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Shaterred Observatory Challenge Mode

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Hello there, i apologize for this "stupid" question but, i just need to seriously ask. No joke in your answers please. Just a simple "no" will be ok for me. Do you think it is possible to be part of a group, in the famous 100CM, even if your not good at all ?


If i ask, it's because the only "hungry cat" i still need (and want of course) is Simon, the Fractal one... But to obtain it, i have to finish the 100CM one time. Just one. I think i will never do this in my guild and i guess if i want to train myself and then maybe find a lfg, it will take a very, very... Very looong time. And because of "irl", i will never have this time.


So, do you think that if i ask kindly, a group could pick me even i die often or my dps is far from perfection ? Or it's impossible because the five players really have to be on top ?

Thanks a lot for your answers.

I hope you understand that i'm not lazy at all, it's really just a matter of time and schedule. It will be very disapointing if i can't have this last cat :(

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It's very possible to do 100CM, or any fractal, as 4 players carrying one person. I have sold 100CM/LNHB many times with a group of 4 and the buyers not doing anything. So yeah, you can either find friends/guildies or willing people to carry you, or pay people to do it for you.

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Second and last boss can be tricky if you are blind to the mechanic ..eg. the group can fail if you're carrying bomb, green or etc. So if you want to do this.. Best is to read about the mechanic first then try in none cm mode. In none cm mode group don't get penalise if fail mechanic but in cm it can cause instant party wipe.

If you want easy way out and short cut, buy it from seller.. They advertise in LFM under raids.

Good luck!

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If you try to do it with pug (cm mode I mean). And keep dying .. They likely will kick you out.. You can try still. Stress free way is to buy it.. I don't really particularly like to encourage ppl to buy it however. But if you hv no interest in getting into fractal and purely for Simon .. Then why not.

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Well, thank you very much for your answers. I'll first ask in my guild, but i really don't think there's people for this challenge. ^^" Not yet.

Then, i'll check for the price ... i prefere to pay than being kicked. ^^ Simon was kind of expensive yet _(you'll know what i mean if you look to the "hungry cat scarvenger hunt" [wiki page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hungry_cat_scavenger_hunt "wiki page"))_, so i can spend some more gold for it. :)

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When you can afford to buy it.. Try see if you can get some achievement done at the same time too before you leave the instance.. They can be easily just interact with certain objects etc .. Check dulfy.. If you are in EU looking for ppl to do it.. I'm happy to come along to help xD

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