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Why is there no trait line enhancing staff skills?


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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> Title says it all. Why does every weapon have a specific trait reducing CD of its skills but staff has just the trait for Signs? Is there a reason why there is no -20% CD on staff skills etc.?

20% reduction once was part of a trait and became baseline (this was also the case for ground targeted wells and other stuff you had to trait for).


That's the reason why staff cooldowns have those weird numbers: 4,75 (!), 16, 20, 32.


Staff cooldowns used to be: 6, 20, 25, 40 seconds.

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The reason the traits were merged was because most of them felt pretty mandatory. So quite a few things felt really garbage without the traits, but being forced to take traits to make something not suck is also really annoying. They did a big pass during the trait rework and (mostly) anything that felt "mandatory" for something to feel good was rolled into the baseline of the skill.


Hopefully one day they just rework staff to not be **the** most boring piece of garbage in the game, but until then it can be boring 20% faster.

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> @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

> Isn't there a trait that affects Marks, which is what all of the staff abilities are?


Refer to the posts above.


The only trait, that I am aware of, going towards the marks is under Soul Reaping, named Soul Marks, which allows your marks to grant you life force when they are struck.

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