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That's strange, very strange.


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Hey everyone, these last days I traveled a lot between Rata Sum and Rata Primus, and something appeared in my head! Let me explain:

Rata Sum is the exact same structure as Rata Primus, they have the same size, what differ is only that Council Level have been erased in Rata Primus and some doors have been blocked with basic assets like draconic servitor display screens. But the similitude don't stop here! Indeed by superposing Rata Sum map on Rata Primus, I discovered many correspondences.

-Firstly, all the Rata Sum Labs have the same location as in Sandswept Isles! Only one don't exist in Attempt 2: Applied Development Lab

-Depending on my attempts, Invariant Enclave is Polymock Arenas or the famous Applied Development Lab

-Snaff Memorial Lab have two potential positions, but the best is the second attempt ones again: He is not far from Specimen Chamber.

-In every cases, the south lab with ley line energies is the Advanced metamystics lab.

-Generally, valleys are well placed.

-Sigma Lab at the north-east could be Port Authority or Idea Incubation Lab.

-The center fit perfectly, Rata Sum just add a cover for the cube faces and the council level.


So my explanations, and which of my attempt is the best:

Attempt 2 makes more senses:

-Olmakhan village is considered as a Port. Btw, the ancients quarters makes me think of a Ship when you look at him from above.

-Sigma Lab is the Idea Incubation lab, how it's linked? It's here where the idea of the Exterminator type Golem came to live.

-Snaff Memorial Lab is in reality "Kudu memorial Lab", experimentations on draconic servitors are a legacy from kudu and the girl showed in specimen chamber is his daughter.

-Applied Developement Lab is the property of Zojia, the opposite of her is Kudu, he already have a lab, no needs to another.

-Advanced Metamystics lab makes sense, it's kinda mystic to be able to float in air with the help of ley lines.

-Polymock Arenas as Invariant Enclave, they are a ton of golems right there, the magneton area look like an arena with all these hammers everywhere, but here they are no relations with the Polymock game, arena is more here as a building conformation, very big spaces to develop golems and experiments. 2 Building Sites of Golem Mark Y. We could eventually think that Inquest golemencians when they are boring, "play" with their giant golems.

-Actually, Not really anything to add to the center, Rata Sum and Primus are complementary, no size change needed.






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The devs said on the latest Guild Gab said that they used Rata Sum as a template for Rata Primus, and there wouldn't really be a surprise that a race uses the same architecture for different locations. It's not like the Inquest aren't welcome in Rata Sum, either. I don't think there's anything to discover going down this path, whatever it might be.

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Actually i'm not trying to make any point, I just pointed out the fact the two places are similar in a lot of points and waited for a surprise from some players, but it's like you already know it.. Surely everyone have seen the main structure, but I'm speaking about all small details, Rata Primus is for me the Inquest vision of rata Sum.

That's sad, you don't react or bring some infos or theory, and just keep it like "meh."

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