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Different Game Modes in sPVP?

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I have been playing GW2 for a while now, and after doing pretty much all the PVE content out there, the only thing that keeps me stimulated is PVP - playing against real people, be that in sPVP or WVW.


My current issue with sPVP these days is that there is basically one game mode available, which is a 5V5 capture and hold, and the Battle of Champions Dusk, I guess.

The thing that would motivate me to do more sPVP would be the implementation of a few new, fun game modes !

Think queuing up for a 5v5 death match, a 2v2, duels, just being able to queue up for a few more game modes.

Or - i am taking a leap here - a Battle Royale kind of a thing. Think PUBG with your GW character!


I would love to see stuff like that - or any new exciting features in sPVP, really !

The current PVP environment - in my humble opinion - features a group of casuals, playing ranked/unranked for a while and getting bored, and a group of semi-pros/pros who become mechanical geniuses regarding their class, the maps and the conquest game mode - aand a huge gap between those groups.


I feel like different game modes would draw in a lot more people to sPVP again, plus encourage a greater build diversity and so on and so on ...


What do you think?


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I think they should take a big PvE style map and make it PvP free for all (strong monsters and objectives). Way points are safe zones but once you leave you cannot re enter for 10 seconds, and you are invulnerable and cannot do damage. Add incentives for going to the edges of the map for chests or some other objective, but they take 10 seconds to open as well(reveals on interact through the duration) and contributes to a score. Last man standing get the prize! You get 3 lives or you lose the match. it could have like 50 people at a time. Once it gets down to 10 people it will show them on the map and a brand storm will start closing in, forcing them to a point.

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I agree, we need more PvP modes. I miss the times of "unspecified MMO other than GW2" where i would log in, hit the quick queue button and play random matches of capture the flag, domination and map capture for the rest of the day. I just dont like the point capturing mode of GW2 as much. I even enjoyed stronghold for most parts until it was removed because people exploited it. It could have been a very fun mode with some balancing.

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> @"Ceriph.3518" said:

> Been asking for more gamemodes since the old glory currency days...we got "courtyard" and it flopped and then we got Stronghold which ideally sounded amazing but was a massive flop because it wasn't esports enough


Well Stronghold was also easily cheesed through and didn’t force a PvP aspect often enough.

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Yeah, I think I'm done with spvp in this game. You can only run one game mode so many times before you start having an existential crisis.


I don't understand why they don't shake things up more every season, and I don't mean class balance. I mean actual arena mechanics and new modes. Take some effing risks, this isn't the NFL it's a damn game. I'm here for fun, not to make a professional career.

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Conquest-only, 5v5, is the single biggest problem with this game right now. It was a decision made years ago and it's decimated this game's PvP. Balance wouldn't be so glaringly bad if we had a more random battleground queuing system like in WoW (with bigger teams). No one cared about "meta" builds in Arathi Basic or Warsong Gulch... it was about having fun and destroying opponents and shouting swear words at your team (GW2 has that last one).


Conquest should have been like WoW's arena. 5-man premades only. Prestigious awards.

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I wish the evs would take a risk at splitting the population to create a team only PVP game mode. Ranked arena is pretty much random arenas from GW1. The team game mode should be like HA, and actually require you maek a full team.


Of course there are tournaments, but why not have a team season, or a continually ongoing leader board that have guild teams only? Just constantly pumping out matches.


If so many players left because of teams going away, then it would seem some might come back if there were a team only game mode, with games more frequent that tournaments.


Bullet list:

* Team only game mode with a season or ongoing leaderboard

* Teams are guild teams

* Players can only be on one guild team, per season, or per month

* The leaderboards are held by teams, and not individual players

* titles would be awarded to members of the top teams respectively...meaning all players on top team would have same "top team title"

* if it is a season, teams must be registered with 2 days of season start

* if a team loses more than x games in a row, they fall a whole division (to prevent match manipulation)

* teams can not face the same team twice in a row, or the more than x times in the same day


PVP Guilds could exist again and thrive if there was a team only game mode with prestige involved. Perhaps some unique items for only the top champions.



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