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mAT selling is ON , would Anet take an action or stay silent ?


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Anet is doing excellent job on all gamemodes now even PVP, so stop complaining about irrelevant things. I mean we got fast transparent response with actually proven guilt and punishment to the wintraders. Tommorow we getting balance patch. Its impovement of like 1000000% compared to 2-3 Month ago.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> I don't PVP, so I have no idea what mAT is... But I am curious as to why ANET is OK with other forms of paid-"carries" (raids, fractals, dungeons, etc...), but this is bannable? Was it because of the account-sharing?


selling raids = 9 guys doing a bit of extra work to finish a group project for the 10th lazy slacker.


selling mAT = buyer paying a professional test taker to pretend to be him to take the SAT exam FOR him.

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TBH ANET are their own worst enemy. They have openly allowed the selling of spots, achievements, titles etc for soo long now that this was just an inevitable progression of the exploitation .. I have no sympathy anymore. PvP , WvW and PvE and TP are full of hackers, exploits and outright cheats, but it has just been ignored for so long players no longer fear the consequence of it.

This kind of cheating and exploitation should of been perma bans all-round .. they were all complicit of the crime but partners and all ehh...

Best thing genuine players can do now is just ignore the gamemode and find it elsewhere. ANET have shown they do not care about the issues.. 3 months suspension/dishonour.. wow and then it will rear its head, but now players know that the risk/reward are heavily skewed in their favour.

Whether its in game currency or RMT no achievements, titles or raid/dungeon should be allowed to sold.. its just exploitation of the system.

Of course taking serious action on hackers, botters, exploiters and outright cheats like these "partners" takes elephant kahuna fortitude and I fear the issue too large and beyond saving.. so easier to keep sweeping it under that dirty old rug.

Sure some players just choose to ignore it and many simply don't wish to draw attention to it.


So all we can do now is wave off those players who have been actioned safe in the knowledge they will be back after their extended Easter breaks to do it all over again.

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shut up and be happy. anet is taking action agaisnt wintraders. anet is releasing pvp balances and even ask for the community opinion. they added ats and gizmos. they add 2v2 tourneys and wanna add dynamic ats. a bit late but damn. you are putting effort in this mode. i LIKE it. btw pls dont nerf break enchantment into oblvion its such a fun skill. make it 25% dmg nerf or like 17% but pls not more

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> I heard a story about someone who shot a man that ended up dying.

> The judge released the killer because that man had a terminal illness, after declaring: the results would have been the same, so it doesn't matter.


> Fun world we live in eh!



Pretty sure in most countries you get the full penalty even if you kill a 100 year old man one minute before he dies on his death bed.

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I've been watching Sindrener on Youtube for quite some time. A part of me believes he or any of R55 could be win traders, but a bigger part of me believes they were experimenting. Sindrener talked about how ANet does nothing to punish win traders and match manipulators quite often. I'm wondering if either they sacrificed themselves to make a point in hopes that ANet would buckle down on this or if they thought since everyone else does it and doesn't get punished, they may as well do it too.


I'm not necessarily standing up for them, just questioning whether the only point of this was material gain. If it turns out all it was was greed well, tough luck I guess. There will be other great players eventually, the world goes on.

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> @"shinta.8906" said:

> it was not a wintrade...


> they won


> than zan did something with his price only anet can and should judge on after hearing him out.





Hear him out? For what? He broke ToS, there’s nothing to hear out. He, and his teammates, deserve to be punished just like any other person would be.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"shinta.8906" said:

> > it was not a wintrade...

> >

> > they won

> >

> > than zan did something with his price only anet can and should judge on after hearing him out.

> >

> >

> >


> Hear him out? For what? He broke ToS, there’s nothing to hear out. He, and his teammates, deserve to be punished just like any other person would be.


Actually not everyone as in guilt . Some other people didnt know about . They got invited after Zan was in group,so they didnt seen at which account he is playing.

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I mean, people act like this affects them on a deeply personal level. What they did ultimately didn't actually affect the games, r55 would have won on any account. The only negative thing for the community is that some guy got (and now lost) an undeserved gizmo and some underserved rewards. Yet ppl everywhere, especially on reddit, loooove getting out their pitchforks because wintrading amirite? Even though wintrading is different and the latter actually DOES affect other people (the 4 other ppl in a wintrader's team) What happened is against the ToS of course, and ANET handled that which is good, but players asking for perma bans on every other account need to take a step back and take a look at who's really directly negatively impacted by this (the answer is no one btw)

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"shinta.8906" said:

> > > it was not a wintrade...

> > >

> > > they won

> > >

> > > than zan did something with his price only anet can and should judge on after hearing him out.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Hear him out? For what? He broke ToS, there’s nothing to hear out. He, and his teammates, deserve to be punished just like any other person would be.


> Actually not everyone as in guilt . Some other people didnt know about . They got invited after Zan was in group,so they didnt seen at which account he is playing.


If you get in a car that is about to be used to rob a bank you are guilty by association. I understand what you’re saying but I also know that there’s a lot going on against ToS, win trading, etc that Anet needs to crack down on and unfortunately to really stop it people who may not be involved but were present will get caught up.

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> @"arnitheking.8427" said:

> I mean, people act like this affects them on a deeply personal level. What they did ultimately didn't actually affect the games, r55 would have won on any account. The only negative thing for the community is that some guy got (and now lost) an undeserved gizmo and some underserved rewards. Yet ppl everywhere, especially on reddit, loooove getting out their pitchforks because wintrading amirite? Even though wintrading is different and the latter actually DOES affect other people (the 4 other ppl in a wintrader's team) What happened is against the ToS of course, and ANET handled that which is good, but players asking for perma bans on every other account need to take a step back and take a look at who's really directly negatively impacted by this (the answer is no one btw)


This doesn’t fit the narrative, where’s my downvote button?


Joking aside, I heard a rumour that people are now taking to harass those involved outside of GW2. What people don’t seem to realise is that they have only themselves to blame for how they feel. If someone feels betrayed by the people involved, regardless of who’s narrative you believe, then it’s your fault for putting trust in someone you’ve never actually met and ultimately don’t really know.


Don’t get me wrong it’s fine to be disappointed in someone but some are taking this far beyond what is reasonable and smells of fanboyism if not almost creepy infatuation. You can see this attitude developing in other areas where people will venomously defend another person for no reason than they’re a fan of them.


> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:


> If you get in a car that is about to be used to rob a bank you are guilty by association. I understand what you’re saying but I also know that there’s a lot going on against ToS, win trading, etc that Anet needs to crack down on and unfortunately to really stop it people who may not be involved but were present will get caught up.


Pretty sure it all comes down to intent and proven intent. This is why there’s lots of different classifications for killing someone, you have murder at the top, manslaughter, death by negligence, death by dangerous driving and a whole host of others I am sure exist. You can’t assume guilt by proximity, that is an incredibly slippery slope.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Anet should just remove all exclusive rewards from high end PvP, then people wont have any reason to cheat anymore (acc share, carry, win trade, speed hacks, trolling etc). Percentage wise PvP is for sure the game mode with the highest amount of cheaters. And make those minis, gadgets, titles and armor skins buyable with season currencies.

> >


> People pay to get titles in PvE, if you want to ban someone for doing it in PvP you should do so in PvE.


YES! Definitely, ban anyone who cheats like this, or offers to abet such cheating.

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This isn't a small thing at all but so few of you realize the impact that this has on the people involved in the shady behavior. They will return to a game after 3 months (at least the ones that weren't permanently banned) and **they will have lost what they cherished the most: Prestige and Respect.** Once you loose this there is no possible way to get it back, not fully anyway. It really makes you think about how stuff really works and hopefully this has opened the eyes of many to stop Deifying random people.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > I heard a story about someone who shot a man that ended up dying.

> > The judge released the killer because that man had a terminal illness, after declaring: the results would have been the same, so it doesn't matter.

> >

> > Fun world we live in eh!

> >


> Pretty sure in most countries you get the full penalty even if you kill a 100 year old man one minute before he dies on his death bed.


Precisely my point.

The argument that it doesn't matter because they would have won either way is flawed.

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> @"arnitheking.8427" said:

> I mean, people act like this affects them on a deeply personal level. What they did ultimately didn't actually affect the games, r55 would have won on any account. The only negative thing for the community is that some guy got (and now lost) an undeserved gizmo and some underserved rewards. Yet ppl everywhere, especially on reddit, loooove getting out their pitchforks because wintrading amirite? Even though wintrading is different and the latter actually DOES affect other people (the 4 other ppl in a wintrader's team) What happened is against the ToS of course, and ANET handled that which is good, but players asking for perma bans on every other account need to take a step back and take a look at who's really directly negatively impacted by this (the answer is no one btw)


Thing is: rewardselling itself might be harmless, its debatable, especially consindering those doing the rewardselling now, are the ones demanding better rewards, which in itself makes this whole thing have a really bad taste. However, the message the rest of the pvp community is getting from this, is that the system isnt fair, its rigged and if you have enough rl money you can just buy everything.

Thats absolute toxic for any kind of competitive gamemode. PvP is dieing, and rewardselling, as well as wintrading hasten its demise, making this whole gamemode into one big fucking joke.


Yes, I think permaban for such a behaviour is the only possible answer. But I also think Anet has to revise the rewards for AT and tone them down quite a lot, to make such behaviour simply not profittable. Maybe reward that title only until next mAT, then you have to re-earn it. Reduce gold gain drastically, maybe even just remove it... reward tracks are good enough imo to cover costs.

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> @"Maat.3940" said:

> This isn't a small thing at all but so few of you realize the impact that this has on the people involved in the shady behavior. They will return to a game after 3 months (at least the ones that weren't permanently banned) and **they will have lost what they cherished the most: Prestige and Respect.** Once you loose this there is no possible way to get it back, not fully anyway. It really makes you think about how stuff really works and hopefully this has opened the eyes of many to stop Deifying random people.


You do realize, with no "naming and shaming", they wont loose either prestige or respect. They will just laugh with their friends the next day after the suspension starts, on their new account. Then, pick up where they left off, when the suspension is up. They tell everyone not their friend, they "took some time off to play another game."

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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> > @"Maat.3940" said:

> > This isn't a small thing at all but so few of you realize the impact that this has on the people involved in the shady behavior. They will return to a game after 3 months (at least the ones that weren't permanently banned) and **they will have lost what they cherished the most: Prestige and Respect.** Once you loose this there is no possible way to get it back, not fully anyway. It really makes you think about how stuff really works and hopefully this has opened the eyes of many to stop Deifying random people.


> You do realize, with no "naming and shaming", they wont loose either prestige or respect. They will just laugh with their friends the next day after the suspension starts, on their new account. Then, pick up where they left off, when the suspension is up. They tell everyone not their friend, they "took some time off to play another game."


Except we do know at least one that was directly involved and another that more than likely knew it was happening

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Just giving an update to this situation and an overview of actions that have been handed out:


> Due to account sharing, and a history of RMT purchases, one of the accounts on the winning team has been suspended for 3 months and had all rewards removed from it (for this mAT).. This includes any of the mAT rewards that would have been handed out as one of the winners of this mAT.


> We have permanently blocked the main account of the player responsible for playing on the shared account during the mAT.


> Today we also took action against another one of the accounts on the winning team as well for receiving high value goods from the account that was being shared above during the time it was under shared control. This account was also suspended for 3 months and had all mAT rewards removed from it (for this mAT).


> Again, I would like to reiterate that, while the accounts in question were involved in sketchy practices, had the one player played on their own account, the mAT results would have been the same and there was no impact on in-game gameplay.


> I can't comment on partner status or the partner program, but the partner team has been informed of this action.


> Account boosting in this manner is not acceptable and we will continue to take action against accounts that we catch participating in this kind of behavior.


This is barely a punishment but who cares. Its not a big deal imo

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