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Best Thing to Do With My Druid.

Sephia Sky.4957

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I just got my druid full specs and decided to try WvW. I feel that my druid is a useless support class. Here are things I don't like


* I don't know what Celestial Avatar is doing since I can only them for a brief moment. Removing condition is useless since other players can spam condition damage. And, I don't think it can heal.

* All I do is run away. Other builds just either came at me whirling bashing or just put lots of AoE DOT condition damage underneath me and I am dead in a few seconds.

* Staff, Bow etc., looks inferior with this build. I can't deal any decent damage. I am not sure if they are blocking or using a defensive skill that doesn't have the cooldown.



I added more condition points to my build. And, that seems to work taking out points except for large forts. It seems that this build is much suitable for roaming but if I am new to WvW, I don't think the developer expect me to 1vX or 1v1 right away. I did try roaming but most of the time I encounter veteran roamer or maybe highly gear or someone using a broken build. I am playing with my main character most of the time, so, it would take time for me to try a different class and level up for WvW. I feel that the developer didn't really think about Druid for WvW, I hope they fix it.

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Druid is actually one of the top roaming classes. Good acces to stealth, a decent oh kitten bitton to remove stuns and condis, high sustain, good mobility, nice CC, baseline utility stunbreak with 20s CD, good amounts of condi remove, a pet that annoys enemies and deals dmg and distract them. With the core toolkit to gain decent amounts of protection and heals.


As you stated you just start playing it, so i suggest that you look at recommended builds and practice with them. You can even try 1v1 or 2v2 in custom PvP matches to gain a feeling for it.

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if you do not know how druid works i can explan it for you so its easy to under stand. you stated that you did not know what the avitar form does its like the necros litch form but instead of condi you heal and do some cc its good for group play. you say that longbow is week in this form but you still have the longest range in the game so you are still very strong no question about it. it does sound like ether you do now know how to play ranger/ druid or you just want to oneshot everyone and feel like a good. if you run full zerker druid you can 3 to 5 shot most players and you will almost take no damage at all so rangers are soo strong in wvw just saying your not good with one just means you dont have the mind set for it yet. for the druid ranger you work good in solo and in group play and will rule the battlefield in all areas . if you like to heal use staff and you can heal the group without geting into close combate. if you want more of a solo dps build to make players run from you then you can go soulbeast(sb) and use smockscale and whatch everyone freack out when you act like a rev and use your ranger skills. you have to remember that druid is a support build that can do good dps in wvw so its strong for most stuff.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> if you do not know how druid works i can explan it for you so its easy to under stand. you stated that you did not know what the avitar form does its like the necros litch form but instead of condi you heal and do some cc its good for group play. you say that longbow is week in this form but you still have the longest range in the game so you are still very strong no question about it. it does sound like ether you do now know how to play ranger/ druid or you just want to oneshot everyone and feel like a good. if you run full zerker druid you can 3 to 5 shot most players and you will almost take no damage at all so rangers are soo strong in wvw just saying your not good with one just means you dont have the mind set for it yet. for the druid ranger you work good in solo and in group play and will rule the battlefield in all areas . if you like to heal use staff and you can heal the group without geting into close combate. if you want more of a solo dps build to make players run from you then you can go soulbeast(sb) and use smockscale and whatch everyone freack out when you act like a rev and use your ranger skills. you have to remember that druid is a support build that can do good dps in wvw so its strong for most stuff.


I don't think I have soulbeast. And, I don't plan on buying PoF expansion. Longest range, maybe, but it doesn't really feel very strong.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

>if you run full zerker druid you can 3 to 5 shot most players and you will almost take no damage at all so rangers are soo strong in wvw just saying your not good with one just means you dont have the mind set for it yet.



OMG, I want that build who make Druid 3-5 shot most players and that without taking damage ... please, please, can you give me that IMBA build ?

Ofc I was joking ... in WvW if you are running zerker druid you are dead before or after you kill someone ... and this happen in a group fight ... in 1 vs 1 ranger (even it's core, druid or soulbeast) you can't do nothing if you meet a warrior, mesmer or perma deadeye. Pls don't say such things and don't make new players to dream illusions.


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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Belishine.7493" said:

> >if you run full zerker druid you can 3 to 5 shot most players and you will almost take no damage at all so rangers are soo strong in wvw just saying your not good with one just means you dont have the mind set for it yet.

> >


> OMG, I want that build who make Druid 3-5 shot most players and that without taking damage ... please, please, can you give me that IMBA build ?

> Ofc I was joking ... in WvW if you are running zerker druid you are dead before or after you kill someone ... and this happen in a group fight ... in 1 vs 1 ranger (even it's core, druid or soulbeast) you can't do nothing if you meet a warrior, mesmer or perma deadeye. Pls don't say such things and don't make new players to dream illusions.


this sums up my experience in wvw.


Warrior nerfs to pasive traits didnt seem to hit wvw so ranger is useless against any perma block \ endure warrior.


I'd like to hear anytime how the balance \ design team thought a ranger in any spec can fight any perma block \ endure pain warrior in zerker gear with gs + axe\shield.

An not, kitting doesn't work against someone who reflect \doesn't recive any damage for 15 every 18 seconds (or such).



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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> this sums up my experience in wvw.


> Warrior nerfs to pasive traits didnt seem to hit wvw so ranger is useless against any perma block \ endure warrior.


Even in sPVP with so called nerf, warrior still have a lots of block/endure etc like this patch didn't touched him. If before I could kill a warrior in sPVP, now I can't. The only way is to kite him forever, and yes I don't die, but I can't kill him neither, and in the end he will take the node, because he doesn't need to run out from the node to survive, like ranger should.


> I'd like to hear anytime how the balance \ design team thought a ranger in any spec can fight any perma block \ endure pain warrior in zerker gear with gs + axe\shield.

> An not, kitting doesn't work against someone who reflect \doesn't recive any damage for 15 every 18 seconds (or such).


In WvW , because nerf didn't touch so hard the ranger, I can kill a warrior. Let's hope they will not bring sPVP nerf to WvW too ... at least not in this way.



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> @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> Best thing to do for learning the celestial avatar skills is probably to refer to the wiki entry on them since there's very limited time when transformed to read the in-game tooltips: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celestial_Avatar.


^This. They should put in the listings and descriptions for avatar skills and avatar glyphs like they did with Soulbeast within the pet menu.

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> @"Sephia Sky.4957" said:

> I just got my druid full specs and decided to try WvW. I feel that my druid is a useless support class. Here are things I don't like


> * I don't know what Celestial Avatar is doing since I can only them for a brief moment. Removing condition is useless since other players can spam condition damage. And, I don't think it can heal.

> * All I do is run away. Other builds just either came at me whirling bashing or just put lots of AoE DOT condition damage underneath me and I am dead in a few seconds.

> * Staff, Bow etc., looks inferior with this build. I can't deal any decent damage. I am not sure if they are blocking or using a defensive skill that doesn't have the cooldown.



> I added more condition points to my build. And, that seems to work taking out points except for large forts. It seems that this build is much suitable for roaming but if I am new to WvW, I don't think the developer expect me to 1vX or 1v1 right away. I did try roaming but most of the time I encounter veteran roamer or maybe highly gear or someone using a broken build. I am playing with my main character most of the time, so, it would take time for me to try a different class and level up for WvW. I feel that the developer didn't really think about Druid for WvW, I hope they fix it.


How long have you been playing Gw2? How long have you played Ranger? And it's level 80?


You need to learn how to play and play a solid spec with good gear.

The easiest way is to practice in unranked pvp where you will get many fights.

Or you can practice npc's or better yet, the npc's in pvp area. Can you pull 3 and kill all 3?


I play lb sw/wh.

The sword 2 gives 2 leaps.

You can leap in and out of smoke fields for stealth and repositioning.

sw 3 is an evade and poison


The warhorn gives extra damage, a heal and a blast in smoke field for stealth.


Longbow has dmg, range, a knockback an aoe and a stealth--to reposition.


Going into Celestial avatar removes all the condis

2 provides a blind

3 a daze

4 a heal

and 5 aoe dmg


So add all this together, and you can open up on a target wh 5, wh4, swap to longbow, rapid fire, in addition to pet's damage, then pop lb 3 and stealth---and now the funs getting started.


Use your sw to reposition

Use your celestial to clear condis, heal, blind and reposition to open up again with the rapid fire, pet etc.


utilities you should be using

troll Unguent for your heal

quick zephyr or lightning reflexes

signet of renewal (clears 13 condis)-a 2nd full condi clear

Entangle or strength of the pack



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@"EnderzShadow.2506 thanks for the info! 5v5 unranked pvp seems to be more balance compare to WvW but I am still honing my pvp skills. I can see that I am really dealing damage versus my opponent. I can make a kill on 1v1 if the other player is too aggressive. Yes, kitten someone really an advantage when you are dealing enough damage. I'll try this build you given me.



@all Can you guys help me understand how gears affect a character in WvW compare to unranked pvp? I have full condi exotic armor/weapon set with 2 purple accessories(the one you buy with Laurel currency). Thanks in advance!

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> @"Sephia Sky.4957" said:

> @"EnderzShadow.2506 thanks for the info! 5v5 unranked pvp seems to be more balance compare to WvW but I am still honing my pvp skills. I can see that I am really dealing damage versus my opponent. I can make a kill on 1v1 if the other player is too aggressive. Yes, kitten someone really an advantage when you are dealing enough damage. I'll try this build you given me.



> @all Can you guys help me understand how gears affect a character in WvW compare to unranked pvp? I have full condi exotic armor/weapon set with 2 purple accessories(the one you buy with Laurel currency). Thanks in advance!


WvW uses the gear you have aquired with full stats and possibly more if your server has minor or major bloodlust(world buff for all on your server) for the realm. PvP is completely based on an amulet of your choice and the rune you choose to determine your stats. Your armor and trinkets are wrapped into this one amulet. This said you can go into the same match with white gear or exotic/ascended your stats are the same regardless. Additionally, food and utility buffs do not work in PvP, but they do in WvW.

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> @"Sephia Sky.4957" said:

> @"EnderzShadow.2506 thanks for the info! 5v5 unranked pvp seems to be more balance compare to WvW but I am still honing my pvp skills. I can see that I am really dealing damage versus my opponent. I can make a kill on 1v1 if the other player is too aggressive. Yes, kitten someone really an advantage when you are dealing enough damage. I'll try this build you given me.



> @all Can you guys help me understand how gears affect a character in WvW compare to unranked pvp? I have full condi exotic armor/weapon set with 2 purple accessories(the one you buy with Laurel currency). Thanks in advance!


Your gear you have equipped on your character only effects stats in pve and wvw.


In PvP, like kilrik said, its your pvp amulet, Rune and weapon sigils. You will see a Button, Top Middle of your screen that says "PvP Build"


Condi based builds for Ranger in pvp aren't typically very strong.


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> @"Sephia Sky.4957" said:

> * I don't know what Celestial Avatar is doing


That's why you're losing to people that er, actually know what they're doing. Take a second to either practice momentarily in PvE/PvP or just read the wiki for 30 seconds. CA is druid's defining feature.


If you don't know what you're doing you're going to lose if you know what you're doing you'll likely win.


Young gamers, sheesh.

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