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[Suggestion] Future Elite Specialization - The Paragon


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Originally posted in the propose your new elite spec thread, but I'd like to keep this in its own subforum. Throwing this out there seeing how early Anet went to work on the next elite specs after HoT. **Also help me name these skills/traits**


## Paragon

**Class**: Warrior

**Theme**: Support


* Warrior has traditionally been a selfish class.. It's lacking in the support that other can provide. Another problem warriors have is the limited amount of available skills at any given time (thus why the heavy reliance on fast hands to compensate)This proposal aims in filling this void. Note: I'll leave it up to others with imagination to name these skills and traits and finer details like cool downs.


# Profession Unlocks:

**New Mechanic**: Command


* Adrenaline cap remains at 3 bars / 30 points. Vanilla Bursts are available anytime 10/20/30 adrenaline points are reached as they currently are,

* Gain access to a second mechanic bar called Motivation. Gain 1 point of motivation when nearby allies strike enemies (maximum 50 points). At 50 points of motivation, gain access to command abilities (these do not count as burst abilities, Each command is on a separate 20 second coldown, motivation starts to decay outside of combat)

* **F2**: Use up all motivation, Inflict weakness to nearby foes and gain adrenaline.

* **F3**: Use up all motivation, Reduce condition duration currently on nearby allies by a static amount

* **F4**: Use up all motivation, Grant nearby allies barrier


**Weapon Unlocked**: Main hand Spear (one handed weapon)


* **Burst -**: Leap towards a ground target. When you land, taunt nearby foes and convert conditions on nearby allies into Might. 2 Stacks of might per condition, number of conditions converted vary on adrenaline level. Deals light damage.

* **Ability 1 -**: Throw your spear at your target on a parabolic arc, 900 initial range. Hold down attack to throw spear further- up to 1200 range, unblockable when held to max charge.

* **Ability 2 -**: Lunge forward 300 units towards your target and deliver a long ranged piercing attack that extends further towards your target, enemies struck at the tip of the attack are dealt increased damage. Hold down the attack to extend the range of the piercing attack. (not a projectile)

* **Ability 3 -**: Thrust your spear into the face of your opponent to knocks back your target. Close range, melee based attack, single target. Hold down attack to charge and knock back your target further.


**Utility skill unlocked**: Glyphs


* **Healing -**: Heal yourself and create a field in a ground targeted area that heals allies on an interval. Remove a condition from allies as well if you have maximum motivation.


* **Utility 1 -**: Create a field in a ground targeted area that enhance combat abilities of allies inside of it. Allies inside gain retaliation and might on interval. At maximum motivation, allies will also inflict confusion.

* **Utility 2 -**: Create a field at ground targeted area that inflicts slow and weakness on enemies in an interval. At maximum motivation, foes are also dazed.

* **Utility 3 -**: Create a field in a ground targeted area that enhances defensive abilities of allies inside of it. Allies inside gain protection and stability in an interval. Grant resistance as well at maximum motivation.


* **Elite -**: Gain resistance and transfer conditions from allies in a ground targeted area to yourself. Imbue your weapon with the conditions. Your next weapon strike copies conditions to your target. At maximum motivation, your second weapon set will gain this effect as well.




* **Minor Proficiency**: You can wield terrestrial spears on your main hand.

* **Minor Adept**: Gain access to command abilities, introduce new motivation mechanic, unlock glyphs

* **Major Adept**: Might you apply also increases concentration.

* **Major Adept**: Weakness you apply will on foes will reduce outgoing condition damage. Inflict weakness to nearby foes when you are struck for more than 20% of your maximum health.

* **Major Adept**: Deal increased damage when you have full motivation. Remove a condition when you use command skills.

* **Minor Master**: Swapping weapons grant motivation.

* **Major Master**: Terrestrial spear abilities are quicker to charge, Fully charged spear abilities inflict weakness to foes and grant might to allies near your target foe.

* **Major Master**: Command abilities heal allies as well. Gain increased outgoing healing based on your concentration.

* **Major Master**: Glyph target areas are larger and last longer, reduce cooldown on glyphs. Foes inside your glyphs deal reduced condition durations.

* **Minor Grandmaster**: Nearby allies are granted 10% less incoming condition duration while in combat.

* **Major Grandmaster**: Reduce required motivation to command. Using command skills grant adrenaline, striking with burst abilities grant motivation.

* **Major Grandmaster**: Deal increased damage based on the number of boons on nearby allies.

* **Major Grandmaster**: Grant stability to nearby allies and extend boon durations by a static amount on allies when you strike with a burst ability.


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nah i'd for once rather have a good power dps elite than even more support on a WARRIOR. Your proposal would be fitting for a GUARD, though the spear on land looks like a good idea.


But just think about the traits and skills, they are almost all for pvp and wvw only. Warrior just got that and this class surely doesn't need another pvp spec right now. What you wrote sounds like a good elite spec, just not for warrior.

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> @Ferus.3165 said:

> nah i'd for once rather have a good power dps elite than even more support on a WARRIOR. Your proposal would be fitting for a GUARD, though the spear on land looks like a good idea.


Well that's really what Berserker is for y'know. Would be better to ask for buffs on that instead of asking for yet another dps spec.

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