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The security in Divinity's Reach doesn't make their job... [spoilers]


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When I entered by "???" portal to DR I expected some seraphs or the shining blade members to defend their people.


I know it may take some time to reach the place that was attacked, but it was a party, people were enjoying their time, and there should be some security anyway, you know in case a thief or a kidnapper shows up and something bad happens.


Also after Battle for Lake Doric and attack on Queen Jennah there should be security system, you know when one of the district is attacked, then the seraph or the shining blade members get an info to run there as soon as possible.


Also Jennah knew that the Awakened are attacking her kingdom, her lands she rules over- I mean Queensdale, and she should be prepared to set some defence all over the city. She knew that Joko sends the Awakened through the portals, so why nobody ever thought that it may be appear in the city?


If Kryta cannot even defend its citizen, how can we even consider they will be useful in fight against Joko or Kralkatorrik?


EDIT: also the location that was attacked was pretty close to the main road: https://imgur.com/a/AvANS



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TBH, the armies are probably still pretty busy in Queensdale with the Awakened invasions. Keep in mind that it's only scant minutes before the gates were mostly shut down. And you never want to over-security a party, it ruins the mood easily.


And we were there for what, 5 minutes? Less.


What's more surprising is that Madame Gilda was there. I guess 5 years is enough jail time when you plot to hypnotize the population and kill the queen. Heck, after the unveiling that most of the carnival was a Separatist front, it's surprising the thing's still there (I can understand it not being removed for open world cuz frozen in time maps but instances should begin avoiding the areas...).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> TBH, the armies are probably still pretty busy in Queensdale with the Awakened invasions. Keep in mind that it's only scant minutes before the gates were mostly shut down. And you never want to over-security a party, it ruins the mood easily.


> And we were there for what, 5 minutes? Less.


> What's more surprising is that Madame Gilda was there. I guess 5 years is enough jail time when you plot to hypnotize the population and kill the queen. Heck, after the unveiling that most of the carnival was a Separatist front, it's surprising the thing's still there (I can understand it not being removed for open world cuz frozen in time maps but instances should begin avoiding the areas...).


It wasn't a problem for Kerida and her fellow fighters to reach one of the location in Queensdale in one second, even though portal event lasts for less than 5 mins.


I don't mean 100 guards, but what was suprising to me was that there wasn't even one guard in pretty crowded place.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> It wasn't a problem for Kerida and her fellow fighters to reach one of the location in Queensdale in one second, even though portal event lasts for less than 5 mins.


Every location assaulted by the Awakened is at a waypoint. NPCs may have to go under a waypoint to use them, but when you're standing right next to one it doesn't take long to go under it.


There aren't any close waypoints to that spot - the closest is up a high ramp. And we're gone before anyone can get the word out and then people waypoint in, run down the ramp, turn the corner, and arrive on the scene.


> I don't mean 100 guards, but what was suprising to me was that there wasn't even one guard in pretty crowded place.


Are you sure there weren't Seraph in the distance? I'm fairly sure I saw some outside the red border but I did the mission only once so far so I may be wrong.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> TBH, the armies are probably still pretty busy in Queensdale with the Awakened invasions. Keep in mind that it's only scant minutes before the gates were mostly shut down. And you never want to over-security a party, it ruins the mood easily.


> And we were there for what, 5 minutes? Less.


> What's more surprising is that Madame Gilda was there. I guess 5 years is enough jail time when you plot to hypnotize the population and kill the queen. Heck, after the unveiling that most of the carnival was a Separatist front, it's surprising the thing's still there (I can understand it not being removed for open world cuz frozen in time maps but instances should begin avoiding the areas...).


So was I, since she was sent to prison I thought so too? With rest of her Circus crew or were they killed? :open_mouth:

Anyway, yeah I was really surprised that no Seraph Soldiers were doing their patrol or atleast come to aid us against that battle, instead pretty much all the villagers and the circus workers were infected and became an awakened zombie, :fearful:


Yeah there are Seraphs defending Queensdale against the invasion and stuff like that, but there has to be patrols inside the city too! Atleast outside of that ''instance'' you can see lots of Soldiers on their patrol route.

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So I assume you would love to go on a huge concert of your favorite singer or musician and you wouldn't like to be protected by some masked police officers or something and even don't know they are there? Because that what I think you just said.


Also imagine an attack on Lion's Arch and nobody would never know, because there wasn't even a signal to escape, to fight or whatever- THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WHEN IT WAS FIRST ATTACKED! Nobody even bothered to check the skies, to even send some sky patrols to give some time to at least escape from the city.


Also Divinity's Reach should have learned after the attack on the Royal Palace. What if it would be a bigger attack, not just one portal, what if it would open in Jennah's palace?--- There should be an alarm, the city should be even prepared to send all the people to the space.


When we sneak into the enemy's territory, there're usually some security signals, so the whole base already knows that there is something wrong (for example our trip to Rata Primus). Also what if Lonai would have been sent to Divinity's Reach, and we would have been sent to the space or wherever? Imagine what would happen then...


I just want to say that the city as huge and experienced with attacks on it, should be more prepared in case if somebody attacks it.


I wonder what Jennah will do after that her people, under her nose were Awakened, and only thanks two people the city was saved?



And about Kerida etc and their fast teleporting to the locations in Queensdale-- it was pretty fast they figured out where the portal appears, I mean they were before the Awakened got a chance to get through it and prepare to fight. I know it's just some cosmetic issue, but you want to convince me that the absence of the seraph was something normal, why didn't they just make their appear like Kerida (for example) did???


Also you pointed out that there was Madame Gilda-- so there SHOULD be at least one guy that keeps his eye on her, in case she would betray the Queen again. Maybe she got a chance, but she did exactly the same what Caudecus did, but she wasn't even killed, wasn't even sentenced to stay in jail forever for her betrayal. I don't understand their law, but it should be changed.


So we found out what city was attacked first by Joko, though....




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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> So I assume you would love to go on a huge concert of your favorite singer or musician and you wouldn't like to be protected by some masked police officers or something and even don't know they are there? Because that what I think you just said.


Would I want masked police? Fuck no.


Police have no reason to be masked unless they fear gas/biological attack. So I would not want a masked police force nearby.


Would I want security? Sure. But that's not police. Police have no reason to be in a concert - they have hired security for those.


However, keep in mind that this isn't some concert. This is a 9 to 5 daily carnival festival gig. Compare it less to a concert, and more to a renaissance fair. You don't have security at every corner at such places.


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Also imagine an attack on Lion's Arch and nobody would never know, because there wasn't even a signal to escape, to fight or whatever- THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WHEN IT WAS FIRST ATTACKED! Nobody even bothered to check the skies, to even send some sky patrols to give some time to at least escape from the city.


> Also Divinity's Reach should have learned after the attack on the Royal Palace. What if it would be a bigger attack, not just one portal, what if it would open in Jennah's palace?--- There should be an alarm, the city should be even prepared to send all the people to the space.


You're comparing a full out assault to a less-than-five-minutes random occurrence that wasn't even intended by the enemy. There's a pretty huge difference there. It's like comparing 9/11 to a store department fire.


We were gone before anyone **could** organize a reaction.


What you're doing is like blaming the U.S. Army for not reacting within 5 seconds when there's a single gunshot fired at a school with all the recent school shootings that's happened.


The part of the city assaulted literally has nothing of value, be it monetary or strategic, so it's not a strategic location of defense. Carnivals do not need high security like you seem to think they do. And there's no system that exists which can get people to pop out of thin air or instantly teleport faster than you can say "Kill Queen Jennah!"


You are **massively** overreacting to this.


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> And about Kerida etc and their fast teleporting to the locations in Queensdale-- it was pretty fast they figured out where the portal appears, I mean they were before the Awakened got a chance to get through it and prepare to fight. I know it's just some cosmetic issue, but you want to convince me that the absence of the seraph was something normal, why didn't they just make their appear like Kerida (for example) did???


Honestly? I'd say this is just a case of mechanics. I've never seen the allied NPCs show up before the Awakened, however, because the Awakened show up pretty damn fast and the NPCs are still at the old spot by the time the new events pop up. Maybe the first wave just died before you loaded in, and the NPCs showed up after the first wave did.


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Also you pointed out that there was Madame Gilda-- so there SHOULD be at least one guy that keeps his eye on her, in case she would betray the Queen again. Maybe she got a chance, but she did exactly the same what Caudecus did, but she wasn't even killed, wasn't even sentenced to stay in jail forever for her betrayal. I don't understand their law, but it should be changed.


Honestly, the level of involvement Gilda had was never really clear. She certainly didn't do the same thing as Caudecus did either, as Caudecus orchestrated (aka was the mastermind behind) not just one but dozens of attempts not only on Jennah's life but on the lives of her supporters to defame Jennah. Gilda was a lacky in a singular attempt with unclear levels of involvement.


Not only that, but Caudecus is well known for getting the crooks out of jail without him being known about doing it (per the Commoner storyline), so he could have gotten Gilda out before her sentence should have been up, but with her not doing more crime to merit a new arrest.


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> So we found out what city was attacked first by Joko, though....


You mean Hoelbrak, just as said in Daybreak? >.>

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> TBH, the armies are probably still pretty busy in Queensdale with the Awakened invasions. Keep in mind that it's only scant minutes before the gates were mostly shut down. And you never want to over-security a party, it ruins the mood easily.


> And we were there for what, 5 minutes? Less.


> What's more surprising is that Madame Gilda was there. I guess 5 years is enough jail time when you plot to hypnotize the population and kill the queen. Heck, after the unveiling that most of the carnival was a Separatist front, it's surprising the thing's still there (I can understand it not being removed for open world cuz frozen in time maps but instances should begin avoiding the areas...).


There has always been some friction between living world and frozen time in maps.


The issue is that the frozen time is a mechanic needed cause people do not play the game at the same time and the living world (in its current form) is to keep the game interesting for those who finished the bigger story. This is partly solved with the new maps, but personally I like that we also have development in the existing world.


One way this could be explained in a lore way is to introduce time travel. To be honest, time is relative in Tyria from our perspective. I can go to pre searing ascalon in a second and then pop to a joko invasion just by switching game. Many portals between map lead to a different time due to the frozen time in Maps. So why not the inquest portals? You can also question why mount maelstrom is attacked by a destroyer while primordus is back asleep and why The claw of jormag is up while Jormag is dreaming of ice babies.


I’m not saying that time travel exist, just that portals function in a non linear way just cause time works differently in Tyria.


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This was obviously an plot hole by the devs. Seraph patrol everywhere in DR, and a sudden screams coming from the circus grounds would have converged all Seraph minutes after we arrived. The closer seraph would have arrives in seconds. We're also talking about incursions by an army with teleportation abilities, It would be beyond stupid not to post guards all over the city.


I honestly would have liked to see at the very least some guards showing up but us saying to stay back or being blocked off...

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> @"zerorogue.9410" said:

> This was obviously an plot hole by the devs. Seraph patrol everywhere in DR, and a sudden screams coming from the circus grounds would have converged all Seraph minutes after we arrived. The closer seraph would have arrives in seconds. We're also talking about incursions by an army with teleportation abilities, It would be beyond stupid not to post guards all over the city.


> I honestly would have liked to see at the very least some guards showing up but us saying to stay back or being blocked off...


They were blocked off, as a circle of flame erupted shortly after landing there. It kept the citizens in and the Seraph out. I don't suppose they felt the need to highlight this since the flames were obvious, and we were kind of busy dealing with Lonai herself.

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