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WvW resolve passive healing


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Been playing a while on other classes but have recent tried making a passive healing guardian for WvW fights.

with 1400+ Healing power and specced with In the virtue line Absolute Resolution and Battle presence only heal tick for about 220. When i open up the trait window and hover over the traits they indicated a heal of 600+.


Is this nerfed or something in WvW or is it a bug? or an incorrect tool tip. When i was theory crafting it on gw2skills.net it also inidcated a heal tick of 600+.


Like i said im new to guardian so forgive me if this is old news etc.


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Well, considering they just did MORE major nerfs to Guardian healing, you might want to think twice about investing in too much gear. I mean, today's nerf won't have any effect on what you're asking about, I'm just saying that it seems to be a trend now and who knows what they'll nerf next. ;)

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Hasnt seem to affect me much but then again my build is for wvw zerging.....passive heal bot where nearly every action offers some sort of aegis, heal, condi clense, buff etc.

I can't 1 v 1 anyone but i can tank for a hell of a long time and its nice seeing nothing but green numbers when running next to the pin.

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