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Survival skills

will de grijze jager.6594

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > > > I personally dont think ranger damage is bad.

> > > Agree, the ranger damage is not bad , but if you want to burst like mesmer or thief you need to go zerk. In zerk with glass cannon build you can do almost (because still you are behind) the same damage like a zerk Mesmer or Thief, but the big difference is that you (ranger) will die in few sec after your burst and Mesmer or Thief don't , they have more abilities to disengage. That's why I made that comparison with those 2 classes. For example if I want to burst like Mesmer of Thief, I must go with zerk gear + Skirmishing+Beastmastery+Soulbeast and yes I can kill someone with rapid fire, but after that I will die for sure if second enemy attack me and this don't apply to Mesmer or Thief ...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Last I checked rangers have evasion with sword, block and evasion with greatsword, stealth with longbow, evasion with shortbow, CC with various weapons, evasion and projectile negation with staff, damage negation with various pets, healing with various pets, access to almost every boon in the game, condition cleansing with various skills, access to ranger specific support, area denial with traps and you can't survive? I don't want to assume anything but this is nearing learning to play better issues. Thieves have less condition cleansing, lower base hp, more burst rather than consistant damage, shorter range, primarily single target damage and no good group support. They should have higher damage and need the evasion abilities more. As I said up above, Mesmer imo has too much of everything. control, damage, boons, evasion, and stealth. All the tools rangers need are there. If after a rapid fire you believe you will get burst on, you should be able to stealth, knock them back to kite, use brown bears endure pain ability, switch weapons to say greatsword so youll have a block available etc.. You seem to be under the impression that mesmers and thieves are invincible which definitely isnt the case.


> Please show me this sword, greatsword, short bow, Longbow staff build you're running.



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Just sitting here eating popcorn and think what happened to the survival skill discussion.^^


Once i had an idea that survoval skills on default are all stunbreaks, it would be broken as hell for sure. But the idea was kinda cool (but not really serious).


But think if the question: What are survival skills?

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Just sitting here eating popcorn and think what happened to the survival skill discussion.^^


> Once i had an idea that survoval skills on default are all stunbreaks, it would be broken as hell for sure. But the idea was kinda cool (but not really serious).


> But think if the question: What are survival skills?


Skills that help you survive...?


You can't use the argument "lets throw all of the tools to survive in the game onto these skills because they're **called** _survival_ skills", if that's what you're alluding to. I'm not sure what kind of response you're looking for by posing that question. Enlighten us.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Just sitting here eating popcorn and think what happened to the survival skill discussion.^^

> >

> > Once i had an idea that survoval skills on default are all stunbreaks, it would be broken as hell for sure. But the idea was kinda cool (but not really serious).

> >

> > But think if the question: What are survival skills?


> Skills that help you survive...?


> You can't use the argument "lets throw all of the tools to survive in the game onto these skills because they're **called** _survival_ skills", if that's what you're alluding to. I'm not sure what kind of response you're looking for by posing that question. Enlighten us.


> ~ Kovu


To "enlighten" you, i want to clarify.

What is unique on survival skills?

Only thing i know is that they have nothing incommon with eachother which makes them kinda unique.

So basically what makes survival skills unique or how could they make unique is my question.

I mean it literally as a question an not something retorical as you are implying.


These skills are useful but they have no fixed function in between the lines.

Part is condi, part is power, part is AoE CC, part gives boons, part does not etc.

So how would you reiterate them that they have a unique function?


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> > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:


> These skills are useful but they have no fixed function in between the lines.

> Part is condi, part is power, part is AoE CC, part gives boons, part does not etc.

> So how would you reiterate them that they have a unique function?


They help you survive.


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"Unique" is what they are.


They're diversified for a reason. They're not all _supposed_ to have something in common -- they each contribute in their own way either offensively, defensively or both -- and one of the skills is the best stunbreak on ranger 'cause it gives you a backward evade to avoid chain-stunning (the vigor is a cherry as far as I'm concerned) which is the closest thing core ranger will get to a teleport. If you want survival skills to have something in common trait for the fury and condition removal, but even then its best to use them for their actual effects more than for the fury and condition removal.


All of the different types of skills in this game on each class have different functions. They don't _have_ to share something in common. I often joke about wishing I could equip 4 copies of Signet of Stone when fighting against thieves to deal with the obscene amount of resetting they have access to and warriors (to fight against their sustain) but the skills are supposed to be different to contribute to different situations in different ways.


~ Kovu

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > Just sitting here eating popcorn and think what happened to the survival skill discussion.^^

> > >

> > > Once i had an idea that survoval skills on default are all stunbreaks, it would be broken as hell for sure. But the idea was kinda cool (but not really serious).

> > >

> > > But think if the question: What are survival skills?

> >

> > Skills that help you survive...?

> >

> > You can't use the argument "lets throw all of the tools to survive in the game onto these skills because they're **called** _survival_ skills", if that's what you're alluding to. I'm not sure what kind of response you're looking for by posing that question. Enlighten us.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> To "enlighten" you, i want to clarify.

> What is unique on survival skills?

> Only thing i know is that they have nothing incommon with eachother which makes them kinda unique.

> So basically what makes survival skills unique or how could they make unique is my question.

> I mean it literally as a question an not something retorical as you are implying.


> These skills are useful but they have no fixed function in between the lines.

> Part is condi, part is power, part is AoE CC, part gives boons, part does not etc.

> So how would you reiterate them that they have a unique function?



Still , all survival skills (only Sharpening Stone is from another movie) gives you something to survive: some give you breaks stun or evade, superspeed, or give enemy cripple, slow, immobilize.

That's why they called them survival skills :) ... at least this is my opinion.

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> @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> I like it to see that my command has made a big dicussion. The survival skills having a base 1 condi cleans would be propably the best for core ranger. Still think they should add the command line idea in will solve them a lot of problems with futere elite specs.


I don't think they will make ever survival skill to clean 1 condi without survival traits line. Atm Wilderness Survival is mandatory for ranger (when condi build are everywhere) mainly for Wilderness Knowledge, otherway Nature Magic is much better for survivability. But we will see if what you said will happen in the future.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > I like it to see that my command has made a big dicussion. The survival skills having a base 1 condi cleans would be propably the best for core ranger. Still think they should add the command line idea in will solve them a lot of problems with futere elite specs.


> I don't think they will make ever survival skill to clean 1 condi without survival traits line. Atm Wilderness Survival is mandatory for ranger (when condi build are everywhere) mainly for Wilderness Knowledge, otherway Nature Magic is much better for survivability. But we will see if what you said will happen in the future.


Would be great right if it would happen more build freedom

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