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Guide to improve in PvP.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> 8. Make endless threads about the 1 class that can beat you until it's nerfed.

> 9. After the nerf and you start winning, tell everyone your class isn't OP but they need to L2P instead.



That's the standard procedure.

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Ive been thinkinng about this a lot lately and here’s my two cents: if you truly want to improve in pvp there’s a couple of harsh realities you need to accept. 1: You can’t win every game. Stop taking a loss personal. 2: People will be toxic. Doesn’t matter if you win, lose, its close or its a 5vX. Some people will say things to trigger a response from either you or someone else. Stop this timewaste. Don’t engage here. The only thing you have to use /t for is simple direcional communication, sometimes even a ping can do this job. And finally 3: when you do lose massively and your teammate is bitching on you in chat. Learn to dissociate yourself from this, try to see the entire match from a larger perspective and start looking ONLY at what YOU could have done differently to swing a game your way. You can’t control teammates so stop wasting energy on trying to do so.

Being the best isn’t just about winning, it’s at least 50% about giving our personal best and doing whatever you can to save the day!

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