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[NA][PvE] LF Social PvE focused guild (Fractals/Raids).


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I'm looking for a small to medium size guild (want to avoid the larger ones since I'm looking to make some friend(s)) that focuses on PvE content and is active around PST friendly times (an hour or two after reset). I don't have much raid experience and no fractal experience but I am looking to get into them. I have tons of raid exp in other MMO's and really just trying to find a group of people I can play the game with.


Currently I have an 80 Mesmer, 80 Guardian, 80 Ranger and 80 Engineer. I enjoy Mirage and I've done a small amount of offtanking with Chrono. With Guardian I'm currently rocking dragonhunter. Haven't done a lot with the Ranger yet but likely to go Druid when I decide to invest on it and I primarily enjoy Holo on my Engi.



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Hello, Doxmia! I'm happy to tell you about the guild I'm in and see if it might work out for you. We're mostly based in EST but have some later weeknight and also weekend events, plus folks on a bit late in the evening (some in PST)... I think it should be all good!


I'm part of the Remnants of Hope [HOPE] guild, and we're focused on having fun, making friends, and enjoying gaming together. We have very active forums, teamspeak and group events almost every day of the week, including meta events, boss trains, PvP, raid training, fractals... pretty much anything you could want to do in-game, we have people who do it and would welcome you! And the people you'd be playing with are patient, positive and knowledgeable.


I recently started raiding and I was SO impressed by our raid leaders and everyone else. We have people of varying experience levels, some are totally pro, some are experienced but looking to improve, and some (like me) are super new and overwhelmed by all the mechanics. Not once did anyone get frustrated. Not once did anyone complain about dying or taking too long. I've actually started feeling like I understand the mechanics enough to relax a little and focus more on my druiding skills. It's really been a blast!


If you are looking for a good-natured group of people who CAN do all the content in the game, but still manage to keep it fun and accessible to everyone... THIS is the guild you're looking for. ;)


If you'd like to know more, you can check out our full recruitment post [HERE](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1406/tc-na-pvx-rp-raid-training-remnants-of-hope-hope "HERE") or apply [on our website](http://www.remnantsofhope.com "on our website"). Feel free to message me in-game or on our forums (I'm Siscia over there) if you have other questions or would like to chat! :)

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That's the issue I'm finding with I'd say 90% of guilds that I read about. Most guilds are EST focused that have a few people active during PST times. I'm looking for a PST focused guild that way the timing of events is more PST friendly than not. I have tried a few, but it feels like when I sign in 2 hours after reset most people are winding down for the night and that's not what I'm looking for atm.

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