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Worst T4 FRACTAL day ever!

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> @"Sister Saxifrage.7361" said:

> New worst day ever: Vindicators in 99CM. Specifically the orb phase on Ensolyss. It was particularly cruel to give them countercapping status. I have dramatically increased my /gg speed, and will be skipping this CM for the rest of the week. Had I not had a friend with me I would have ditched out of guilt (or been kicked, and I wouldn't have blamed them), and was too humiliated to even enjoy our eventual victory.


> I really dislike mechanics that discourage players from trying their best to improve. Normally orb phase is tough, but everyone tries their hardest to last as long as they can, and that benefits the survivors, and with practice people get better over time. Vindicators destroy that dynamic. There is no practicing, no trying, no doing your best. Now, unless you are perfect with your dodges, you need to be perfect with /gg'ing before you go down. Otherwise, your failure destroys the survivors' ability to compensate (unless they are so superlatively skilled that they can kill vinds while dodging). It discourages teamwork and the synergy of individual strengths and weaknesses by making one very specific weakness on one person's part into an absolute fail for the entire group.


well yeah two guys down can make it difficult. we wipe the first round but second tries we did it. need to be calm at that phase.

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Dunno but in experienced group there's barely more than one player going down during orb phase on Ensolyss. It's just practice and like Talindra said you just need to be calm and look for the right gaps. Also, facetank little bubbles if there's a blue in it. It will overheal the damage and get you out of downstate.

Imho Druid duty is to care right before 66% and 33% that everyone in your group is healed up to full health and if a player wipes druid and mesmer should easily be able to solo/duo the rest - even against vindicators. We had no problems this week so far. Weekly rotation changes next Wednesday. Today is Saturday so I would give it another try if I were you instead of waiting half a week.

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I am the druid :-( that's part of why this is so upsetting for me - I like supporting my teammates. Dragging them down is the exact opposite of what I like. I'm pretty good at most other aspects of fractals, but timed dodging and jumping challenges with little margin for error are really difficult for me. I have a hard time with Skorvald's rapid pinwheel too. That stuff might as well be Mad King's Clocktower (MKC itself, obviously, is a non-starter).


You're not wrong, I do need more practice (I can do 99NM orbs... 80% of the time?), but there's no way to get that practice without wasting 4 other people's time. Maybe I could post an LFG group specifically for 99cm orb training...

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I mostly play druid in CMs due to knowing that everyone will have an easy time if i do so.

Skorvald's deadly circle shouldn't be a problem for you (and for your team mates as well) because you put up spirit of nature right after you are setting your feet onto the middle platform after the 2nd split phase. That's the first you should do, your mates still have 25 might stacks unless you didn't know your job before or you have the wrong gear/stats! Don't stand inside his hitbox at all and your chrono should do the rest. Heal your mates and your 3rd task is to shoot the bloom to the edge so all the other 4 players can focus the boss. The timing of CA is important. Use it between two solar blooms so it is guaranteed that you are able to push them away.

A Xera portal takes pressure from everyone. If you have one, use it before the last split phase to get back to the middle platform much faster!


During the Ensolyss's orb phase you must not die as druid. No way you are allowed to! Heal everyone up with CA before just before the split and position yourself into the circle. Don't waste staff 3 and don't use CA in that phase. (CA will be up again because agony dmg inside the circles - but yeah don't use it in that phase) The first is needed if someone cannot handle his circle so you can rush to it immediately after finishing your own. CA is needed to heal mates up afterwards so that the scholar buff is present when the boss is cc'ed for max dps from your damage dealers.


Many druid players are not awared of their diversified tasks. Often you hear something like: "Need a good chrono and dps" but for a very good to perfect run you would either need top players or a very good druid caring for the rest. Sadly I see a lot of druids using staff only in CMs, don't swap their pets, waste CA and setting up wrong spirits or spirit of nature in the most unnecessary situations. CM runs are much more difficult if the druid has not the same skill level of the other 4 players!

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couple of days ago, we went in 100cm with 4 men (no chrono) the bs and the other dps died as soon as they entered last phase of Skorvald.. i mean as soon as we entered my xera portal, I put nature spirits up and as soon as boss attack, they drop and died .. so basically it was just my husband and me, dou skorvald's last phase. i heal him and also manage the orb while he dps (thank goodness he is dps because i run leeching druid build essentially do only 1k dps lol) ..also both of us play with 400 to 600 ping too. i think fractal 100cm is not hard.. just need a bit of practice. a few mechanics u can avoid to take very little to no damage at all. and able to avoid being knock down etc. special action skills can do so much.

i like ca 5, it gives self stability and also baby damage at the same time.

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