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NEW power rev PVP WVW


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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > > here is the video dps testing and herald compare

> > > > >

> > > > > as you will see sb aa dps can be 3k

> > > > > you can get fast might stacks even if they corrupted and weakness 50% less effective on you with retribution

> > > > > the sb enable you to pressure from range and with 3 conditions on the enemy will force him to cleanse

> > > > > jalis give stability ,15% dmg reduction, weakness and 50% condition dmg reduction from elite.

> > > > > its not 1v1 build although can be doable but its more team fight.

> > > > > herald big advantage is swiftness and less nrg management. renegade more endurance bit more dmg and dmg on point versus down enemy

> > > > > vh does 1.5k dps which is huge and IO does 2k dps.

> > > > > infuse light only work in wvw zerg for 3 sec and than you die either way so just be careful in the first place. and attacj with sb.

> > > > > you can take staff instead of sb if you need more cleanse block and evade

> > > > > herald doesnt give any survivability either from trait line. and hammer is slow in pvp while jalis give stability on point, aoe dps, and cc

> > > > >

> > > > > hope you like it

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I could write a lengthy post about why this is wrong but honestly if you are playing this your mmr is so low you only go up against other people playing silly nonsense so more power to you. Play whatever you want.

> > > >

> > > > But please for all mercy don't ever step foot with this in ranked. If you want to play renegade then play Jalis + shiro power renegade - which is not an optimal build either but it's at least playable and can do stuff. What you have posted here does no stuff and will die to a competent player in seconds.

> > >

> > > i have posted jalis shiro..... for pvp

> > > in wvw i use kalla with the elite and small fights its amazing when focus fire from range....

> > >

> > > also as ppl told me the same with bunker ventari long before it was meta (and other class build like condi thief and condi mesmer and more) i hope it will take the same direction.... :D who knows

> >

> > To be fair, Bunker Ventari was never "meta," not even when Expulsion had a 2 second cooldown... It was simply a gimmick build that infuriated Bunker Scrappers/Tempests, but it was easily countered by good players with any sort of dps or by bunker guards/druids.

> >

> > I wouldn't call it most effective at bunkering or even most effective at playing Rev. It was just another cheese master one-trick that worked well in lower tiers and was annoying at best in Plat and above--kind of like condi dd, it's funny you mention that one too.


> you call meta not gimmick? evade mesmer or evade s/d thief or perma resistance warrior or perma condi proc aoe scourge or mesmer ... every class has meta cause it has some unique ability they are using to be the upper hand. but its you point of view while its mine.

> i think it was meta but so short cause anet immediately nerf it cause it used for something they didnt intend to. they want ventari to be healer not bunker. and condi thief i used s/d never liked dd ... if you see every build i am using anet is nerfing ..... LOL


S/D Thief, Breaker, Mirage, and Scourge are all meta classes because they are the OPPOSITE of a gimmicky build. They have a lot of different tools that they can bring to the game, can do a ton of counter play, and aren't easily countered themselves due to their adaptability. I mean, I guess you can argue that Scourge is kind of gimmicky because all they do is boon corrupt and point control and are relatively easy to counter, but the two things that they do well are so important to conquest that it doesn't even matter because point control is the most important aspect of that game mode and they rule that with an iron fist.


I say Ventari Bunker was a gimmick build because the ONLY thing it brought to the table was being able to spam energy expulsion to decap points. Yes, it had heals and cleanses, but not enough to endlessly bunker like Guards/Temps/Druids could in that meta... They were still relatively easy to kill, even 1v1--let alone in a team fight. And even if they pushed a bunker off the point, they couldn't stay on it long enough to fully cap it themselves if there was any sort of offensive pressure around. The only thing that they really countered well were Scrappers that were trying to do the same thing with Tornado form, because it was the exact same game plan only better.


Meta builds are inherently ungimmicky, because something that relies on only one move (like pistol/pistol thief) is insanely easy to counter/play around once you know how, and then they are essentially worthless to their team once everyone see's what they're trying to do.

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