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Bug: Gathering Tool Count Reset to 0 [merged]

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> @"Nash.2681" said:

> Any update on when ppl will get their gathering tools refunded? Though neither my wife nor myself had big losses, it would be nice to see A.Net keeping word and sends affected players tools to substitute the lost ones :)


Did you create a ticket for the issue? Other than resetting the count on affected tools, the process is not automatic and requires a CS Ticket (Support link above/below).


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Nash.2681" said:

> > Any update on when ppl will get their gathering tools refunded? Though neither my wife nor myself had big losses, it would be nice to see A.Net keeping word and sends affected players tools to substitute the lost ones :)


> Did you create a ticket for the issue? Other than resetting the count on affected tools, the process is not automatic and requires a CS Ticket (Support link above/below).


> Good luck.

Since Gaile said several times on paige 1 that they'd fix/undo the mess by themselves I did not submit a support ticket. Also I don't see a "you have to submit a ticket" note anywhere, just a guess from "Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" that this might be the way to go.

A quick official note on this would be nice :)

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> @"Nash.2681" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Nash.2681" said:

> > > Any update on when ppl will get their gathering tools refunded? Though neither my wife nor myself had big losses, it would be nice to see A.Net keeping word and sends affected players tools to substitute the lost ones :)

> >

> > Did you create a ticket for the issue? Other than resetting the count on affected tools, the process is not automatic and requires a CS Ticket (Support link above/below).

> >

> > Good luck.

> Since Gaile said several times on paige 1 that they'd fix/undo the mess by themselves I did not submit a support ticket. Also I don't see a "you have to submit a ticket" note anywhere, just a guess from "Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" that this might be the way to go.

> A quick official note on this would be nice :)


From official News and Announcements: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33932/gathering-tool-bug#latest


_...We recently completed a new build that corrected the problem and also did a one-time restoration of all consumable gathering tools to their maximum number of charges for affected players._


_Unfortunately, the new build did not fix tools that were fully consumed during the time the bug was live. For those cases, our Customer Service Team will be mailing out replacement tools once we can ascertain the breadth of the problem...._


You are correct that the announcement does not specifically state that a ticket is required; I think you'd be better served creating one rather than hoping the CS Team checks every character in the playerbase that was online during that time to determine if they used a gathering tool affected more than once. That could take a very long time. (I, personally, thought that restoring every tool I had in inventory and the bank to full use-count more than offset the 2 or 3 that disappeared before I noticed something was amiss.)


Of course, it's up to you. Good luck.

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