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Why do all these equipment stats exist?

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> ...when most power builds in PvE use berserker, marauder in PvP and Condition ones Viper/Trailblazer and you have the occasional healer, tanky builds (Magi, Minstrel). To make the long story short only a few stats are used while we have 34 (!) in total (hope I counted correctly in wiki). Same story with all those sigils and runes, again most people actually use only a handful of them while most of them need IMHO a serious rework since they seem redundant.


> I understand there will be the 'odd build' dudes experimenting but in general that's the situation more or less. So why? B)


Plenty of people use celestial, as an example. I have a celestial WvW necro build that works very well. Some people love to roam around in absolutely tanky characters. Some people use soldiers. You saying something isn't used, doesn't make it not used. There are probably some stats that get very little use, but if you like at the price of sentinel stuff it's all selling at very high prices.


Other stats are used, you're just not aware of it.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > Because there are people who use what they like, and people who use what works best.

> > > Those stats are there for people just so they have the *choice* of a bad build of they like it.

> > >

> >

> > I always loved this logic: You're not doing what the meta says you should, it's bad. I wonder if any of the people parroting this line ever stopped to think about how those builds that they claim are the only "good" ones, came to be? I've been theory crafting builds in mmos for a couple of decades now, and from my own experience, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Just because someone says "this is the right way" doesn't mean that it necessarily is, or that it will necessarily always be. What was the "right" build before the current FotM?


> Well.. i’m a bioscientist.

> When I run a PCR i have the choice of several enzymes for my processes.

> In the majority of the cases, I have one enzyme that works best, in more than half of the cases.

> That doesn’t mean the other enzymes don’t get the job done, but they’re slower, and make more mistakes.

> When I compare patients to raids, I want as little innefficiency/mistakes as possible, so even if the lesser enzymes, I won’t use them.


> I hope that put its in perspective.

> Bad was not the right word, but ‘less good’ is deffinately a thing. And depending on the environment, everyone can make their individual choice of how efficient they need their system to work.


...and in either of my careers, sub-optimal wouldn't cut it either. I couldn't, for example, send a customer back out claiming I fixed their brakes when all I did was take the tires off and look, nor, in my construction days, could I make a board that's an inch short work, even though it's all the same wood, right?


Now that that's out of the way, how much difference is there between a totally optimized build, and a partially optimized one? What are the numbers? Are we dropping a couple hundred dps? A couple 10s? Is there some rage timer on a boss that has to be beaten, as in swtor, that requires very specific dps numbers? Or, as is more likely, are we talking "but so and so said this was the best build he ever copied off the internet/posted to the internet", and so, that's the end all be all of what people are "allowed" to run in a group? My money's on the latter, and I'd be willing to post a side bet that there are people that haven't even looked to see if there was anything else that might better suit them.


A lot of times, these topics start from the place of "this is all we allow, and in order to broaden our player pool, please eliminate all the other stats, so people can't make toons we don't approve of".

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