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Now we have chairs, Whats next?

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> @"Skekzyz.1458" said:

> Still can't use Tab targeting to select the one I want in less than 5 clicks, but I can sit in a chair.

> Still can't see what I'm targeting even if I have the right one targeted, but I can sit in a chair.

> Still can't change what the mouse buttons do in Action Camera, but I can sit in a chair.

> Still can't put a consumable into a slot that is key-bindable, but I can sit in a chair.

> Still can't move important UI elements like skills or target info, but I can sit in a chair.

> Still can't save a build template without third party software, but I can sit in a chair.

> Still can't use incredibly expensive gathering tools on any character, any time I want, have to move them around constantly, but I can sit in a chair.

> Still only have one truly viable option to make sure I'm seeing the location of the one thing I really want to keep track of in a Charlie Foxtrot of visuals on my screen, but I can sit in a chair.




Use the pointer to select somewhere, right click, select 'sit' from the pie menu .... and end up doing a headstand at the other end of the couch. Oh, I was thinking of second life when some new creator forgot to include pose scripts/prims.

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