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All For One


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Am I the only one or is this trait somewhat underwhelming compared to the other Master Traits? Heartpiecer would be a must if you're running condi bow because of the extra bleed damage and target coverage while Sudden Reversal works better if you're playing more power/bruiser oriented builds. I'm on the impression that All For One is more of a support/utility kinda trait but I think it could be a lot better than just having 4 seconds of protection on nearby allies. What I propose is that instead of warband members giving protection to nearby allies on summon they instead give nearby allies 1 stack of Lesser Kalla's Fervor at a 1 second interval to allies within the Warband summon's AoE. So long as the Warband summon is actively using their ability it'll apply the stacks of Lesser Kalla's fervor to nearby allies.


Functionally Lesser Kalla's Fervor is identical to it's regular counterpart by stacking intensity and refreshing it's duration, having a maximum of 5 stacks that last for 8 seconds however it'll only provide 20 Ferocity and 1% condition damage per stack instead of it's normal amount. I want it be Lesser Kalla's Fervor so I can keep it completely seperate from interactions on the traitline to make things easier for the sake of balance. The reasoning for this change is to give Renegade an extra oomph in it's supporting capabilities and with Lesser Kalla's fervor it might incentivise people to gather around your summons for an extra damage buff. Especially for Razorclaw's Rage as people really don't get any benefits to within it's AoE other than minor bleed damage kinda like how venoms work but not mobile at all.


But I guess the biggest concern I'd have about it is that whether or not Lesser Kalla's Fervor should apply to the Renegade itself or not. I'm kinda leaning more towards the idea that it shouldn't apply to yourself and other Renegades but I'm not entirely sure if that can be programmed into the game since I don't know much about how the engine works and whatnot. The only other ideas I have on how to make the Warband summons more interesting is if All For One applied extra or improved effects or if you wanna go with the most simple change, maybe they can apply super speed to yourself on summon keeping up with the whole theme of Renegade being a "mobile skirmisher" spec that anet originally stated. (I may not be right about that statement, if so feel free to correct me.)


But these are just my thoughts on the trait itself really, if you got any criticisms or any other ideas on what you think All For One should do by all means post here. I just wanted to get some discussion on it going. This is just my attempt on improving Renegade without going into completely reworking the spec.

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