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Revenant in PvP


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I now learning how to play revenant in pvp. On metabattle I saw that he is in good tier. After patch he can be higher. What I not understand is, that rev in pvp looks really bad, I barely reach top stats or play properly (even with great focus and guides of exp revs I can't stand against this meta). BUT, many ppl saying that Herald is strong and meta. So is it only my l2p issue why I am bad in pvp or rev is really underpowered in pvp. You can give me some tips how to stand against some classes. Thanks

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atm the only semi meta for rev is herald power rev.

try not to fight 1v1 versus condi class like mesmer or necro. fight in a group is the key.

you have good burst dmg but you need to learn the rotations

dont spam skills rather wait for the right moment while building nrg.

and if you have 1v1 push them hard to defense mode so you'll have the upper hand

atm its high curve learning so take your time. and also the key is to lurn other class key skills and animation

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Try to use 600-450 range skills first as you are safer from range. Save surge of the mists for interrupting enemy skills with long cast times. But ultimately one of the key things that separates a good rev from a bad rev is his energy and cooldown management. When you add all the evade frames, glint heal and staff block, it has a relatively high uptime on i-frames. You must cycle through all of them and wait for cooldowns out of line of sight if necessary. Also, if your energy is not 0 - 20 when you are legend swapping, then you are not using rev to its full potential. Overall condi is not prominent in pvp right now so we are in a better spot compared to 2 seasons ago.

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> @"David.5974" said:


> So is it only my l2p issue why I am bad in pvp or rev is really underpowered in pvp. You can give me some tips how to stand against some classes.


Honestly, both. You have to really know what you're doing in PvP to play Rev... And yes, the past few patches have made things a little better for us, but it's still a crazy uphill battle--especially if yer solo queueing.


Some quick tips tho to get you started are to try to roam, decap, and +1 fights... This is where Rev actually shines due to it's decent mobility and better than most other classes ganking skills--you're VERY strong as a +1 coming into a fight with your instant 25 might/aoe boon burst/hard and soft cc's... If you're able to successfully do this all game, you're probably going to have an easy win.


If do find yourself more team fighting tho, you want to hang back, assess what's going on, and assassinate high priority targets.

Quick examples of what I try to accomplish in a team fight:

- Use PT to get onto any ranged assassin on the other team and take them out of the picture, freeing up my team's scourges to go to town on the point.

- Focus the enemy scourge(s) to force him into playing defensively and/or make him lose LoS of his shades, alleviating his point pressure for the rest of my team.

- Jump on their thiefs as soon as they come out of stealth trying to +1.

- Cleave downs/Use Facet of Chaos to stop power rezes.

- Maybe rez a teammate if I have Facet of Light off cd... If not, try to rally them.

- Just stay alive. Quite often people just focus the rev... So if you just save your energy to kite them around and rotate iframes, you're team will usually do the rest and easily win the fight--so long as you don't die.


Good luck out there, rev's a tough class, but it's also super fun and gets you into that try hard spirit...!

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  • 1 month later...

> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"David.5974" said:


> > So is it only my l2p issue why I am bad in pvp or rev is really underpowered in pvp. You can give me some tips how to stand against some classes.


> Honestly, both. You have to really know what you're doing in PvP to play Rev... And yes, the past few patches have made things a little better for us, but it's still a crazy uphill battle--especially if yer solo queueing.


> Some quick tips tho to get you started are to try to roam, decap, and +1 fights... This is where Rev actually shines due to it's decent mobility and better than most other classes ganking skills--you're VERY strong as a +1 coming into a fight with your instant 25 might/aoe boon burst/hard and soft cc's... If you're able to successfully do this all game, you're probably going to have an easy win.


> If do find yourself more team fighting tho, you want to hang back, assess what's going on, and assassinate high priority targets.

> Quick examples of what I try to accomplish in a team fight:

> - Use PT to get onto any ranged assassin on the other team and take them out of the picture, freeing up my team's scourges to go to town on the point.

> - Focus the enemy scourge(s) to force him into playing defensively and/or make him lose LoS of his shades, alleviating his point pressure for the rest of my team.

> - Jump on their thiefs as soon as they come out of stealth trying to +1.

> - Cleave downs/Use Facet of Chaos to stop power rezes.

> - Maybe rez a teammate if I have Facet of Light off cd... If not, try to rally them.

> - Just stay alive. Quite often people just focus the rev... So if you just save your energy to kite them around and rotate iframes, you're team will usually do the rest and easily win the fight--so long as you don't die.


> Good luck out there, rev's a tough class, but it's also super fun and gets you into that try hard spirit...!


Hey can u tell is metabattle build ok or is there some option better? https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Power_Shiro

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> @"IliaDN.2436" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > @"David.5974" said:

> >

> > > So is it only my l2p issue why I am bad in pvp or rev is really underpowered in pvp. You can give me some tips how to stand against some classes.

> >

> > Honestly, both. You have to really know what you're doing in PvP to play Rev... And yes, the past few patches have made things a little better for us, but it's still a crazy uphill battle--especially if yer solo queueing.

> >

> > Some quick tips tho to get you started are to try to roam, decap, and +1 fights... This is where Rev actually shines due to it's decent mobility and better than most other classes ganking skills--you're VERY strong as a +1 coming into a fight with your instant 25 might/aoe boon burst/hard and soft cc's... If you're able to successfully do this all game, you're probably going to have an easy win.

> >

> > If do find yourself more team fighting tho, you want to hang back, assess what's going on, and assassinate high priority targets.

> > Quick examples of what I try to accomplish in a team fight:

> > - Use PT to get onto any ranged assassin on the other team and take them out of the picture, freeing up my team's scourges to go to town on the point.

> > - Focus the enemy scourge(s) to force him into playing defensively and/or make him lose LoS of his shades, alleviating his point pressure for the rest of my team.

> > - Jump on their thiefs as soon as they come out of stealth trying to +1.

> > - Cleave downs/Use Facet of Chaos to stop power rezes.

> > - Maybe rez a teammate if I have Facet of Light off cd... If not, try to rally them.

> > - Just stay alive. Quite often people just focus the rev... So if you just save your energy to kite them around and rotate iframes, you're team will usually do the rest and easily win the fight--so long as you don't die.

> >

> > Good luck out there, rev's a tough class, but it's also super fun and gets you into that try hard spirit...!


> Hey can u tell is metabattle build ok or is there some option better? https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Power_Shiro


Yep, that's pretty standard stuff... What would I do differently? Sigil of Escape instead of Cleansing on the Staff in like 99% of the matches... I think Fallibility on swords is a bit of a waste (I'd use exploitation instead). Brutality *is* the popular choice now, but the other two Devastation GM traits still have their uses too--Swift Termination is good if you're team doesn't have a thief or a mirage and you're the sole +1 and/or if the other team has a lot of squishies and Assassin's Annihilation is good against people stacking toughness and for a self-sustain boost.


But yeah, that guide kind of covers a lot and is a really good starting point. But don't be afraid to make changes based on your personal preferences and experiences as you play.

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What Cryptic said. In addition to that, identify when you are easy prey for the enemy team. Revenant is somewhere around second of third class easiest to focus down and kill (So if you are without Necro on your team, expect to be the first target), being a rather glassy dps once your dragon heal is down - fully expect players to try to hunt you down once they see you're out of it. Mentioned evade frames will help you out with it, but learning some basic non-port spots and being ready to get to them will boost your survivability - especially against thieves and other revenants. General rule is that most standalone objects such as boxes, rocks etc. count as non-port spots.


The reward for all those troubles is having easily the most damage out of all the heavy classes and some of the best damage when +1ing in general and great mobility with shadowsteps. Revenant ideally takes the role of an assassin in the match, moving between fights and aiming to quickly score kills - you can also hold or win some 1v1s, although that's rather risky and not perfect.


I've included a bunch of videos for you containing relevant guides and information for starting as Revenant. If there are other non-outdated resources apart from twitch streams, others are free to add them as well.


Also, as far as build goes, go for assassin's annihilation grandmaster in devastation over brutality unless you are confident you'll be able to autoattack in melee a lot.


Have fun!




- If you would like to know more about your role and rotations - This video will explain all the basics.


- Although a bit outdated - meta build uses reworked OH sword over axe right now+some other small things have changed - this video will contain a lot useful information for new revenant players.


- This video will cover Forest and Legacy maps non-port spots.
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