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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > If any currently strong builds had all these 4 conditions met, Celestial Amulet would get play.

> >

> > - Damaging conditions baked in, and cover conditions.

> > - Power damage.

> > - A couple healing sources to benefit heal stat scaling.

> > - 10-20 Stacks of might.

> >

> > No decent builds have all 4 of these.

> >

> > If balance changed and a few healing traits, condition skills, etc, were to become relevant, we could very well be thankful Cele wasn't buffed.

> >

> > Yes, Celestial Amulet underperforms in this current balance patch.


> Wouldn't the reverse be possible as well though? Meaning, that a more powerful celestial amulet would enable such traits, skill etc. as well.

> Unless ofc you arent talking about mere number adjustments to said traits/skill but rather functionality changes.


> I can think of a bunch of classes that would be able to meet those conditions you mentioned with the proper trait setup (engi, ranger, ele, mesmer, possibly even guardian). If they would be considered "decent" however, is a different topic altogether.


Buffing Celestial Amulet would add +30 to +100 of any given stat, would that prop a bring a subpar trait or weapon up in a celestial build? Not really. Functionality changes would.


Before core specs, Engi had a very efficient path to get all the Cele win conditions, now it's spread out, and key functionalities removed.


The build has to be distinguished before the right amulet makes it optimal at something.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:


> Buffing Celestial Amulet would add +30 to +100 of any given stat, would that prop a bring a subpar trait or weapon up in a celestial build? Not really. Functionality changes would.


> Before core specs, Engi had a very efficient path to get all the Cele win conditions, now it's spread out, and key functionalities removed.


> The build has to be distinguished before the right amulet makes it optimal at something.


I see. But anyway, what "distinguishes" a cele build?

From what I can tell, the main strength/role of a cele build is to 1v1 with some light bunkering capabilities sprinkled over it.

Meaning you can be as selfish as possible with your trait/weapon/skill choices anyway.

While those builds lack the ability to pressure someone right of the bat, they win a fight of attrition with rampup dmg and superior sustain / tankiness.

So I would argue that the amulet is a very important factor to making such builds work.



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It's amazing that people blame celestial builds performance on amulet stats...


I will try to explain little bit more like @Chaith.8256 but on example of ele:


If you want to cele do power damage or condi you need to stack fast might...on ele now it takes a lot of blasting fire and attument swapping to get 25 stacks...during hot era basically only necro could with one button could remove it...now more classes do that like spellbraker...so might stacking is dead mechanic on ele in pvp cause you can't get enough might instantly and use that damage before it will be removed from you.


IF You wanted to hit something critically with cele you need fury...and without arcane fury no ele build has any source of fury on cele so no crit's on hard to land skill's (yet actually doing spike damage) like fire grab or churning earth .


IF wanted healing power on cele to be useful you need skill's that actually scale well with healing power...but oh healing power was nerfed on weaver sword...on core nothing basically has any benefit from it now...only tempest can use it efficiently...but how many tempest ele's you guys seen since PoF came?


For me they can even buff it and give 200 more and still would be bad on ele.


Buffed or not buffed who actually now could use this amulet? I can imagine firebrand cause it pukes boons fast....but for what reason use it?


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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> It's amazing that people blame celestial builds performance on amulet stats...


> I will try to explain little bit more like @Chaith.8256 but on example of ele:


> If you want to cele do power damage or condi you need to stack fast might...on ele now it takes a lot of blasting fire and attument swapping to get 25 stacks...during hot era basically only necro could with one button could remove it...now more classes do that like spellbraker...so might stacking is dead mechanic on ele in pvp cause you can't get enough might instantly and use that damage before it will be removed from you.


> IF You wanted to hit something critically with cele you need fury...and without arcane fury no ele build has any source of fury on cele so no crit's on hard to land skill's (yet actually doing spike damage) like fire grab or churning earth .


> IF wanted healing power on cele to be useful you need skill's that actually scale well with healing power...but oh healing power was nerfed on weaver sword...on core nothing basically has any benefit from it now...only tempest can use it efficiently...but how many tempest ele's you guys seen since PoF came?


> For me they can even buff it and give 200 more and still would be bad on ele.


> Buffed or not buffed who actually now could use this amulet? I can imagine firebrand cause it pukes boons fast....but for what reason use it?



~~I see quite a few Tempests? More than Weavers anyway.... ~~ Everyone is a Mesmer now apparently, ignore me.





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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > It's amazing that people blame celestial builds performance on amulet stats...

> >

> > I will try to explain little bit more like @Chaith.8256 but on example of ele:

> >

> > If you want to cele do power damage or condi you need to stack fast might...on ele now it takes a lot of blasting fire and attument swapping to get 25 stacks...during hot era basically only necro could with one button could remove it...now more classes do that like spellbraker...so might stacking is dead mechanic on ele in pvp cause you can't get enough might instantly and use that damage before it will be removed from you.

> >

> > IF You wanted to hit something critically with cele you need fury...and without arcane fury no ele build has any source of fury on cele so no crit's on hard to land skill's (yet actually doing spike damage) like fire grab or churning earth .

> >

> > IF wanted healing power on cele to be useful you need skill's that actually scale well with healing power...but oh healing power was nerfed on weaver sword...on core nothing basically has any benefit from it now...only tempest can use it efficiently...but how many tempest ele's you guys seen since PoF came?

> >

> > For me they can even buff it and give 200 more and still would be bad on ele.

> >

> > Buffed or not buffed who actually now could use this amulet? I can imagine firebrand cause it pukes boons fast....but for what reason use it?

> >


> ~~I see quite a few Tempests? More than Weavers anyway.... ~~ Everyone is a Mesmer now apparently, ignore me.






Yeah shame on you for forgetting that everyone outside the forums plays Mesmer

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