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Constant disconnects during Story instances

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I came back to Guild Wars 2 about a week or so ago, and got my wife to follow me. (Poor thing is getting tired of game hopping) We had come back from Black Desert Online, I got tired of the crappy server issues, and never experienced them in GW2. I like how they toned down the HOT difficulty in the world map, made exploring possible, that was the main reason I left before.


So I come back and progress in the HOT story, and I keep getting disconnected in story instances when there is a cinematic or one of those scenes where people speak. It came to a head when me and my wife were trying to complete her main questline for the original game in Arah, when we keep getting DC'ed at the scene where you go up in the airship. we had some really patient players who restarted with us, and it happened again.


When we logged back in to go into the instance, we did not join our original party, it was a new instance, even though we were still in a party. If there is a way to rejoin your party, it is NOT easily findable through the UI.


I am not saying that I demand that I never experience a disconnect, while it would be nice, its not plausable, but is there not a way to join a dungeon already in progress, and how come there isn't a timer when you suddenly leave an instance in progress to be able to rejoin it? That is bad design, in my opinion. An oversight that needs to be corrected.


My wife and I are trying to decide if we want to buy the xpac and start playing the game regularly, but stuff like this is really really frustrating, and considering the issue that we kept having in black desert online, it put a bad taste in our mouth for these kinds of issues. I will straight up delete my account if ANET tries to tell me that it is my service provider's fault.


I was on an VPN and she was just connecting regularly, same thing happened to both of us. Right before we went in, we did the event where you protect the gates of Arah, seemed like there were 100+ players fighting, no lag, no disconnects. But when we are in a story instance, BOOM, all the time, under the same conditions each time.


I submitted a ticket already, but is this a constant problem, has ANET addressed it, its not on the known issues area.

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I'm having the same problem here. I don't have disconnect issues in any other game or in any other part of Guild Wars 2. The story instances have caused me nothing but frustration and grief. I just had an event where I was disconnected from an almost hour long instance after going through a portal. I was at the end, but the cutscene caused the game to disconnect. It doesn't happen with every mission, but it happens often enough that I'm extremely tired of dealing with it. If it was a rare occurence I could happily brush it off and power through it to enjoy the story, but this is just too much.


Anet, you really need to look into this issue. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep playing a game where I have to cross my fingers every time I go into an instanced mission.

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Same.. and its a real shame that Arenanet don't care about this. Having attempted the same instance now 6 times (The last one in HoT to kill Mordremoth) I am now extremely close to giving up on GW2 altogether. If Arenanet cannot fix whatever it is that causes story missions to disconnect after a transition from a cutscene, then at the very least, let us skip them entirely. I have now killed Mordremoth 6 times and seen this story mission for over two hours..... enough is enough!!!

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I disconnected twice in the same day at the same part in the instance during the departing. Sent in a ticket. So frustrated I haven't tried since.

I wish they you give you a "I want to continue my story" button to get past this nonsense. This has been going on for years. So many forum threads about it.

Never gets addressed and fixed. Most they did is put in save points. Which helps if you make it to the save point.

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I am experiencing exactly the same problem with story disconnects.


I am a returning player and want to change main so I am trying to get my ranger through the story quests. I was doing the Last Chance, the last part of One path ends, just before the Path of Fire storyline starts and I got to the end of the storyline 8 or 9 times, across three days, before I disconnected in the same place each time. I ticketed ArenaNet but no response.


I finally completed it but now it has started happening on Night of Fire, I get to the end of the scenario and I have once again disconnected on multiple occasions at the same point.


This is very frustrating I wish they would give you a complete on killing the boss/completing the objective and not wait until the RP scenes/cut scenes are over as the problem seems to be during these. Even allowing a short time to reconnect would resolve some issues.

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^If you tried to contact ArenaNet using the in-game bug report feature, you will garner no response (as indicated on the bug report window). For an individualized response, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below.


Some players have had success by minimizing the game right before cut-scenes, or other problem areas.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> ^If you tried to contact ArenaNet using the in-game bug report feature, you will garner no response (as indicated on the bug report window). For an individualized response, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below.


> Some players have had success by minimizing the game right before cut-scenes, or other problem areas.


> Good luck.


I did use the Support link and ticket my issue, not bug report it.


I will try your suggestion about minimizing the game, at this point even if it doesn't work I'm no worse off than at present.


Thank you for the advice :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This has been going on for a LONG TIME. How furiously frustrating is it to go through an entire chapter, fight and kill a final boss, then get disconnected during the final dialog? THEN, you have to do it all over again! I quit GW once over this because it was so frustrating. You can see that it happens to MANY PEOPLE, yet Anet does not acknowledge that there's a problem. Other posters will also claim that it's the internet connection, blah, blah, but CLEARLY, that's not the case. IT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED.

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> @"Elisias.4267" said:

> This has been going on for a LONG TIME. How furiously frustrating is it to go through an entire chapter, fight and kill a final boss, then get disconnected during the final dialog? THEN, you have to do it all over again! I quit GW once over this because it was so frustrating. You can see that it happens to MANY PEOPLE, yet Anet does not acknowledge that there's a problem. Other posters will also claim that it's the internet connection, blah, blah, but CLEARLY, that's not the case. IT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED.


Actually, the Devs have acknowledged, and posted a few times, the issue in the 'official' thread. You might consider perusing said thread, and posting your information there.


https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/463808/#Comment_463808 (You can use the 'Next ArenaNet Post' feature to read the Dev responses.)


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Elisias.4267" said:

> > This has been going on for a LONG TIME. How furiously frustrating is it to go through an entire chapter, fight and kill a final boss, then get disconnected during the final dialog? THEN, you have to do it all over again! I quit GW once over this because it was so frustrating. You can see that it happens to MANY PEOPLE, yet Anet does not acknowledge that there's a problem. Other posters will also claim that it's the internet connection, blah, blah, but CLEARLY, that's not the case. IT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED.


> Actually, the Devs have acknowledged, and posted a few times, the issue in the 'official' thread. You might consider perusing said thread, and posting your information there.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/463808/#Comment_463808 (You can use the 'Next ArenaNet Post' feature to read the Dev responses.)


Yup, this. Also, if anyone wants to `tcpdump` during a disconnect, or to experiment with hitting a skill button every second or two during the cutscene and see if that stops the disconnects, that'd be interesting data to add. Hopefully we can start to help collect useful information that may shed light on what is going on.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This just happened to me (again, happens often in story instances, rarely otherwise). I have two new pieces of information:


First, I had GoGGalaxy running in the background. Some posters have suggested that a lapse in communication causes the trouble, and having a background program like GoG running can prevent it. Not for me.


Second, mine almost always happen during transitions, but not necessarily during cutscenes (in this case, it was Trahearne calling "Commander! To me!" and by the time I reached him to continue dialog, I couldn't click on him - I had already disconnected).



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> @"Ringlin.1863" said:

> This just happened to me (again, happens often in story instances, rarely otherwise). I have two new pieces of information:


> First, I had GoGGalaxy running in the background. Some posters have suggested that a lapse in communication causes the trouble, and having a background program like GoG running can prevent it. Not for me.


I'd assume it would only work if it was specifically within GW2, not some additional third party software.


> Second, mine almost always happen during transitions, but not necessarily during cutscenes (in this case, it was Trahearne calling "Commander! To me!" and by the time I reached him to continue dialog, I couldn't click on him - I had already disconnected).


Hrm. What brand and model router do you use?

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I've had this issue also now and its stopping my progression of the game.


Trying to complete Main story quest and am stuck on Chapter 8 where you have to fight the dragons in the sky and the ship is going down but is saved by another - cut scene and disconnect. I have tried to complete this now 8 times and no luck. The worst part of it is the fact there are no save points during this campaign and have to start from the entire beginning every time which in total takes around 20-30 mins every time.


I tried all the suggestions from the support FAQ, reinstalled game, repaired, opened ports 80, 443, 6112 on my firewall, added exception for gw2.exe and am still getting the same issue.


This issue isn't exclusive to just that mission either but I have had it all the way through the main quest and even on the expansion quests from HoT and PoF.


I'm not sure if this info helps, but it seems less likely to crash or dc if you do the quests with someone else. I helped a random do their mission and it didn't crash and then I tried to solo it myself on my story and it crashed as I completed it. This was a different mission.


The issue seems to be when the game is either fetching data or writing data to the server when the dc occurs.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> I'm curious, what brand and model of router do you have?


Slippy, thanks for trying to help here. Does the router matter? Why not allow players to restart from a checkpoint?


I really urge ANet to consider allowing people to restart from a checkpoint whatever router they have. People disconnect for all kinds of reasons, and while some players (like me) seem to have the problem in story instances more frequently than others, it seems a poor game design to have sections of the game where all progress can be lost.


People lose power. ISPs go dark. Cords get yanked, computers crash. Frequent or infrequent, isn't a checkpoint a good idea, and wouldn't it solve the problem here, whatever the cause?

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> @"Ringlin.1863" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > I'm curious, what brand and model of router do you have?


> Slippy, thanks for trying to help here. Does the router matter? Why not allow players to restart from a checkpoint?


I'm poking at a theory that there may be a common element of which router brand is in use, and it may be the root cause of the disconnections by inappropriately dropping the NAT mapping for the TCP connection after 20 seconds of no traffic. Which, for almost every other use of the protocol, would not happen. (Though it would show up as drops for SSH connections, and given the 15-second protocol level pings to avoid this advised in places, would not be the first time this has popped up...)


To the later: I'm all in favor of ANet allowing people to restart from a checkpoint. Sounds great.


> People lose power. ISPs go dark. Cords get yanked, computers crash. Frequent or infrequent, isn't a checkpoint a good idea, and wouldn't it solve the problem here, whatever the cause?


It wouldn't solve the problem, in the sense that if you are disconnecting now, you would disconnect again and again until you got lucky (or whatever it is). All it would do is reduce the amount of time you had to spend getting from the checkpoint to the disconnection point each time.


So, regardless of checkpoints, I think the underlying issue should be investigated and solved. I'm all for things that improve the experience, and don't think these are in any way mutually exclusive options.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"MaxFeign.7362" said:

> > I've had this issue also now and its stopping my progression of the game.


> I'm curious, what brand and model of router do you have?


VirginMedia SmartHub 2.0 i think AFAIK.


I agree with Ringlin above, there SHOULD be frequent checkpoints especially in really long campaign missions.


I will try changing the media streaming content to Max as suggest above, once I've got my sanity back to try and finish the 8th chapter of the main story for the 9th time :)

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> @"MaxFeign.7362" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"MaxFeign.7362" said:

> > > I've had this issue also now and its stopping my progression of the game.

> >

> > I'm curious, what brand and model of router do you have?


> VirginMedia SmartHub 2.0 i think AFAIK.


Interesting. That makes two out of two people with this problem, and that router. Not a very convincing sample yet, but an interesting coincidence.


> I agree with Ringlin above, there SHOULD be frequent checkpoints especially in really long campaign missions.

> I will try changing the media streaming content to Max as suggest above, once I've got my sanity back to try and finish the 8th chapter of the main story for the 9th time :)


I strongly suspect that, unless you refuse to download anything in the launcher, and instantly jump into the mission, it will not end up helping. I'm totally with the idea of checkpoints, to be clear.

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I only posted that 'troubleshoot tip' as someone else posted about it. It may have been coincidence that it helped; but it surely can't hurt to try it.


As to checkpoints; it would be great in all new instances, but when the Devs tried changing even just the order of old Story instances, not to mention the content, it caused all sorts of bugs throughout for player accounts. I'm not sure they can go back and add checkpoints to that old content.



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It's not just story instances. My main got DC'd when he entered his home instance. And one of my alts was doing a daily achieve in Mount Maelstrom, just gathering wood, when she crashed. Both are now locked out and unable to log into the game. "Network Error" when they try to load.

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