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CONDITIONS (pvp and wvw)

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i would like to talk about conditions and give suggestion how they should be implement


i read most of the players feedback about conditions mainly on a necro/scourge in pvp and wvw


the main thing which annoy ppl is the fact that no matter if you cleanse 5-8 conditions off you 1 sec later 8 conditions applied later. this goes especially in wvw


this turn conditions to act almost like direct dmg and even better as once apply you cant ignore the dmg without cleanse abilities.


also to address build diversity i came up with an idea


each class have a unique 2 dmg conditions with each build they master and 1-2 cc conditions


dmg condition:

bleed, poison, torment, burning, confusion

cc condition:

blind, chill, cripple, fear, immobilize, slow, taunt, weakness


how to implement may be bit hard. like each elite skill should change weapon condition proc (its harder but more unique)

or each trait line focus on 1 or 2 condition which is more easy to implement


the result will be more build diversity in wvw - necro should pick more builds in order to burst the enemies with multiply conditions and also in pvp can be interesting to see 2 class with different role. i guess in raids should be the same


also it result in more easy way to cleanse conditions - yes the stacks will be higher (probably modify it) but the cleanse will be easier to do as of today you need each skill to cleanse more number of conditions and more cleasne skills.



scourge - bleeding and burning combine with weakness and cripple

reaper - bleeding and poison combine with weakness and chill

core - bleeding and torment combine with weakness and blind


curses - focus on bleed and weakness

death magic - focus on poison

soul reaping - focus on poison

reaper - focus on chill

scourge - focus on burning



mirage - confusion and poison combine with blind and cripple

chrono - confusion and torment combine with blind and slow

core - confusion and bleeding combine with blind and weakness


illusion - focus on confusion

dueling - focus on blind

inspiration - focus on blind

chrono - focus on slow and torment

mirage - focus on poison and weakness



demon - torment and burning combine with chill and cripple

kalla - torment and bleeding combine with chill and slow



focus on poison and bleed

focus on poison and torment



focus on bleed and burning combine with cripple and immobilize

focus on poison and burning combine with cripple and immobilize


and so on....


what you guys think?








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The devs are currently working on skill-splits for the different game modes, after it being requested since shortly after the game's launch. Surely, we should try that route before we start rebuilding all the skills in the game. I also believe this would hurt build diversity without doubt.

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So longer Anet waits on making some more drastic and fundamentally needed gameplay alterations to adapt the outdated combat systems on the chang situation, that we have now E-Specs, and that we have new Conditions and new Boons by now, that we have alot of new Attribute Combinations, alot of new Upgrades ect than at the time of the Main game Launch 6 years ago for which the combat system has been designed for originally, so more difficult will it become only over time for anet to fix such more effort costing problems.


They can't keep on playing ostrich forever and keep on running away from these issues, cause this won't make them disappear at all and out of the way. No, the problems will grow over time only stronger, like a small snowball that rolls down a hill and becomes bigger and bigger as it collects more snow on the way ...until its such an avalanche, that it becomes unstoppable and crushes everything on its way down the hill.

Balancing a game like GW2 means more, than making every now and then some number changes or skill splits for Game Modes.

Balancing a Game like GW2 means also, that Combat System Mechanics needs to get kept up to date based on added new gameplay elements and this includes in cased of GW2 by now Boons, Conditions, Health System, Attributes and Upgrades, which are all important parts of Class balancing, that anet kept on ignoring most of the time nearly always and kept on mostly only adding new things here and there, without ever thinking about it, if its good ad all to add alwys only new effects to the game, instead of maybe thinking over it for a second, if its not better for the Game baalnce, to REDUCE these Effects.


Not every Boon and not every Condition in this game must exist as either a Boon or a Condition. Alot of them are basically totally obsolete and could get, or in case of certain ones, should get better reworked into other Gameplay Mechanics, like class specific Trait Effects to reduce also the accessibility of certain effects down to strenthen this way also a bit the uniqueness of classes. Some of those Boons/Condtions would make also wonderful secondary Attrbute Effects, so that Attributes in this game become finalyl more impactful and build defining in an attempt to finalyl rebalance better the synergy between offensive and defensive attributes, to make both sides more equal, cause that would help game balance and would increase build diversity.


The game has currently 12 Boons and and 14 Conditions !!!

I know not many other online games, which spam their players full with so many combat effects, like GW2, especialyl because it was Anet who said, that want to make with GW2 a game, where the player IS NOT forced to look permanently on their UI to see, what kind of effects we have on - positive as liek negative ones and then they do THIS, what is like 100% contradictory to what they originally wanted to do with GW2 compared to GW1, where it is the same and you have too look constantly on your UI, to see on what you are sufferign on ect. and the UI beign spammed full with countless effect icons due to skills being even able to put up like all conditions at the same time on you and there existign many indirect or direct ways in this game for several classes to cause multiple conditions with one skill, that you can easily overwhelm the condi removal capabilities of players,


From those 12 boons are at least 4 completely obsolete and should get removed and reworked differently into the game, which are

- **Resistance** > Resistance should not be a Boon, it should be an Attribute with the two Effects of reducing received Condition Damage and giving you a Immunity Time after being CC'ed or having cleansed a Condition, that you can't get instantly CC'ed again, or receive the cleansed Condition instantly again. Means, so higher your Resistance attribute is, so less powerful and impactful will Condition and CC Spam be on you and so more impactful will Condi Cleanse be for you and Stun Breakers when they receive Immunity Times via a Ressistance attribute, making it a very important defensive Attribute then for PvP/WvW!!!

- **Vigor** > Vigor is obsolete and should get simply be reworked into class specific Trait Effects that strenthen Endurance Regeneration or become better a secondary Attribute Effect of VITALITY to male Vitality finally more meaningful, because its lousy Health Increase it gives per point is meaningless currently, but if it would additionally improve a Characters Endurance Regeneration, which fits for Vitality very much, cause when you are very vital, then you have good stamina/endurance

- **Fury** > Fury is totally obsolete, its plain direct Critcal Hit increase of 20% is the reason, why some offensive builds are overpowered, because it allows people to ignore to put in points into their builds into precision, if they want to have good critical hit rates. Fury just needs to be rebalanced into Traits/Upgrades, so that this big boost in critical hit rates can become more permanent, but also for the cost of giving up a slot of your traits/upgrades therefore

- Aegis - Aegis as a mostly guardian unique boon for single damage absorbings is totally useless as a boon and should just get reworked into a guardian unique trait effect so that their aegios becomes more unique to this class, it should not be something to that other classes should get access to somehow, stuzff liek this needs not to be a Boon and Guardians wont become instant OP, only because their aegis effect cant be then stripped, stolen or corrupted anymore


From those 14 conditions are at least 6 obsolete and should get reworked either into Upgrades, or be merged with other conditions or reworked into class specific traits.

These are: Torment, Taunt, Fear, Immobilized, Confusion and Vulnerability


- **Torment** > Should get merged with Cripple and under the term of Cripple, cause if you have crippled legs n hands from combat, its normal that it hurts while you move....this would help also makign the damagign component of Torment a bit more accessible to other classes.

- **Taunt** > should just become either Upgrade of Trait Effects

- **Fear** > Should get changed into Necromancer unique Skill/Trait Effects, by turning them to effects, thy become more impactful, but still stoppable via stunbreakers

- **Immobilized** > should just get completely removed.. in agame where positioning is key should not exist conditions that can make you completely stop moving, for that exists Stun and for this exists exclusively Stun Breakers and should exist for players as well BREAK BARS, before they can get stunned

- **Confusion** > should get its damage effect removed and replaced with the effect of Friendly Fire Removal and turned into class specific skill/trait effects that can be removed via Stun Breaker as well then. This way will mindless AoE spam get reduced, if there exists a way to temporarely remove friendly fire, so that used AoEs potentially could hurt your allies as well, if you suffer on confusion and dont know for the moment anymore, whos friend and whos foe for you ... and this game would get finally rid of the most broken and annoying damage condition >.>

- **Vulnerability** > should just get merged with Weakness, therefore that Weakness loses the effect of the 50% glancing hits and gettign its % of increased damage fixed from max 25% down to max 15% that have now with stacks only increased duration, instead like Vulnerability before intensity, meaning that with Weakness now, you can have instantly a bit faster some stronger bursts, but your maximum bursts will be weaker, making fights this way mroe balanced, due to the damage beign now maximum only 15 instead of 25% higher!!.


This way would get the effect spam reduced to 8 Boons and 8 Conditions, so that both sides have equal numbers, so that they can be used smoothly for the corruption system.


Might <=> Weakness

Protection <=> Blind

Swiftness <=> Cripple

Quickness <=> Slow

Alacrity <=> Chill

Regeneration <=> Poison

Retaliation <=> Burning

Stability <=> Bleeding


If we would ever get to this, then would be GW2 again on the right path to game balance, cause the whole game with its 9 classes and so far 18 E-Specs would become this way then alot easier to balance again.

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