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Flames of War Legendary Torch

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Hi all,

The reason for my post is to talk about the above legendary torch.

The issue I am having is that if as I did chose the Path of Fire option it seems to take far too long to acquire when compared to the Heart of Thorns option. I have a friend that just took 2 days to complete and acquire the torch via the HoT option and I'm still gathering the necessary components namely Funerary Incense some 3 weeks later via the PoF option. The problem is with Funerary Incense and that being timegated with a max of 5 per day. HoT option is would seem does not have any timegated materials at all.

I know some of you are going to say then choose the HoT option instead, but then I shouldn't have to have this take so long in any of the two options.

Thank you.

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I started making the Binding of Ipos since I had already done PoF map comp for the funerary set but once I realized how much it took from PoF just to get the various gifts and materials I realized I'd be much better off just going back and using the HoT gift as you said, because it's considerably easier especially now that we have mounts to navigate the terrain there. It's a shame since I like the PoF maps a lot more but oh well, is what it is.

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