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Wing 5 Eye event tactics

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I heard that this event can be done not just the "normal" way by dividing for 2 groups but also much more faster,using mesmer portals. When we tried this with my raid group we damaged 1 eye with 9 men (1 for throwing orbs) leaving him like 5%, then went to another side,but when we got there we received huge damage and died. Couldn't even reach the 2nd eye. So can some1 explain how to do this tactics properly.

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Most groups just split the group into 3. 4-4-2, 2 people throw light orbs, 1 for each side. The other groups split up and kill the eyes, remember that they need to die within 30s of each other.

Some pointers:


- Bring a chrono with paralysation sigil, that allows you to perma stun the eye with the orbs so they never teleport.

- Use a squad marker to mark the eye in case it does port.

- Use power dps, get weavers to go air and use their kc staves.

- Be extremely careful of the Minotaur aoe ring, if someone steps inside it they will aggro on the group.

- Use light to stun and dps down the Minotaur before anything else if it is aggro'd.


Honestly massive dps beats anything else here, having a bit of cleave to help clear the thieves is always nice too.

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Oh sorry I misread, yeah idk about that tactic. Even when we did CM there we had a margin of error of just under 1 minute and it was in a non optimal comp. Like that wasn't a massive concern for us that we really considered portal.


My understanding is mostly that portal can be used for emergencies, if you use it as a primary tactic you also need to be concerned about the eye regenerating while you're on the other side.

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Something like this:

- Three people go up - one being a chrono

- Seven other players move to the first eye

- Start the fight, grab lights, set the first portal

- Fly down to the first eye

- Throw lights, burst it down to 5-10%

- Use the portal to get everyone up

- Grab more lights

- Set the second portal

- Fly down to the other side, second eye

- Throw lights, kill the second eye

- Portal back up

- Grab lights again

- Set another portal (just in case something goes wrong)

- Fly down to the first eye again

- Throw lights, kill it to finish the encounter


The strategy is quite reliable if done right. Eyes do not have time to regenerate if you are quick. Neither will you take damage. Portal up instantly if they start jumping.

Don't follow, do additional portals instead. You might want to bring one healing druid just in case you do take damage if something goes wrong. Having one of the chronomancers carry a paralyzation sigil to do all of the throwing is a good tip also. Take the lights down with you. Leave them on the ground for the chrono.

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Last one is good, but you forgot some good advices!

1. First advice, when you portal up, and have to fly to 2nd eye, then 3 eye, you have to fly all together, and not directly to the eye, instead you fly to a wall, remember, that eye it isn't stunned, and that's why you get almost instant downed! The best is if the druid has elite spirit if you are noobs, but every good Druid should know by now that elite spirit is meta in raids!

2. Second advice, is to trow at start 3 lights, have 2 people appointed who stuns the eye, after the 3 light at start, first eye, you begin to go to 7%! If you do it like this, the eye won't disappear!

3. It is the best tactic to have 2 chrono and 1 druid up, always, the druid is fast, and can trow fast, doesn't die up there. The chronos change every time with portals, 1 remains up in every phase with the druid!

4. If you've done everything right, then the eyes won't jump anywhere, you kill them on the starting spot! At phase 3 eye with 7% sometimes can jump to another location, it is good if you mark them with alt shift number!


I've done the 5 min achievement without cheating! This achievement is harder then Dhumm CM, if you don't cheat! But we all know many cheated with logging out then back, now you can't! They should be ripped from Voice in the void and do it again!

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You obviously move as one and there is no reason to leave anyone above but do whatever works for you.

Is the achievement really considered to be that hard that people had to use bugs or glitches? I know about the exact progress of half a dozen statics which ended up getting Voice in the Void, not including those popular guilds going public. Everyone did it without cheating. I was even there to help out some of those.

Don't follow the pug scene enough to be aware of every way to use bugs, I suppose.

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