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Returning player looking for home! (NA, EST Time, QC is a +)


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Hell[o](https://gph.is/2s4rv0N "o") there,


I will have a brand new computer in the coming weeks and I plan to come back to Guild Wars 2.

However, I already know that I am going to be completely lost as the game has changed considerably during the past months but above all, I moved from Paris (FR) to Montreal (QC). That means new server yay !


Can you please tell me which server would be more interesting for me? Meaning: EST Time, with high population (or at least, highly active)? Also, if you know a server with QC guilds, that would be great. I don't know if it helps but I am more WwW-achievements-friendly&matureguild oriented.


Thanks a lot for your help,

I can't wait to play with you again!





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