting spots are unusable because the mobs are beeing killed at the spawnpoint. So it's not about the KILLRIGHTS or about the MATERIALS but about ATTACKING, DODGING, and FIGHTING mobs.**


All the suggestions are already in place but they are using auto clicking software to press keys for them so the game cant tell that its not a human pressing them. Just sit there and watch one for a few minutes and you can see them do some kind of animation every minute to the second, some are so blatant that they are just autoattacking mid air in high traffic spots like ember bay. This is rampant everywhere but certainly not a new problem. I had my rant about this a few months ago and sent screenshots of the same guys every day to support and the very next day same guy same spot. Try and move on because there doesnt seem to be a way for them to get a handle on this. I cant imagine they are ignoring all these reports, screenshots and forum posts so its probably very difficult to detect these types of maggots feasting. On the bright side it does keep ceretain mat prices in check id imagine so that benefits legitimate players who actually buy them.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > "slowly ruining the game", "running rampant", "slowly wrecking the game", frigging really? dramatic much?. This has such a minuscule effect on anything. Most of them are just farming Xp. I'm all over the maps daily. I hardly ever see them. maybe one every few maps. Anyway, just chill and play your game. Anet has already ruled on this and you're wasting your time reporting it. its a nothing burger. move on, nothing to see here.

> >

> > Seriously this.

> > It has zero effect on your game play. I feel like people keep making these threads for the sake of it. It doesn't stop you from enjoying 99.999999999% if the rest of the game. It has little to no effect on the market.

> > Just do you, man.


> Oh how utterly wrong you are.. or you have no understanding of how the economy works


Okay, great economic advisor, what is afk farming destroying? Because all I ever see is **keyboard smash** ITS DESTROYING ECONOMY. But no one ever says what.

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The phrase "destroying the economy" gets thrown around a lot , and what it usually means is that the economy has changed in some way that now disadvantages me.

Me being someone who is used to selling stuff for lots of gold and suddenly finds that the stuff is now worth not much at all or nothing.

When TP prices go down its tuff for sellers and fantastic for buyers but it is not destroying the economy.

The TP isnt some form of cartel where the prices of everything remain static forever.


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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> Except this person has said they do not care about the economy part of this. To them if people were actively playing by killing mobs at the spawn point their game would equally be ruined.


With the same argument, one could claim that farm bots do no harm because if those were people actively playing the game, they would cause the same effect.

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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> Except this person has said they do not care about the economy part of this. To them if people were actively playing by killing mobs at the spawn point their game would equally be ruined.

Hey, i understand why this gets downplayed by people so vigerously. I see the financial picture behind it and i also realise that there are people invested with many accounts and setups. I too think that it is important that those guys get rooted out.


But in this specific case, with GW2's specific way of spawning in npc's it not only has an impact on the financial side but also on the gameplay side of things.


And that's where i became irritated... and decided to make some effort of getting on the forum with it.


I really don't care if it gets downplayed and ridiculed by those that feel the burn in their (virtual?) pockets. In fact, i welcome it :)

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> I don't want the place 'for myself'. In fact, i want it to be freed up so everyone can enjoy it as it was supposed to.


> The dynamic of the place is that a small group of bandits stay around the campfire and 3 more guard the entrance to the enclosure. When you pull the guards and come too close they all come running out and you die if you don't run. But if you do it more carefully you can pull the first three and slowly work your way in. The mobs keep spawning however and you run a risk of getting overwhelmed and killed.


> During it all there is also a small patrol that comes by every x minutes that attack you from behind if you don't pay notice.


> It's quite impossible to 'steal' when you are playing like that and others can always join the fray. And i don't mean just tagging mobs and looting but actually battling.


> But ofcourse when there are 3 Necro's and 12 minions camping the spawnpoint inside, the place is dead. And we are not talking minutes here but hours on end and THREE DAYS in a row so far.


I still couldn't find out where exactly that is, but I heard something about Queensdale? Please verify. I can't imagine that you can die be cause of three bandits in vanilla Tyria content. They are so weak and die within seconds. I usually go 1 vs 6- enemies in vanilla content be cause they die so fast and if you go down you rally anyway.


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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > Except this person has said they do not care about the economy part of this. To them if people were actively playing by killing mobs at the spawn point their game would equally be ruined.

> Hey, i understand why this gets downplayed by people so vigerously. I see the financial picture behind it and i also realise that there are people invested with many accounts and setups. I too think that it is important that those guys get rooted out.


> But in this specific case, with GW2's specific way of spawning in npc's it not only has an impact on the financial side but also on the gameplay side of things.


> And that's where i became irritated... and decided to make some effort of getting on the forum with it.


> I really don't care if it gets downplayed and ridiculed by those that feel the burn in their (virtual?) pockets. In fact, i welcome it :)


Was your last statement supposed to be a jab? True this effects the economy, lowering prices. I do not necessarily see this as a bad thing. As to the gameplay side, seems to me that your complaint would get in the way these people decide to play the game. As far as they are concerned you are the gameplay problem. You could kill things with them, you decided instead to complain about the fact that they kill at spawn. You could roleplay what they are doing, you instead decided to complain about how they are playing the game. What you are complaining about is little different to high level players in low level zones one-shotting mobs, or large numbers of active players killing mobs before you get there.

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > > "slowly ruining the game", "running rampant", "slowly wrecking the game", frigging really? dramatic much?. This has such a minuscule effect on anything. Most of them are just farming Xp. I'm all over the maps daily. I hardly ever see them. maybe one every few maps. Anyway, just chill and play your game. Anet has already ruled on this and you're wasting your time reporting it. its a nothing burger. move on, nothing to see here.

> > >

> > > Seriously this.

> > > It has zero effect on your game play. I feel like people keep making these threads for the sake of it. It doesn't stop you from enjoying 99.999999999% if the rest of the game. It has little to no effect on the market.

> > > Just do you, man.

> >

> > Oh how utterly wrong you are.. or you have no understanding of how the economy works


> Okay, great economic advisor, what is afk farming destroying? Because all I ever see is **keyboard smash** ITS DESTROYING ECONOMY. But no one ever says what.


Everything! Everything destroys economy! Even economy itself destroys economy!

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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > Except this person has said they do not care about the economy part of this. To them if people were actively playing by killing mobs at the spawn point their game would equally be ruined.

> > Hey, i understand why this gets downplayed by people so vigerously. I see the financial picture behind it and i also realise that there are people invested with many accounts and setups. I too think that it is important that those guys get rooted out.

> >

> > But in this specific case, with GW2's specific way of spawning in npc's it not only has an impact on the financial side but also on the gameplay side of things.

> >

> > And that's where i became irritated... and decided to make some effort of getting on the forum with it.

> >

> > I really don't care if it gets downplayed and ridiculed by those that feel the burn in their (virtual?) pockets. In fact, i welcome it :)


> Was your last statement supposed to be a jab?

No it was an expression of my appreciation.

> @"Neutra.6857" said:

>True this effects the economy, lowering prices. I do not necessarily see this as a bad thing.

It does but that wasn't even what i meant when i mentioned the financial part.

> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> As to the gameplay side, seems to me that your complaint would get in the way these people decide to play the game. As far as they are concerned you are the gameplay problem.

Yeah right, they don't even play the game... they play Anet. But it's another fine example of people trying to turn this around and make normal players look like the 'wrongdoers'.

> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> You could kill things with them, you decided instead to complain about the fact that they kill at spawn.

No i can't. I am playing the game and they are playing Anet. It doesn't mix. They farm at spawn with a dozen minions and im in the field where the normal gameplay is supposed to happen...

> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> You could roleplay what they are doing, you instead decided to complain about how they are playing the game.

Oh please... you clearly have no idea of the situation at this location i mentioned. If you had you would realise how incredibly OFF your roleplay suggestion is.

> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> What you are complaining about is little different to high level players in low level zones one-shotting mobs, or large numbers of active players killing mobs before you get there.

No, it isn't by a longshot. It's apples and pears you are comparing. So this is another example that you are passing judgement on something on which you have zero insight.





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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > > > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > > Except this person has said they do not care about the economy part of this. To them if people were actively playing by killing mobs at the spawn point their game would equally be ruined.

> > > Hey, i understand why this gets downplayed by people so vigerously. I see the financial picture behind it and i also realise that there are people invested with many accounts and setups. I too think that it is important that those guys get rooted out.

> > >

> > > But in this specific case, with GW2's specific way of spawning in npc's it not only has an impact on the financial side but also on the gameplay side of things.

> > >

> > > And that's where i became irritated... and decided to make some effort of getting on the forum with it.

> > >

> > > I really don't care if it gets downplayed and ridiculed by those that feel the burn in their (virtual?) pockets. In fact, i welcome it :)

> >

> > Was your last statement supposed to be a jab?

> No it was an expression of my appreciation.

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> >True this effects the economy, lowering prices. I do not necessarily see this as a bad thing.

> It does but that wasn't even what i meant when i mentioned the financial part.

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > As to the gameplay side, seems to me that your complaint would get in the way these people decide to play the game. As far as they are concerned you are the gameplay problem.

> Yeah right, they don't even play the game... they play Anet. But it's another fine example of people trying to turn this around and make normal players look like the 'wrongdoers'.

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > You could kill things with them, you decided instead to complain about the fact that they kill at spawn.

> No i can't. I am playing the game and they are playing Anet. It doesn't mix. They farm at spawn with a dozen minions and im in the field where the normal gameplay is supposed to happen...

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > You could roleplay what they are doing, you instead decided to complain about how they are playing the game.

> Oh please... you clearly have no idea of the situation at this location i mentioned. If you had you would realise how incredibly OFF your roleplay suggestion is.

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > What you are complaining about is little different to high level players in low level zones one-shotting mobs, or large numbers of active players killing mobs before you get there.

> No, it isn't by a longshot. It's apples and pears you are comparing. So this is another example that you are passing judgement on something on which you have zero insight.






you keep throwing the phrase ''normal'' around


what is normal for once that question first



it has long since stopped being about botters or whatever its has now already been into a discussion about you feel is normal


WHAT IS NORMAL behaviour

killing mobs is normal?


then what they are doing is normal


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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> you keep throwing the phrase ''normal'' around


> what is normal for once that question first



> it has long since stopped being about botters or whatever its has now already been into a discussion about you feel is normal


> WHAT IS NORMAL behaviour

> killing mobs is normal?


> then what they are doing is normal



If you need help to determine what is normal i don't really know what to say.


In a case where 3 clumped up Necro's and 12 minions effectively remove a small piece of content from the map, opposed to players that are unable to do that content because its been gone for at least... 3 days in a row!!


What do YOU think is normal? ;)



*HINT: It has nothing to do with killing mobs.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > you keep throwing the phrase ''normal'' around

> >

> > what is normal for once that question first

> >

> >

> > it has long since stopped being about botters or whatever its has now already been into a discussion about you feel is normal

> >

> > WHAT IS NORMAL behaviour

> > killing mobs is normal?

> >

> > then what they are doing is normal

> >


> If you need help to determine what is normal i don't really know what to say.


> In a case where 3 clumped up Necro's and 12 minions effectively remove a small piece of content from the map, opposed to players that are unable to do that content because its been gone for at least... 3 days in a row!!


> What do YOU think is normal? ;)


so you are not gonna answer what normal is


killing monsters seems normal


and they are doing that


playing a class seems normal

they are doing that



so what do YOU think is normal

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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > you keep throwing the phrase ''normal'' around

> > >

> > > what is normal for once that question first

> > >

> > >

> > > it has long since stopped being about botters or whatever its has now already been into a discussion about you feel is normal

> > >

> > > WHAT IS NORMAL behaviour

> > > killing mobs is normal?

> > >

> > > then what they are doing is normal

> > >

> >

> > If you need help to determine what is normal i don't really know what to say.

> >

> > In a case where 3 clumped up Necro's and 12 minions effectively remove a small piece of content from the map, opposed to players that are unable to do that content because its been gone for at least... 3 days in a row!!

> >

> > What do YOU think is normal? ;)


> so you are not gonna answer what normal is


> killing monsters seems normal


> and they are doing that


> playing a class seems normal

> they are doing that



> so what do YOU think is normal


Im pretty sure i answered your question :)

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > you keep throwing the phrase ''normal'' around

> > > >

> > > > what is normal for once that question first

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > it has long since stopped being about botters or whatever its has now already been into a discussion about you feel is normal

> > > >

> > > > WHAT IS NORMAL behaviour

> > > > killing mobs is normal?

> > > >

> > > > then what they are doing is normal

> > > >

> > >

> > > If you need help to determine what is normal i don't really know what to say.

> > >

> > > In a case where 3 clumped up Necro's and 12 minions effectively remove a small piece of content from the map, opposed to players that are unable to do that content because its been gone for at least... 3 days in a row!!

> > >

> > > What do YOU think is normal? ;)

> >

> > so you are not gonna answer what normal is

> >

> > killing monsters seems normal

> >

> > and they are doing that

> >

> > playing a class seems normal

> > they are doing that

> >

> >

> > so what do YOU think is normal


> Im pretty sure i answered your question :)


you did not .

''If you need help to determine what is normal i don't really know what to say''

is not a answer its evasive, its a ''answer'' given when people don't know the answer or can't answer it.





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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > > > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > > you keep throwing the phrase ''normal'' around

> > > > >

> > > > > what is normal for once that question first

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > it has long since stopped being about botters or whatever its has now already been into a discussion about you feel is normal

> > > > >

> > > > > WHAT IS NORMAL behaviour

> > > > > killing mobs is normal?

> > > > >

> > > > > then what they are doing is normal

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > If you need help to determine what is normal i don't really know what to say.

> > > >

> > > > In a case where 3 clumped up Necro's and 12 minions effectively remove a small piece of content from the map, opposed to players that are unable to do that content because its been gone for at least... 3 days in a row!!

> > > >

> > > > What do YOU think is normal? ;)

> > >

> > > so you are not gonna answer what normal is

> > >

> > > killing monsters seems normal

> > >

> > > and they are doing that

> > >

> > > playing a class seems normal

> > > they are doing that

> > >

> > >

> > > so what do YOU think is normal

> >

> > Im pretty sure i answered your question :)


> you did not .

> ''If you need help to determine what is normal i don't really know what to say''

> is not a answer its evasive, its a ''answer'' given when people don't know the answer or can't answer it.


You'll never get an answer to anything if all you do is read only the first line of everything.


Also, this thread has more than enough information for you to determine what my stance is on 'normal gameplay', but you should be able to extract that from my answer to you as well.







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This one again, eh. The topic on the old forums had some hillarious explanations why this should be allowed. Remember someone said they log in multiple characters to help out their girlfriend who does not have enough time to keep up as if that is something to be admired...


Quite frankly, I do not care about the influence on the economy, I do not care about them taking away spots from real players. I only have one real issue with this.

It is nothing more and nothing less than the fact macro farming (for a use of a better term) is allowed to continue without any consequences in a AAA MMORPG.


So, why is this a problem to me you might ask... Well, have you ever picked up a new game and the first thing you saw were waves of bots? Did you continue to play the game with the previous enthusiam or did it throw a bad light on the people in charge, them not even caring enough to do something about it? It certainly bothers me as someone who loves this game but others seem perfectly fine with it.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> This one again, eh. The topic on the old forums had some hillarious explanations why this should be allowed. Remember someone said they log in multiple characters to help out their girlfriend who does not have enough time to keep up as if that is something to be admired...


> Quite frankly, I do not care about the influence on the economy, I do not care about them taking away spots from real players. I only have one real issue with this.

> It is nothing more and nothing less than the fact macro farming (for a use of a better term) is allowed to continue without any consequences in a AAA MMORPG.

> So, why is this a problem to me you might ask... Well, have you ever picked up a new game and the first thing you saw were waves of bots? Did you continue to play the game with the previous enthusiam or did it throw a bad light on the people in charge, them not even caring enough to do something about it? It certainly does for me.


actually GW2 at launch was that


BOOM another party of 10-40 BEAR RANGERS running around killing things



now they are a in forgotten corner of the map way out of the way of where normal people would go


except maybe the OP who apperently goes there to play hero and running around dodging things hitting things


but can't because a necro is sitting there killing things

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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > This one again, eh. The topic on the old forums had some hillarious explanations why this should be allowed. Remember someone said they log in multiple characters to help out their girlfriend who does not have enough time to keep up as if that is something to be admired...

> >

> > Quite frankly, I do not care about the influence on the economy, I do not care about them taking away spots from real players. I only have one real issue with this.

> > It is nothing more and nothing less than the fact macro farming (for a use of a better term) is allowed to continue without any consequences in a AAA MMORPG.

> > So, why is this a problem to me you might ask... Well, have you ever picked up a new game and the first thing you saw were waves of bots? Did you continue to play the game with the previous enthusiam or did it throw a bad light on the people in charge, them not even caring enough to do something about it? It certainly does for me.


> actually GW2 at launch was that


> BOOM another party of 10-40 BEAR RANGERS running around killing things



> now they are a in forgotten corner of the map way out of the way of where normal people would go


> except maybe the OP who apperently goes there to play hero and running around dodging things hitting things


> but can't because a necro is sitting there killing things


Oh, I remember the bots we used to see. Farming anything that dropped cores such as Air Elementals. Doesn't really change anything here, though. Hidden bots are still bots and well hidden players using macros are still players using macros. They do throw a bad light on the game as soon as a newbie randomly stumbles upon them when they wander off to explore the map which quite a few might do given world completion and all.

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