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[Suggestion] Crimson Assassin tokens and Kaiser Snake weapons

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So with this year's release of SAB the only "fresh" things are donating coins to Doobort, the race and the Nostalgia thing achievement (which are all great). Thing is, once we have gotten all the blue, green and yellow weapons, the ones that remain for collection (crimson assassin and kaiser snake) are both tied to dailies only. This is kinda sad since it gives us no choice on how to go for these weapons, and it also makes tribulation mode a pointless endeavor once you have the green and yellow skins. I would like to suggest that at least one of these two sets, preferably both, could be bought with tokens (red ones are already bought like that even), but that the tokens could be acquired by exchanging for tribulation tokens from worlds 1 and 2 rather than only acquirable through the daily system. Maybe we could even have Z-1, Z-2 and Z-3 crimson and/or kaiser tokens that required one Z-x from each of worlds 1 and 2 respectively, added to the mystic forge design item. I believe that would be a fine way of increasing replay value for tribulation mode. What do you guys think?

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They could make Frog Weapon + Wizard Weapon + Basic Blue Weapon + X = Snake or Assassin Weapon, but it doesn't solve anything in the long run. Once you allso get those, Tribulation Mode becomes useless again.

What we definitely need is some way to monetize baubles and/or tribulation tokens (apart from obsidians and mystic forge shit).

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